Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2509 Catch me alive

Chapter 2509 Catch me alive

Everyone was a little worried about annihilating the chief rudder of Guiyong Dao. Laohua suggested that Li Banxian do a divination to see if we could defeat the chief rudder of Guiyong Dao this time. In the end, Master Huijue rejected it. Master Huijue said that planning such a big event will definitely cause great damage to your cultivation, and if not done well, your vitality will be damaged.

Furthermore, the outcome of this kind of thing is the same whether we know it or not. If they know we can win, everyone will feel slack. If they know we will lose, they will have no confidence.It's better not to know anything, and to work together to do our best.

What Master Huijue said seems to be very reasonable. Just as the old man said, some things are really better to know than not to know.

After handling this matter, the next thing is a long wait. Every day, Zhou Yiyang will sit cross-legged on the ground, close his eyes, and look like the old god is there.

He did this by sensing the other party's actions and words through the thousand-year-old Gu on Zhao Chen. After three days in a row, Zhou Yiyang told us that Zhao Chen behaved normally, and there was no To betray our will.

On the third day, the transmitting note on my chest suddenly started to react. After I took it out, the transmitting note started to burn. From there came the deep voice of Master Qingshan. He followed me. He said that now thousands of masters from various sects in the rivers and lakes have gathered and have arrived at Linyuan. They have also found the boats of the Changyou people and are preparing to cross the black water abyss to Dahuang City.

The fishing boats used by Changyou are much larger than the normal boats outside, because Zhang Youren's back is almost twice as big as that of ordinary people. I heard that the real master has brought thousands of masters here, and I don't know how many boats will be used. .

As long as we reach Linyuan and go faster, we will definitely be able to reach Dahuang City in two days.

Everyone discussed it and decided to proceed according to the normal plan.

Late at night two days later, everyone said goodbye to Zhao Tianyi and came to the place they had made an appointment with Zhao Chen.

That place is in a forest dozens of kilometers away from the gathering place of the Yilao tribe. The grass is deep and the forest is dense. It is indeed a suitable place to hide.

After arriving in the forest, it took everyone a long time to find the hidden cave that Zhao Chen told us. This cave is indeed very hidden. The mountain is full of weeds, blocking the entrance of the cave. It took us a lot of effort to find it.Everyone didn't think much and went straight into the cave.

Then, Zhou Yiyang released the Thousand-Year Gu and asked it to help us find out the news.

We made an appointment with Zhao Chen. Today, Zhao Chen will bring people from Guiyong Road to this forest to search for our whereabouts.

Then, we pretended to have a fight with the people brought by Zhao Chen, pretended to be defeated, and then were captured alive by them and brought back to Dahuang City. We then tried to find a way to escape and find Ziba and Wanzhang Cave.

The plan is very good, but I don't know if it will go as we imagined once it happens.

Today we are going to fight to the death with Gui Yongdao, but I still feel a little uneasy for no reason. Whether I can survive or not, the fate of the entire world depends on this day.

Thousand-Year Gu went out for most of the day and did not come back. Zhou Yiyang sat cross-legged on the ground and said nothing.

Everyone waited a little restlessly from morning until two or three o'clock in the afternoon, but there was no movement there.

I even doubt that Zhao Chen may not be able to bring those people from Guiyong Road to this forest. After all, he is just a minion in the head of Guiyong Road and has no right to speak.

After waiting anxiously in the cave for more than an hour, Zhou Yang, who had been sitting on the ground, opened his eyes, looked at us with some excitement and said, "They are here..."

"How many people are here?" Monk Hua couldn't help but ask.

"It looks like there are more than 100 people. The Millennium Gu saw Zhao Chen, who is much stronger than the group of people who returned to the brave way from Lord Zhang that we met last time." Zhou Yiyang said.

"Big guy, start preparing. Big guy, kill four or fifty of them and then pretend to be defeated. You must do it calmly and don't let the other party find any flaws." My great-grandfather reminded everyone.

Next, everyone started to get busy, putting on human skin masks on their faces and dressing up.

Everyone here had just finished preparations when footsteps came from outside the cave, getting closer and closer to us.

After a while, I heard a familiar voice saying: "Everyone, come here and take a look... There is a cave here that can definitely hide people. Let's go in and have a look?"

This voice belonged to Zhao Chen, and he really brought the people from the Guiyong Road Chief Helm here.

As soon as they heard the news, everyone showed their magic weapons. However, this magic weapon was not our own, but an ordinary magic weapon that Zhao Tianyi found for us from the Yilao tribe. We told Gui Yong The person at the helm has been in contact with us more than once, and the other party can easily determine our identity through these magic weapons.

Those who were at the helm of Guiyong Road walked towards the depths of the cave, while we approached the entrance of the cave.

After a short while, the two sides collided with each other, and my great-great-grandfather shouted: "Kill!"

Immediately, everyone rushed down the mountain like tigers, rushing towards us. In one encounter, they chopped down seven or eight people on the other side to the ground, and then charged together and headed out of the cave.

After we rushed out of the cave, there was a dense crowd of people outside, at least a hundred people, including a few people riding Shuhu, who seemed to be of high rank.

Only people with lord status or above are equipped with mounts like Shuhuren. How can ordinary people get such treatment?

"There are people in the cave, no one can let them escape, catch them alive!" I don't know who shouted, and he quickly backed away from the people rushing into the cave.

And we rushed all the way out, right into the enemy's encirclement.

Everyone was disguised, and they looked to be about the same age. After rushing out, they all turned on each other, holding law enforcement weapons back to back, with a look of fear on their faces.

"People outside the city, listen up and put down the magical weapons in your hands obediently. You are already surrounded. If you continue to resist, you will only end up with your body broken into pieces!" A bald head riding on the body of a man from Shuo Lake was facing us. shouted loudly.

I looked towards the bald head, and the person standing next to him was Zhao Chen. He said to the bald head: "Liu Xianfeng, I said this place must be able to hide people. I was here when I was a child, and I knew there was a cave here. To think that they are really hiding here."

"Hahaha... Zhao Chen, you are a good boy. You have made great achievements this time. I will definitely put in a good word for you by Protector Peng's side." The bald man laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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