Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2525 Just look at this one trick

Chapter 2525 Just look at this trick

Master Huijue used the power of Buddhism to control the soul of Ziba. He wanted to use this method to calm down Ziba's irritable mood. When the voice of Master Huijue reciting Buddhist sutras sounded, a huge wave of Buddhist power came out. The force stirred up the Qi field, which indeed had a certain effect. Zi Ba's eyes were a little dazed, and he kept staring at Master Huijue.

Taking advantage of the moment when Ziba was temporarily controlled by the power of Buddhism, my great grandfather, Master Wuwei and others took action at the same time, approaching Ziba at an extremely fast speed, and stabbed his vitals with three swords.

The three old seniors were also fierce, and they probably used all their strength. The three swords pierced into Ziba's body at the same time, and the three swords were all flashing with lights of different colors. .

The light shining from my great-grandfather's sword is purple, with runes flowing on it.

The light on Wuwei Zhenren's sword is red, as bright as blood.

The sword in Master Wu Yazi's hand was white, and when his sword pierced Ziba's body, dozens of sword shadows separated and shrouded Ziba's body.

It's a pity that Ziba's skin is rough and fleshy, and his scales are so hard that they seem to be indestructible. Although the swords of the three of them all injured Ziba, the swords did not penetrate Ziba's body too deeply, only a slight stab from the sword tip. Just broke the scales.

Even so, corpse energy spurted out from the wound on Zi Ba's body.

The sword shadow separated from the sword in Master Wuyazi's hand had no effect at all when it hit Ziba's body. It just made a jingling sound and the sword shadow was bounced away.

Seeing this scene, I was so surprised that I was speechless. How terrifying is this Ziba? Three top practitioners, together, could not defeat this Ziba.

From the looks of it, Ziba seemed to have only been slightly injured.

The actions of the three masters completely angered Zi Ba.

He roared loudly, and the whole stone room shook slightly due to the sound waves, and large and small gravels continued to fall from the top of his head.

Immediately afterwards, I saw it pull the iron chain, stretched out its claws and swept towards my great-grandfather and the others. The tail also swept across the air, making an explosion and hitting the three of them. past.

How could those three seniors be injured by this kid so easily? They drew their swords almost at the same time and flew backwards.

That speed was too fast, and it was transferred to a distance of more than ten meters in an instant.

Ziba's tail was long and slender, but its strength was extremely strong. He whipped it out and landed on the ground. A deep ravine and spider web-like cracks were immediately drawn out of the hard stone surface.

If it hits a person, it will be beaten into two pieces.

"Old Gou Wu, this Ziba is too difficult to deal with. Hurry up and think of a way. We don't have much time. If we destroy Ziba, we have to go to Wanzhang Cave!" Master Wuyazi said urgently.

Obviously, it was probably the first time for my great-great-grandfather to face such a vicious creature as Zi Yan, and he had no good way to deal with it.

Not only is Zihao's body extremely stiff and resistant to blows, he is also very fast and extremely lethal, as if he has no flaws in his body.

It's not that easy to get close to it.

Now this Ziba is still trapped by more than a dozen thick iron chains and is completely at a disadvantage. In this way, it is still difficult to subdue it. It is really unimaginable. Once this Ziba is not restrained by the iron chains, what will happen to us here? What a dilemma.

It's no wonder that if this Ziba is not fierce enough, it will not be favored by Bai Maitreya. After spending so many lives and blood to practice for so many years, once this thing is taken outside, its lethality will be invincible.

Master Huijue was still sitting cross-legged on the ground. The sound of chanting sutras in his mouth became louder and louder, and the fluctuations in the Qi field became more and more intense.

In addition to affecting that Ziba, his Buddhist power also affected a dozen other zombies controlled by that Ziba, making their movements slower and their attack power less powerful.

Taking advantage of this moment, we juniors began to launch a fierce attack on the dozen zombies.

They were responsible for knocking those zombies to the ground, and I was responsible for using the Corpse Ruler to go over and hit them, stuffing the Corpse Ruler into the mouths of the zombies, and swallowing the corpse energy from those zombies.

The weakest zombies are the red demons, and the strongest zombies are the purple-armored zombies. Those red demons are the three Huang Linwei who were bitten to death by Zi Ba not long ago. They have transformed into corpses in such a short period of time.

I have a headache when I think of the zombies that turned into corpses after being bitten to death by Zhibo in the Ten Thousand Zombie Cave.

This demon is so difficult to deal with. There are so many densely packed zombies. How to deal with them at once? If you use the Corpse Fu Ruler to pull out the corpses one by one, you will probably be busy for several days.

But these are no longer things that I can consider. I think those seniors must have made plans long ago since they said they wanted to destroy the zombies in the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave.

Just when we were killing those purple-armored zombies and mercury-bodied zombies, my great-great-grandfather and the others had already launched several waves of attacks against Ziba, each one more fierce than the last.

The child was knocked over several times, and there were many wounds on his body. Corpse energy kept coming out of the wounds.

Just like this, the kid became more and more irritable, and kept making roaring sounds that shook my ears so hard that it seemed that I could no longer hear. The blood in my body was boiling, my head felt dizzy, and I felt extremely stuffy.

When the few of us were dealing with the last purple-armored zombie, something unexpected happened. The Ziba suddenly erupted with a powerful force, tearing off an iron chain that restrained it abruptly. Suddenly, the iron chain fell to the ground and made a roar.

"No! Hurry up and find a way to kill it as soon as possible. After a while, it breaks free, and it will be even harder for us to deal with it!" Master Wuwei also said in fear.

"Everyone stand back!"

My great-grandfather tiptoed and retreated dozens of meters.

After hearing what my great-great-grandfather said, everyone also stepped back.

The brothers were busy knocking over the purple-armored zombie. I took the time to look in the direction of my great-great-grandfather, but saw that the old man had a solemn look on his face and raised the Mysterious Soul Sword in his hand high.

Looking at this posture, I guess my great-great-grandfather is going to use his moves in a big way.

In this situation, it's impossible to kill this kid without using a lot of tricks.

Seeing Grandpa Gao like this, I felt a little nervous for no reason. Whether it would work or not depends on this move.

But after he raised the Mysterious Soul Sword in Grandfather Gao's hand, it shone with a dazzling purple light. As the runes flowed, a desolate dragon roar echoed in the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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