Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2543 Kill them all

Chapter 2543 Kill them all

As soon as the identity of the Right Protector appeared, the faces of the three major clans in Dahuang City showed a look of fear, especially Longsha of the Bashe clan and Baoyun of the Huagu clan. They seemed to have a natural fear of Peng Zhenyang. He didn't dare to look into Peng Zhenyang's murderous eyes.

However, Zhao Tianyi, Mr. Zhao, was fearless and said in a deep voice: "Peng, our three major tribes in Dahuang City used to coexist peacefully and have always been in peace and harmony. However, since you people from Guiyong Dao came, this Dahuang City has become... In this hell on earth, you have killed at least one-third of our Yiluo tribe, and we have to contribute ten children to you every year so that you can train them into killing machines. The people of the Bashe tribe were skinned alive by you, Made of leather armor and worn on the body, it hurts to death. The people of the Huagu tribe built this stone city for you, but you beat them to death and at least half of them died from exhaustion. Human hearts are made of flesh. You have no humanity and are acting against nature. That's right. As the saying goes, those who have attained the Dao will get many help, while those who have lost the Dao will have little help. If you end up like this today, you are the ones who are to blame for your courage!"

Mr. Zhao's words made the people of the Bashe and Huaguo tribes who were originally withered heads and heads full of fighting spirit. No matter who it was, when they thought of their relatives who were persecuted to death by Guiyong Dao, how could they bear it in their hearts? live.

Peng Zhenyang smiled sinisterly and said: "In this world, the law of the jungle will always prey on the strong. People from the three major tribes like you deserve to be oppressed if you have no ability. If you people from the Yilao tribe were in our position, you would not be better than us." Are we merciful?"

"You are wrong. We, the Yi Lao tribe, have never had any disputes with the other two tribes since we came to this deserted city. People from the Yi Lao tribe will not bully anyone. You, Gui Yong Dao, are so ambitious that you will not only occupy After leaving Dahuang City, you still have to be the enemy of the entire world. It is only a matter of time for you to face this situation. Today, I will rise up and lead my people to destroy your cult. Even if I die, I will have no regrets!" Zhao Tianyi The old man said solemnly.

"Okay, since you want to die so much, I will help you. Everyone in Guiyong Road will obey my order and kill all the people from the three major clans in Dahuang City. No one will be spared, no matter the old, weak, women, or children! From now on! We are the only ones on Guiyong Road in this deserted city!" Peng Zhenyang raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at us.

"Subordinates obey!"

The bald envoys from Guiyong Road shouted in unison, with overwhelming momentum!
"Kill me!" The long sword in Peng Zhenyang's hand fell, and the first people to rush towards us were the Bai Lin guards wearing white robes.

The figure moved, and a vast expanse of white rushed towards us.

A Ba Snake clan member behind us roared loudly, swung his tail and swept towards the Bai Lin Guards.

The current few Bai Lin guards did not dodge or dodge, they all slashed out the swords in their hands, and they all fell on the Naba Snake Clan people.

The originally indestructible snake scales were cut open by those Bai Lin guards, and the body was cut into several pieces.

"These Bai Linwei are very good at cultivation. Brothers, we have a lot of work to do, let's give it a try!" My great-grandfather said solemnly.

"I won't come if I'm afraid of death. I'll show my ugliness first!" Master Wuyazi said. He waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword suddenly glowed brightly, making a "crash" sound, and countless sword shadows appeared. Floating, a vast expanse of white fell towards the Bai Lin Guards.

Wu Yazi's method is a super enhanced version of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. The power is naturally several times more powerful than the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. The large sword shadow sweeps out, and the white light floats, shaking so hard that people can't open their eyes. Even Bai Linwei, who was very powerful in cultivation, was so frightened that he retreated.

However, after a brief panic, these Bai Lin Guards quickly made a countermeasure. More than a dozen Bai Lin Guards formed a sword formation. As the long swords flew, there was also a burst of clattering sounds, and the real Wu Yazi was thrown away. The sword shadows flew out one by one.

Even so, two Bai Linwei were injured by the sword energy and took a few steps back with a groan.

When the Bai Lin Guards and Purple Lin Guards rushed over, I kept my eyes fixed on Peng Zhenyang not far away, but Peng Zhenyang didn't seem to have any intention of taking action. When the people behind him rushed over, I saw again The scene that horrified me was that behind Peng Zhenyang, there were more than a dozen zombies with dull faces and heads like lions - Maohou!
As soon as I saw this thing, my heart skipped a beat. The four Maohou that Bai Maitreya brought there were already powerful enough, but Peng Zhenyang actually brought more than a dozen this time.

The lethality of these hairy roars is so terrifying. When I saw this thing, I couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Peng Zhenyang, who was not far away, must have seen my expression at this time. Our two eyes passed through the fighting and collided with each other again. The corners of Peng Zhenyang's mouth turned up, and his smile was full of contempt.

In addition, I also saw the murderous look and anger in his eyes.

"Wu Jiuyin, I almost died in your hands last time. This was the biggest humiliation in Peng's life. Since you have come to the door today, we still have to settle this account properly." Peng Zhenyang moved towards him from a distance. I said here.

"Okay, I didn't kill you last time. Don't run away this time, you old boy. Isn't it embarrassing at such an old age?" I sarcastically said.

Peng Zhenyang didn't bother me. He flashed through the crowd and came to my side. He slashed at me with his sword.

When Peng Zhenyang struck out with this sword, I actually felt frightened again.

With just one strike of the sword, I could tell that the Peng Zhenyang I met this time was different from the one I met last time.

It stands to reason that the last time Peng Zhenyang was seriously injured by me was not long ago, and the injury should not heal so quickly. However, with this sword slash, not only did his cultivation level not decrease by half, but it also increased a lot.

I didn't dare to take his sword, so I had to urge Mizong Babu to dodge to one side. The few people from the Huacai tribe and the Yilao tribe standing behind me were unlucky. The air of ice in the blade enveloped them, and those people were instantly frozen into lumps of ice, standing there motionless.

Even the ice power condensed into a thick layer of ice on the wall, and there was still a slight chill.

I took a deep breath, touched the ground with my toes, and immediately jumped onto a nearby house. I turned to look at Peng Zhenyang and said, "Old man, let's do the same as last time, one-on-one!"

"Okay, that's what I meant. If I don't leave your kid's head here today, I, Peng Zhenyang, will not be able to be the right protector of Guiyong Dao!" Peng Zhenyang gritted his teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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