Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2535 You did it

Chapter 2535 You did it
At this time, a man in a blue cloak glanced at us up and down, his eyes looked very vigilant, and he squinted his eyes and said: "Then you Green Forest Guards are not guarding the place of punishment and prison, and ran to the gate of the city to do it." What?"

When he asked this question, everyone trembled in their hearts, as if something had been revealed somewhere. However, our group of people have deceived so many people from Guiyong Dao along the way. Why did it not work when we got here? Woolen cloth?

Xiao Mengmeng glanced at me, and I immediately communicated with him mentally, asking him to tell the Lan Linwei according to my words.

Xiao Mengmeng understood in her heart and said quickly: "We are here to borrow some people from the brothers who are guarding the city on the orders of the Right Protector. Most of the zombies in the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave have turned into corpses, and the people at the helm are a little out of control. Come on, it seems that Ziba has also come out... If more people don't come over, I'm afraid..."

Mengmeng said it very sincerely, and Lan Linwei nodded, but suddenly sneered and said: "This is interesting, the right protector has a special secret method to control Ziba, and Ziba can control all the people in Wanzhang Cave. The zombies, even if all the zombies in the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave come out, as long as Ziba is here, can they still control the situation?"

We were all taken aback by what we said, thinking that we really had a flaw.

While he was talking, someone winked, and the forty or fifty people wearing various cloaks guarding the city gate quietly walked over and stood behind that person.

After a pause, the Lan Linwei continued: "Our people guarding the city gate are fixed here. Ever since the chief helmsman moved to this deserted city, he has made a rule that the city guards cannot be touched rashly. What do you think? It was the Right Protector who sent you here to support Ten Thousand Zombies Cave, is there any evidence?"

"This is a special situation. I don't know where Ziba has gone. The Right Protector has not been found. The situation is out of control. It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. When the Right Protector finds you, you will have something to look at." Zhao Chen stood up. , seems to want to make amends.

I don't think it's necessary. The other party is not only suspicious of us, but seems to have concluded that we are falsely conveying the will of the Right Protector.

The Lan Linwei sneered again and said, "I see that all of you look familiar. This evening, the Purple Linwei sent a group of people from outside the city. Except for Commander Kong and Zhao Chen, you guys There are just enough people, and your height and body shape are the same as those of people outside the city. If I am not mistaken, the zombies in the Ten Thousand Zombies Cave have mutated into corpses because of you. Is it Commander Kong? ?”

As he said that, the murderous look on Lan Linwei's face suddenly appeared, and he said angrily again: "What a Commander Kong, he dares to betray the commander-in-chief and help the commander-in-chief of Guiyong Road to die outside the city!"

Those who rushed to rescue Ziba Cave were in a hurry and didn't even bother to check our identities, but there were still sharp-eyed people in the main helm of Yiguan who saw through our identities so quickly.

In this case, there's really nothing more to say.

If you can't do it secretly, you can only do it openly.

In an instant, I sacrificed the sword soul, and with one finishing move, I hit the Lan Linwei who just spoke in the chest.

The blue forest guard was already on guard. With a flick of his long knife, he slashed towards my purple beam of light.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the long sword of the leader of the Blue Forest Guard was almost thrown out of his hand by my purple beam of light, and he staggered back several steps.

"Kill!" Bai Zhan shouted, and the Fire Spirit Red Dragon Sword also shot out a ball of fire, sweeping towards the people in front.

People from the Yilao, Bashe and Huagu tribes outside are attacking the city, while we are making trouble at the gate of the city.

As long as all the dozens of people guarding the city gate are killed, the city gate will be opened wide, and the people outside can rush in. At that time, everyone will join together to destroy the general helmsman of Guiyong Road.

At this moment, I don't know if the masters of the various sects led by Qingshan have come, but the strength is the strongest when everyone is in one place.

The war was about to break out, and a dozen of us rushed forward to meet those who guarded the city gate.

Those old seniors are the main force on our side, and they can be said to be moving forward in an unstoppable manner. As soon as the few people in front of us came forward, they were directly provoked by those old seniors.

When things have reached this point, everyone has nothing to hide. They use their abilities as much as they can, and no one has any options left.

When I rushed towards those people, I also used the power of the essence of grass and trees and the Qinggang method of controlling trees. Countless grass and vines emerged from under the stone slabs and entangled towards those people.

At the same time, everyone used various methods to kill the people in front.

Although there are not many people on our side, with those few seniors here, we can completely crush them in terms of strength.

Those people seemed to have noticed how powerful my great-great-grandfather and the others were, and most of them attacked the four old people.

Just when everyone was mingling, I ran towards the city gate in eight steps.

I raised my head and glanced at the two thick stone gates about two feet high. A large stone was placed horizontally on it as a door bolt. Even if the stone weighed several thousand catties, I don't know about the heavy stone gates. I know how heavy it is.

When we were first brought in, it took more than a dozen masters of Guiyong Dao to work together to push the stone door. I weighed it myself and felt that it was a bit difficult to open the stone door by myself, and I probably couldn't move it.

As soon as I approached the stone gate, the guys guarding the city gate rushed towards me. They probably saw what I was thinking.

The people running towards me were two Green Forest Guards. Their cultivation level was not low. They were waving long swords and slashing towards me. I slashed towards them with one move, sweeping away thousands of troops, and killed those two. The Green Forest Guard took several steps back.

There was a "buzzing" sound in my ears, and Monk Hua's purple-gold bowl flew over and hit one of the Green Forest Guards. The Green Forest Guard flashed his case and met my sword soul, and struck me with a sword. When it was on his body, it felt very hard, but the sword spirit also cut a gash in that man's body.

The leather armor on their bodies is very hard, and I would not have been able to break through this layer of defense in the past.

Although the leather armor was cut open, the man was not injured. I immediately stepped forward and gave him another move of Yinrou Palm. The shock caused the kid's mouth and nose to bleed, and then he lost his life.

"Xiao Jiu... This city gate is so thick that we can't open it. We'd better kill them all first and let the seniors attack them directly." Laohua saw what I was thinking and reminded me. .

(End of this chapter)

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