Chapter 253
With the introduction of Master Longchuan, Xue Xiaoqi and I knew each other, and we quickly and politely bowed respectfully to Master Longyao, saying that we had met Master Longyao.

At this time, I had time to take a look at Master Long Yao. He looked to be in his 60s, and he was also wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe. His face was thin and haggard, and he felt like he was just a layer of skin covering his bones. He looked like a ghost at first glance, and coupled with his cold appearance, it was really scary.

That's enough for the introduction. Master Longchuan is a very good person and very discerning. He just found a reason and said that there were still some matters to be dealt with at the mountain gate, so he would not disturb Brother Long Yao. Sorry, he nodded politely to the two of us and drifted away from the Qingshan Ghost Sect.

To be honest, when I first met the real person Longchuan, I didn’t have a very good impression of him. As soon as he came up, he beat me and Xue Xiaoqi hard. That palm fight not long ago, now I My whole body was still numb.

Even though he has helped us now, I still feel that I have an indescribable feeling towards him. It seems a little awkward. I can't tell what is wrong with him.

After watching Master Longchuan leave, the three of us stood in the yard.

Master Long Yao looked at me and Xue Xiaoqi up and down, his face still gloomy, and then he said: "As expected of a queen from a famous family, she looks like a talented person. Let me tell you, you two came to Qingshan to find Pindao. In the end, What's the matter?"

I glanced around with some worry, and Master Long Yao seemed to notice my worries, so he said again: "Don't worry, Pindao, this Qingshan Ghost Sect, it is impossible for people like you to come here, you There’s no need to worry about anyone hearing it, there’s been no living person in this place for a long time except Pindao…”

As soon as we heard the words of Master Long Yao, Xue Xiaoqi and I were both stunned. We couldn't help but feel frightened in our hearts. This Master Long Yao already had a ghostly appearance, and his words were so scary. He deserves to be called a ghost sect. The elder of the sect.

Seeing Reverend Longyao asking the reason why we came here so straight to the point, I didn't go around the corner, just cupped my hands and said: "Reverend Longyao, I do have something to ask, you may also know the situation of our Wu family, ancestor I have left behind some methods. As a descendant of the Wu family, my grandfather also passed on the skills of the Wu family to me. A few days ago, I adopted a little ghost, and I have always treated it like my own daughter in the dantian. In the winter of last year, I offended a person who was famous in the Jianghu. People in the Jianghu called her the ghoul mother-in-law. She died at my hands, but she had an apprentice named Yuan Chaochen who would My little ghost was taken away, refined and turned into an evil little ghost, and now that little ghost is in my hands again, but he has become a vicious little ghost who only knows how to kill people. This time, I was instructed by the two elders of the Xue family, saying In today's world, the person who has the deepest knowledge of the way of ghouls is Master Longyao of the Qingshan Guimen Sect, so I came here to see if you, old man, can help me regain my original consciousness..."

Master Long Yao has been listening silently, but when he heard me say that I killed the corpse ghost mother-in-law, Master Long Yao's eyes couldn't help but widen a little, and he said with some surprise: "What did you just say? You killed Got the corpse ghost mother-in-law?"

"Well, the ghoul mother-in-law was indeed killed by me." I replied noncommittally.

At this time, Master Long Yao looked me up and down again, shook his head slightly and said, "It's unlikely. That corpse ghost granny has been in the world for many years. Speaking of it, she is also a famous evil person for a long time. With your current cultivation level, even if you add up to three or five of them, you’re probably not a match for her, right?”

I chuckled, scratched my head, and said: "Master Long Yao really has good eyesight. I didn't kill the corpse ghost alone. There was a friend who helped me at the time. He was Shi Xin, a disciple of Master Huijue of Ziliang Mountain. The two of us We worked together to kill the corpse ghost mother-in-law, but in the end it was me who ended up taking her life."

The Master Long Yao who said this was stunned again, and said in his mouth: "I also know Master Huijue and Ping Dao. When did he accept another disciple named Shi Xin? Could it be that he just accepted him?"

Um, this seems a bit over the top. I just followed Monk Nahua’s words. Even now I’m not sure if he is Master Huijue’s disciple. Even Master Long Yao doesn’t know that Master Huijue has such a person. Disciple, I guess that monk deceived me. There was no truth in his mouth anyway.

Xue Xiaoqi and I stood there without daring to say a word. We always felt that the place was ghostly and eerily quiet, and we felt a sense of panic for no reason.

After a moment of silence, Master Long Yao did not ask about Mengmeng. Instead, he looked at Xue Xiaoqi and said, "Are the two old men of the Xue family okay?"

Xue Xiaoqi raised his hand and said politely: "Thanks to Master Long Yao's concern, my two great-grandfathers are in good health and can drink half a catty of liquor every day."

A slight smile appeared on Master Long Yao's face, he nodded, and said: "When Pindao was young, I had the honor to meet two old men. When Pindao's master was injured, it was the two old men who Those who healed them are the miracle doctors of today's world. I admire them very much. If I have time in the future, I will definitely go to Hongye Valley to visit these two elderly people..."

"Hongye Valley welcomes Master Long Yao at any time. The two old men in my family often mention your reputation to me." Xue Xiaoqi seized the opportunity and flattered Master Long Yao vigorously. , but this is also good, it can bring some relationships closer, and it can also help save Mengmeng.

Xue Xiaoqi's words brought a slight smile to the old-fashioned face of Master Long Yao. Then he turned around and walked into the house, saying: "You two come in and talk. It's cold outside and the air is heavy..."

Then, Xue Xiaoqi and I followed Master Long Yao and walked into the house.

The room was quite large, but very empty. There were only a few simple pieces of furniture in the room. Master Long Yao found a chair and sat down, and also invited us brothers to sit down.

After sitting down, the real Longyao looked at me again and asked: "A few days ago, my apprentice Luo Weiping went back to the mountain once, and mentioned you to me, kid, and said that you are a good Taoist. It is a descendant of the Wu family, the best seedling in the past hundred years, seeing it today, Pindao seems to be so interesting..."

(End of this chapter)

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