Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2515 1 must survive

Chapter 2515 Must Survive

There was a "stab" sound, and a cloud of white smoke came out, mixed with the smell of meat, and drifted towards us.

Yan Cuo let out a hysterical scream, and his whole body was shaking with pain.

When we got here and saw Yancuo in such miserable condition, we were all stunned and dumbfounded.

!How could Yancuo become like this?
All of this started because of us, if it wasn't for us, Yan Cuo would never have ended up like this.

Seeing the living Yan Cuo being cut up, the anger in his heart suddenly burned, and at the same time he was filled with endless self-blame.

Yan Cuo had a piece of flesh cut off, and he screamed like crazy in pain, "Kill me... give me a happy one... I beg you..."

"How can it be so easy to die if you want to? If you don't tell the truth, we will cut your flesh off every day until all you have left is your skeleton. Let's see how you keep talking so hard!"

"I really don't know... I don't know them either... Please let me go..." Yan Cuo begged.

"You don't know them, why are Lord Zhang and the people he brought with him killed, but you are still alive? To tell you the truth, just because of this, you won't survive!" The bald man said, and then turned to The soldering iron was pressed onto Chu Yancuo's body again.

There are 1 alpacas running in my heart right now. Just because Lord Zhang and others are dead, but Yan Cuo is still alive, such a punishment must be imposed. This kind of torture method is simply unheard of. Eating other people's flesh, and... Let others watch.

Maybe they never regarded Yan Cuo as a human being.

At the same moment, everyone stood there dumbly, and no one took a step forward.

"Hurry up and go!" The whip hit us again. It was painful, but it seemed that we had lost all sense of pain and just looked at Yan Cuo intently.

Attracted by the movement on our side, Yan Cuo turned his head, his face was covered with dried blood, and his eyes were full of despair, but when he saw us tied up by five flowers, he was shocked at first, and then The look of despair became even more intense.

"You...why were you brought here...how were you brought here..." Yan Cuo looked at us in disbelief, tears of despair rolling down his face.

At first, Yan Cuo must have thought that he could keep us alive and that his sacrifice was worth it. He had some illusions that we could rescue him. But at this moment, all illusions were shattered because we were also captured. The people at the helm of Guiyong Dao were brought to this place, this purgatory-like existence.


While we were in a daze, Grandpa Gao, who was walking in front, said in a low voice and took the lead to walk towards the deep dungeon.

We took back our minds, suppressed the endless anger in our hearts, and had no choice but to continue walking forward.

As I walked forward, I looked back at Yancuo and said in a deep voice: "You must live well and you must survive. Trust us!"

After saying this, I turned around and continued walking forward.

Yan Cuo was still wailing, and I don’t know if he heard what I just said.

With extremely heavy hearts, everyone was led by those in green robes to a dungeon at the deepest part of the corridor. This dungeon should be prepared for special prisoners. It was very spacious.

After being brought in, I glanced around, but I saw some strange runes engraved on the walls of the dungeon. As soon as I entered, I felt that my mind was starting to become less clear.

I think this rune should limit people's cultivation, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

There are many iron chains hanging on the four walls of the dungeon, and there are hundreds of torture tools hanging on the opposite side, such as hammers, machetes, shovels, iron tongs... all kinds of large and small knives There are dozens of them, and I feel chills in my heart when I look at them.

However, the more this is the case, the more determined I am to destroy Gui Yongdao's main rudder.

Gui Yongdao is an extremely evil existence. He should not exist in this world.

In addition to these arrangements, there are two shirtless bald men in this room.

After we were brought in, the two bald men bowed to Commander Kong.

Commander Kong looked at the two people and said calmly: "These people came from outside the city a few days ago. It was difficult to catch them today. I will leave them to you two. It is best to ask questions from them." If something happens and you can’t ask, you’ll just have to suffer.”

"Don't worry, Commander Kong. Anyone who is sent to this dungeon will speak without speaking. We brothers have been working for so many years, and our craftsmanship is unmistakable." A strong man with a sinewy face said.

"Hang them all up." Commander Kong nodded and directed the bald men in green robes.

Soon, we were pulled by them and hung on the wall one by one. Our hands and feet were locked with iron chains. A "big" shape appeared in a row on the four walls.

"Serve them well, ask questions, and report to me as soon as possible. Be careful, these people have very strong cultivation, don't let them go." Commander Kong said, glanced at us, then turned around and took those people with him. The guy in purple robe walked out.

"Don't worry, Commander Kong, we will definitely take good care of them." The two shirtless strong men sent Commander Kong and the others out directly, with flattering looks on their faces.

Then they closed the cell door and turned back.

The smiles on the faces of these two guys disappeared immediately. The guy with a rough face glanced at us one by one, the muscles on his face trembled twice, and said with a gloomy smile: "Everyone, since you are here, you Just stop hiding it, tell me, where are you from, and what exactly do you want to do in this deserted city? Tell me honestly, and save yourself from suffering."

(End of this chapter)

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