Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2570 Angry Array

Chapter 2570 Angry Array
This sudden change frightened everyone present.

What's the situation?
The few green-haired zombies my great-grandfather used to explore the road were not in any condition at all. Instead, Master Leng Yue led a group of nuns to approach the magic circle, and the magic circle was activated, killing so many people at once.

It’s not that I’m gloating over misfortune, no matter what, this Master Leng Yue is with us and stands on the united front. But since meeting him and her, this Master Leng Yue has become too out of touch, as if all of us We all have to follow her lead, she is the leader of the rest of us.

She also led her disciples, always walking at the front, keeping a certain distance from all of us, and moving forward indomitably.

It's good now. Master Leng Yue suffered a big loss, and she was almost strangled by the magic circle.

Master Leng Yue glanced in the direction of the magic circle with lingering fear, and finally showed a look of panic, and said with some disbelief: "This... what is going on, why can those zombies pass by, we Can’t get through?”

The seven or eight disciples from Lingxiu Mountain who were walking in front were all torn into pieces by the sword energy that appeared out of thin air. They were very fragmented, and the ground was covered with blood and flesh. There were no pieces of flesh as big as a palm.

After this adjustment, Master Huijue seemed to have recovered a lot of his cultivation. He suddenly walked slowly towards the direction of the magic circle.

When he walked to a place two or three meters away from the pile of minced meat, he stretched out a hand, and a Buddha's light suddenly appeared, as if he was sensing something.

After a while, Master Huijue returned and said to everyone: "This is a dark array. Once you get deep into the array, the array will sense the vitality of the living person through the energy field, and it will activate, borrowing the power of the earth's veins. , forms sword energy, and can strangle people in an instant. Those zombies are all dead objects, without any vitality, so they can break through the magic circle safely."

After hearing what Master Huijue said, everyone knew the subtlety of this magic circle.

It's really hard to guard against.

The monster Bai Maitreya arranged the magic circle just to kill people.

If we didn't have a way to break the formation, we probably wouldn't even be able to see Bai Maitreya's shadow, and people would be almost dead.

Fortunately, Leng Yue led a group of disciples to explore the way ahead. If it were us, we might not be able to escape if we broke into the magic circle.

This is the truth of the shot that stands out.

"This damn Bai Maitreya... arranged such an insidious magic circle and killed so many of my disciples. When the nun encounters him, he will be cut into pieces to avenge my disciples!" Leng Yue! Master Tai said through gritted teeth.

Who wouldn't say cruel words, if he really met Bai Maitreya, Master Leng Yue probably wouldn't have the confidence to do so.

She didn't know how cruel Bai Maitreya was.

Master Huijue took another look at the way we came, and said calmly: "Bai Maitreya has nineteen generations of cultivation, and his attainments in magic circles have been superb. When I walked here just now, I can still I felt slight fluctuations in the Qi field behind me. In other words, after a few hours, those magic formations we destroyed will re-condensate the power of the five elements of heaven and earth and function again. The entire Shiju City will be a huge magic power. The formations, including the layout of the houses in this stone city, every plant and tree, are all evolved with the help of heaven and earth, and Feng Shui. There are magic formations everywhere, and every step is dangerous, so you'd better be careful."

Although Master Huijue's words were spoken to everyone, I feel that the most important thing is to enlighten Master Lengyue so that she should not be eager for quick success, otherwise all of us would suffer.

Master Lengyue had a sullen face and did not dare to argue with an eminent monk like Master Huijue who had been reincarnated for seven generations. He just said to the handsome little nun Yu Ling next to him: "Yu Ling, go and break this magic circle."

The little nun responded and walked to the magic circle with the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron. She repeated her old trick and ignited the dragon bone incense.

All along, the further we go, the more powerful the magic circle becomes, and the longer the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron is placed in front of the magic circle.

This time, I saw that little nun Yu Ling had formed two magic seals with her hands, and she photographed the magic circle in front of her from a distance.

A majestic power of Buddhism slowly spread over.

During the fluctuation of the Qi field, the fragrance from the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron filled the magic circle and swallowed up the power of the magic circle.

Soon, little nun Yu Ling collected the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron and walked towards the zombies in front.

When she took steps forward, everyone's hearts were lifted.

I thought to myself that this little nun is so courageous. If there is something fishy in this magic circle, she will be buried in it.

But this time, the little nun walked directly behind the two green-haired zombies, then turned around and said to everyone: "Seniors, there is no danger, you can leave."

After hearing what the little nun said, everyone felt relieved and quickly walked through the magic circle and met up with the little nun Yu Ling.

As the old lady said, this little nun is not simple. Although she looks soft and frail, she really has a strong power of Buddhism.

Just now I saw that she only made one move, and we can see some clues.

"Amitabha...do you recognize this old monk?" Master Huijue suddenly walked up to the little nun Yu Ling, clasped his hands together, and bowed to her.

The little nun Yu Ling seemed a little flustered, and quickly returned the gift, saying somewhat flattered: "Of course I recognize Master Huijue... You are the abbot of Ziliang Mountain, the most eminent monk in the world..."

Master Huijue asked again: "What about the past life?"

When little nun Yu Ling heard what Master Huijue said, her face showed pain again. Her pretty face was already white, but now it was even more bloodless. She shook her head in extreme pain, but could not say a word. Come.

"That's all... the fourth life of rebuilding. At your age, you should not have awakened yet, and you still need to experience it. You and I have been friends for several generations, but we never thought that we would meet in such a situation in this life. Fortune plays its tricks on people, and things are unpredictable. ..." Master Huijue said rather sadly.

The little nun shook her head and said with some difficulty: "Thank you, Master, for enlightening me. This disciple is stupid..."

After only saying a few words without thinking, Master Huijue said nothing more, and everyone continued to walk forward.

But according to Master Huijue, he should know this little nun Yu Ling, and he was an old friend in previous lives.

This martial arts circle is really too small. There are only so many practitioners in total, and some of them have known each other for several lifetimes.

"How about it, am I right? This little nun Yu Ling is now in her fourth reincarnation, but this fourth life has not yet awakened. Once she awakens, she will be a powerful person." Laohua said.

(End of this chapter)

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