Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2521 Fake order

Chapter 2521 Fake order
Here we come, those Huang Linwei are walking quickly toward us.

Everyone stopped and looked in the direction of the Huang Lin Guards, and saw about twenty Huang Lin Guards escorting a dozen Changyou people walking towards us.

These long-right men were lined up in a row, tied with iron chains, their heads lowered, looking helpless.

The Huang Linwei stood on their left and right, waving their whips and whipping them away.

The height of the Changyou people is almost twice that of normal people. Seeing those Huang Linwei leading a group of tall Changyou people towards this side gives people an indescribable feeling of weirdness.

Not long after, those Huang Linwei came to our side and stopped immediately.

One of the Huang Linwei walked straight towards Commander Kong, who was possessed by Mengmeng, and said politely: "Commander Kong, why are you here? I heard that a group of people outside the city were rounded up today and escorted to your side. Kong Commander, did you find out anything from the interrogation?"

"Then are you going to have dinner again? Brothers, thank you for your hard work." Zhao Chen raised his hands and said.

Huang Linwei obviously didn't take Zhao Chen seriously, he just glanced at him, and then his eyes fell on the possessed Commander Kong.

At this time, I stood behind Xiao Mengmeng, touched her, and told Xiao Mengmeng what to do next through the means of spiritual communication between the two of us.

"Call your people to come over. The Right Protector asked me to bring you a message." The possessed Commander Kong said.

Huang Linwei was stunned for a moment and then said, "What does Commander Kong want to do?"

"Call your people here first! There is so much nonsense, how can I still pretend to pass orders?" Commander Kong, who was possessed by Xiao Mengmeng, said pretending to be angry.

We are wearing green robes and are obviously one level higher than Huang Linwei. The other party dare not not listen.

The man cupped his hands and said respectfully: "I obey!"

"Come all over, Commander Kong has something to say!" The man just waved his hand, and the Huang Linwei who were escorting Chang Youren suddenly gathered towards us, and they all stood in one place.

"If Commander Kong has anything to say, just say it quickly. That demon will go crazy if it doesn't drink blood when the time comes, and we won't be able to control it by then." The man said just now.

Commander Kong, who was possessed by Xiao Mengmeng, nodded, and then said: "The Right Protector has an order, ordering you to escort these Chang You people to..."

Those people raised their heads one after another, looked at Commander Kong, and listened attentively.

At this time, I had already prepared a large handful of Ma Fei Ling Hua Powder, and threw it towards the Huang Linwei in front of me.

Most of those people didn't react, and they were sprayed all over with Ma Fei Ling Hua Powder.

Before the other party could understand what was going on, several people suddenly fell down.

My great-great-grandfather and the others immediately surrounded them and knocked all the remaining Huang Linwei to the ground. Yiyang's Thousand-Year Gu flew out and quickly bit each Huang Linwei lightly. Bewitched.

This battle ended quickly, and all Huang Linwei were eliminated without much effort.

The main reason is that the cultivation level of my great-great-grandfather and the other seniors are too high. Once they surrounded them, these Huang Linwei had no power to parry at all, and could subdue them with almost one move.

Next, I took out the animal bones and detoxified those Huang Linwei from the Ma Feiling Powder. Huang Linwei, who was controlled by the mind-obsessed Gu, was completely under our control.

Seeing Huang Linwei standing up again, everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yiyang was worried that something might happen to these Changyou people, so he also bewitched them. This matter is not trivial, and we cannot be careless in the slightest.

"Okay, now we can follow these Huang Linwei and sneak into the cave where Ziba is hidden. Everyone, Ziba is extremely fierce and not so easy to deal with. You have to be mentally prepared. It really can't be dealt with. That kid, let’s go and destroy the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave. I’ve never seen that kid, but the chief helmsman of Guiyong Road is afraid of that little thing. He’s been afraid of that little thing every day since he was brought to the chief helm. If you want to drink blood, your moral character is too high." Zhao Chen said with fear.

"Just lead the way, go there and have a look before we talk." My great-grandfather said.

Zhao Chen responded, and Yi Yang controlled the Huang Lin guards and walked towards the cave where Ziba was hidden.

After walking forward for about two or three miles, I saw a flickering fire at the entrance of a cave. There were more than a dozen people standing at the entrance of the cave. Looking from a distance, I saw these people were all wearing green robes, like The tower stood there motionless.

Wearing a green robe, he is one level higher than the green forest guard, and his cultivation level is also one level higher.

Using Qinglin Guard to protect Ziba shows how much Gui Yongdao attaches great importance to Ziba.

As soon as they saw these people, everyone became vigilant and felt a little panicked, worried that they would be discovered by the other party.

The main reason is that Huang Linwei usually brings these Changyou people here to feed Ziba, but suddenly we came over, which is hard to explain.

At this time, Zhou Yiyang said in a low voice: "Everyone, I will use Gu insects to control these Changyou people to go crazy. I can make an excuse to say that these Changyou people are very advanced and difficult to control, so I sent us Green Forest Guards." Escort together.”

This is the only way right now.

Zhou Yiyang pinched a few spells, and those Changyou people who had dull eyes suddenly went crazy, struggling and shaking, and even made a roaring sound, rattling the iron chain.

Just like that, everyone pulled the long right people and continued to walk forward.

Not long after, everyone arrived at the entrance of the cave.

A 70-year-old Qinglin Guard suddenly stepped forward, blocked everyone's way, and said in a deep voice: "Wait a minute..."

Everyone paused, and Commander Kong, who was controlled by Mengmeng, stepped forward, raised his hands and said: "Special Envoy Qinglin, we are here to escort these Changyou people on the orders of the Protector You. These Changyou people are here." The right man was just captured from Linyuan this morning, and his cultivation level is quite high and difficult to control, so the right protector ordered me to escort him along with the Green Forest Guards."

The old man of Qinglin Wei squinted his eyes and looked at the Changyou people. At this time, Yiyang Yang quietly used a small trick. A Changyou man standing in front roared and turned towards the Qinglin guard. Wei pounced.

The Qinglin Wei slapped Chang Youren's lower abdomen with his palm, making him stagger, and then he shouted and rushed forward.

(End of this chapter)

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