Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2529 The hornet's nest

Chapter 2529 The hornet's nest

The first thing I saw was my great-great-grandfather, who was standing in front of me.

The old man was probably shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because in front of him, there was a dense mass of zombies. No one could count how many there were. They stood there motionless like warriors and horses.

This cave is very spacious, with a width of at least dozens of meters across, and it extends to unknown places.

Anyway, I saw hundreds of zombies standing in front of me, and the zombies standing behind me were endless.

This scene is not unspectacular, it is simply a swarm of zombies.

This is more than the zombies we encountered in the Red Maple Ghost Valley, and the level is unknown how many levels higher.

I stood there and took a closer look, and found that there were zombies at the same level as the golden-armored zombies, and there might be zombies like Maohou or purple-armored ones behind them.

I asked where Bai Maitreya found four extremely high-level Maohou to carry his sedan chair.

It turns out that they are all selected from this cave. The Ziba is a machine for making zombies. As long as it kills people and drinks blood every day, it can continuously produce zombies, and then undergo special refining. Over the years, the zombies' Taoism will be improved. It will get higher and higher.

When I took a closer look at these zombies, I found that each zombie had a talisman attached to its head.

The talismans pasted on the heads of the zombies are also different. There are blue talismans, red talismans, golden talismans... specially designed to deal with zombies of different levels. I am most familiar with these talismans. If the corpse talisman is not revealed, the zombies will definitely not move.

It is estimated that these zombies were affixed with zombie shaking charms before they were transformed into zombies, or they were affixed before they evolved into higher-level zombies. Otherwise, how many people would it take to have so many high-level zombies here? Stay under control.

Grandpa Gao and I stood here in shock for more than ten seconds, one behind the other.

At this time, a low muffled roar suddenly came from above my head, which made me look away from these densely packed zombies and looked up towards the roof of the cave.

It didn't matter at first glance, I was so frightened that I let out a groan. Under the light of the braziers surrounding the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave, I saw Ziba hugging a stalactite hanging upside down from the top of the cave. He looked at me and Grandpa Gao with a ferocious face.

The child's dazzling white eyes turned, and the black pupils the size of rice grains shrank, almost turning completely white, and he made a weird and arrogant sound in his throat, as if he was sneering at me and my great grandfather.




Just as I was looking at the child, scared out of my wits, several exclamations came from behind me.

Those old seniors and Hua Monk all came. I was so frightened that I didn't even hear their footsteps just now.

Although we were all mentally prepared and knew that there were many zombies in the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave, we still couldn't help but marvel when we saw them with our own eyes.

many!Not only are there many, but the level is not too low, the lowest should be Hong Sha.

It was Bai Zhan and Zhou Yang who made these exclamations. When I looked back, I saw that their eyes almost flew out of their heads and their breathing became heavy.


Grandpa Gao said softly and moved back, as if walking on thin ice, as if he was afraid of disturbing these zombies.

I swallowed hard and waved my hand behind me, signaling everyone to step back.

In addition to the hole that Ziba dug before, this cave also has a road leading to the outside.

You should escape faster on this avenue.

I hope this Ziba only thinks about running for his life and won't deal with us anymore.

But this is simply wishful thinking.

When we all moved back, Ziba, who was holding the stalactite, suddenly screamed strangely, jumped down from the stalactite, and lay down in front of the zombies.

As soon as Ziba landed, the bodies of the dozens of zombies standing in front shook slightly.

Then, all the corpse-suppressing charms attached to their heads shook, as if the wind was blowing, and soon, those corpse-suppressing charms fell down, making "booming" sounds one after another. Zhang was all on fire.

As soon as the corpse suppressing talisman fell, the zombies were like robots with a switch turned on. They opened their mouths and spewed out a breath of corpse air. Their joints made a "clicking" sound, and then they moved their noses. , feeling the breath of us strangers.

Several strange screams rang out, and the zombies rushed toward us.

"Run!" I yelled, beckoning everyone to run outside quickly.

There was a big explosion behind them. The zombies were jumping, running, and even flying, flying close to the roof of the cave, jumping like a civet cat, and the speed was frighteningly fast.

We had just stung a hornet's nest, and Zi Yan began to take crazy revenge on us.

To be precise, he stabbed the zombie nest, and the strange screams, jumping sounds, and the sound of burning zombie charms behind him...were all mixed together.

Everyone has never seen such a battle before, and no one is allowed to run away.

When we were running wildly outside, my great-grandfather suddenly came to my side and said loudly: "Xiaojiu, give me the Qingshan Emperor Bell!"

I don’t know what Grandfather Gao wants the Qingshan Emperor Bell to do at this time. How can he control so many zombies with only the Qingshan Emperor Bell?And there are so many high-level zombies.

Although I was thinking this, I still took out the Qingshan Emperor Bell and threw it towards Grandfather Gao.

Grandfather Gao took the Qingshan Emperor Bell in his hand, then stood still on the spot, turned around sharply, quickly picked up the spell, silently recited a spell in his mouth, and shook his other hand crazily. Qingshan Emperor Bell.

The sound made by the Qingshan Imperial Bell was as urgent as the bell when I was at school. It no longer had the crisp and sweet sound before, but was even a bit harsh.

Seeing Grandpa Gao stop, I felt a little uneasy, so I stopped behind him and waited.

I don't need to be afraid. This eight-step method is suitable for escaping. If I really can't escape, I still have the Wind Escape Talisman to escape.

Anyway, I can't leave Grandpa Gao here alone.

When I looked back, a surprising scene happened again. Under the influence of the Qingshan Emperor Bell, the group of zombies that were chasing us madly suddenly stopped in their tracks. The one or two hundred zombies in front of them suddenly stopped. Even the flying zombies flying on the roof of the cave fell down and had room to crawl.

Grandpa Gao is Grandpa Gao, with a solid cultivation base, he can control so many zombies with Qingshan Diling.

(End of this chapter)

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