Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2533 Attack the city gate

Chapter 2533 Attack the city gate
"Do you think that if you block the entrance of the hole, the bastard will not be able to climb out? That thing is extremely powerful, and its claws are several times sharper than a pangolin. If you block the entrance of the hole, it will be a matter of time before he climbs out." Master Wuwei added. .

"Hold it as long as you can. Even if it crawls out, it doesn't matter. Ziba has been seriously injured by our combined efforts. We can still kill him if it crawls out." Master Wuyazi replied. .

"It's better to block the entrance of the cave to avoid causing trouble." My great-grandfather looked back at everyone, and finally his eyes fell on me, and said solemnly: "Xiaojiu, please contact Qingshan and ask them when they have arrived. No, we will launch a general attack on the Guiyong Road Commander soon."

I responded and said I would contact them right away, but I was thinking in my mind that with such a big commotion on our side, the Yilao people must also be alert, and they should be about to take action at this time.

Before I could take out the transmission talisman, Grandfather Gao and the others took action directly. Just like destroying the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave before, they repeated their old tricks and used their big moves to collapse the cave. .

The green forest guards who were fighting the zombies running out of the cave didn't know what was going on, but they were blown to pieces by the big moves of these old seniors. Their flesh and blood flew everywhere, along with those who followed the cave. The zombies who escaped were not spared.

Compared with humans, the ability of these zombies to withstand attacks was much stronger. Naturally, those Green Forest Guards suffered heavy casualties. Several seniors went over with several big moves, and the cave was also destroyed. Those There were not many Green Forest Guards, and basically all those blocking the cave entrance were killed. Some of the living ones were seriously injured. They were jumped on by the remaining zombies, drank blood and then tore into pieces.

While several seniors were bombing the cave, I had already burned a transmission note and gave it to Master Qingshan, asking him where he was.

Headmaster Qingshan responded to me and said that we were approaching Dahuang City. He had sent a vanguard there before and found that there were patrol boats from Guiyong Road and a magic circle in front of them. There might be something wrong with so many of them passing by. He also asked us how we got close. From Dahuang City.

I couldn't explain this clearly for a while, so I informed him to wait a moment and someone from our side would go over to pick them up.

Naturally, I was definitely not the one who went to meet Master Qingshan. Before we entered Shiju City, we left a few transmission notes for Zhao Tianyi, the leader of the Yilao tribe, to facilitate contact.

There are so many people from the Yilao tribe, so it would be most appropriate for them to pick up those people.

In fact, with the group of experts brought by Master Qingshan, it shouldn't be particularly difficult to break the magic circle arranged in the Blackwater Abyss, it just takes some time.

They were just afraid of alerting the maritime patrol boats on Guiyong Road. There were many patrol boats, so it would be very troublesome to fight.

It would be even more troublesome if there were not only magical formations under the Blackwater Abyss, but also existences similar to the Thousand-Armed Crow Demon.

Therefore, it is most appropriate for the Yiluo people to meet the reinforcements. They are very familiar with Dahuang City and even know a secret path to Dahuang City. That place has not been arranged by Gui Yongdao. Array.

We stirred up chaos in Shiju City, and the Yilao people rebelled, and then Qingshan came with a large number of masters from various sects.

It won't be long before the leader of Guiyong Road will be troubled by internal and external troubles and turn into a chicken coop. The real show will soon be staged.

I also communicated with Zhao Tianyi from the Yilao tribe using telepathy notes. Zhao Tianyi said he understood and asked us what was going on here.

I simply said that Zhao Tianyi was particularly excited when he heard what we had done. He must not have expected that we had completed so many things so quickly. He said that he had already told several people in charge of the Yilao clan , also knew that we had united a large number of experts from outside the city to besiege the general rudder of Guiyong Road, and decided to destroy Guiyong Road with us.

Now, even if some of the Yiluo clan were unwilling to besiege the chief helmsman of Guiyong Road, it was already too late, because chaos was about to break out in Shiju City, and those people had no time to notify the chief helmsman of Guiyong Road.

After I told everyone about these things, the big guys nodded to show their understanding.

"Master... what should we do now?" Monk Hua suddenly looked at Master Huijue and asked.

Master Huijue's expression remained calm. He pondered for a moment before saying, "Xiaojiu said just now that the Yilao people are willing to help us. I thought they might divide their forces into two groups, and some of them would go to meet the masters from various sects. ; Some of them will attack Shiju City and come to support us. Why don’t we cooperate inside and outside and go to the city gate to open the city gate, which will save a lot of trouble."

"Master Huijue is right. Let's open the gate of Shiju City and welcome our reinforcements. Even if we are defeated, we can escape from the direction of the city gate to Dahuang City. It's so big outside and they won't be good. What do you guys think about tracking us?" My great-grandfather asked.

"There's nothing to say. A few seniors told us what to do, and we juniors followed suit. Let's go kill the people guarding the city and take care of the masters sent by the various sects." Bai Zhan said.

Everyone had no objections to this matter, so they got together and ran towards the city gate.

Along the way, we did not dare to walk on the main road and chose some remote paths.

Along the way, you can always see a large number of people from the Guiyong Road Headquarters, gathering in the direction of Wanzhang Cave.

Now they just saw the signals sent by those people and didn't know what happened. Now there are more than 1000 zombies of various levels running out of the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave. The people at the head of Guiyong Road are also enough to drink a pot. .

But we can't take it lightly. There were more than 100 Qinglin Guards guarding the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave. Some of them were killed by us and some were bitten to death by zombies. However, some people escaped. These people know what is going on. After we released the zombies, Gui Yongdao knew sooner or later that they were people from outside the city, so we also stepped up our actions and had to reach the direction of the city gate quickly.

Along the way, groups of bald envoys wearing various capes and robes came from all directions. Some of them just passed us by, but after seeing Commander Kong who was possessed by Mengmeng, they didn’t have any suspicion. People also asked us what happened.

Xiao Mengmeng was just like before. He panicked and said that the zombies from the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave had escaped. He didn't know the specific situation. He also said that many of his brothers had died.

Not to mention Xiao Mengmeng's cleverness, I feel like she owes her an Academy Award for Best Actor.

(End of this chapter)

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