Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2573: Trapped by Love

Chapter 2573: Trapped by Love

It seems that what Master Huijue said is true. Everything just now was an illusion. We have once again fallen into the magic circle constructed by Bai Maitreya. Although I don’t know what the magic circle is, this magic circle is compared to Any magic circle we encountered in the past was more terrifying and fierce.

It allows us to kill ourselves, to die cruelly in pain and despair.

Everything that just happened was too real, as real as if it had just happened. Until now, I am not completely sure that everything that just happened was fake.

It took a while to calm down, and I continued to breathe heavily before I calmed down.

At this time, countless crying sounds and countless miserable shouts filled my ears.

When I looked up, most of the people from the various sects and the three major tribes here hugged their heads and started crying. Some people took out magic weapons and stabbed them into their hearts. Ended his own life.

A certain half-orc from the Bashe clan called his father and mother, and kept banging his head against a rock. His head was broken and bleeding, but he still kept banging.

Old man Zhao Tianyi also cried bitterly and looked like a madman. While waving the magic sword in his hand, he said sadly: "I, Zhao Tianyi, am not worthy to be the leader of this Yilao tribe... So many people in the Yilao tribe have died, and Gui Yong is still here." I have been oppressed by Tao for decades, and my own son also died in the war not long ago. What’s the point of living as an old man like me? I might as well die..."

As he said that, Zhao Tianyi raised his sword and wiped it on his neck. I panicked and was about to dodge in eight steps, but Master Huijue was already beside him and grabbed the sword in his hand. A hand suddenly appeared with a Buddha's light and slapped him on the forehead. Zhao Tianyi was shocked and stood on the spot.

"Qian'er... Ya Qian... I'm sorry for you... When you were seriously ill, I, Wu Nianxin, tried all my methods to save you... Even the two brothers of the Xue family were helpless. After so many years... I, Wu Nianxin, think of you all the time. It's not that I don't want to accompany you, but that I still have some unfulfilled wishes. Don't leave... Just wait for me... I'll go and accompany you right away... "

A voice murmured behind me. This voice was extremely familiar.

I looked back and saw that the person speaking was actually my great-great-grandfather. He was holding the gleaming Xuanhun Sword in his hand, and he was pointing it at his neck, intending to wipe it off.

I'm sorry, what the hell is this magic circle?My great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, with such a high level of cultivation, actually fell into this trap!
At this time, Grandpa Gao was in tears and very sad. Just now Master Huijue said that I have inner demons. It seems that Grandfather Gao's inner demons are worse than mine.

Otherwise, with his level of cultivation, he wouldn't be unable to resist and become so sad.

Seeing my great-great-grandfather about to wipe his neck, I quickly stepped forward and grabbed my great-great-grandfather's hand. At this time, my great-great-grandfather had his eyes closed, and he struck back at me with a sword and said excitedly: "Huang Yamei! I I've warned you, don't come to me again, I only have Zhong Yaqian in my heart, and even if I, Wu Nianxin, die, I will never have anything to do with you!"

The old man's sword was very heavy, and I could barely avoid it. Then, he raised the sword in his hand to wipe his neck.

At this time, Master Wuwei suddenly stepped forward to stop my great-grandfather, and we immediately started fighting with him.

"What are you still doing? Come here and help!" Master Wuwei greeted me while fighting with my great-great-grandfather.

I responded, rushed over, and went with Master Wuwei to deal with my great-grandfather.

Damn it, what kind of broken magic circle is this? The whole thing is in chaos, making everyone in our team go crazy and crying, and many people have already committed suicide by wiping their necks. We haven't met Bai Maitreya yet, so here we are. So many people died.

When Master Wuwei and I were joining forces to deal with my great grandfather, Monk Hua suddenly appeared from the side and joined the battle group together.

The cultivation of Great-grandfather, who was confused by the illusion of the magic circle, was greatly restricted. It was incomparable with the past. Even so, the three of us spent a lot of effort to control my great-grandfather.

Master Wuwei threw himself all over Great-grandfather and clung to him. Laohua hurriedly stepped forward and, without saying a word, slammed the purple gold bowl on my Great-grandfather's head. Great-grandfather was trembling all over. He soon calmed down.

Seeing that Grandpa Gao was finally under control, I let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

"Hahaha... Who do you think you are! If you fail me, I will make you regret it for the rest of your life, and make you never see me for the rest of your life... Now you are satisfied, I will die for you! Hahaha..."

A crazy voice came over again, and I followed the sound, but I saw that it was Master Leng Yue, crying and laughing, and wrapping the whisk in her hand around her neck, seemingly wanting to strangle herself.

Such a frosty master wife was also a storyteller when she was young.

In this magic circle, those who are trapped by love are the most disturbed by demons, I think it should be like this, such as me, my grandfather Gao and Master Lengyue...

Even though Master Lengyue was so crazy right now, all of his disciples were very normal. Several of them went over and knocked Master Lengyue to the ground and held her down tightly.

I found that the extremely innocent little nun Yu Ling was not disturbed by the magic circle. She frowned and placed the chaotic true spirit cauldron on the ground. She took out a dragon bone from her body and put it in. After lighting it, she sat down. Next to the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron, he recited scriptures.

The sound was very soft, like light mist drifting over the hills, and the sound of Buddha curled slowly towards the surroundings.

The other hundreds of disciples in Lingxiu Mountain also sat cross-legged on the ground and started chanting Buddhist scriptures along with little nun Yu Ling.

Not only the people from Lingxiu Mountain, but also the eminent monks from various temples such as Ziliang Mountain, Yanqing Mountain, Juding Mountain, Boluo Mountain, Entai Temple, etc. sat on the ground one after another, and accompanied by little nun Yu Ling chanting The scriptures began to be recited together.

The curling Buddha's voice floated back and forth throughout the space, creating a huge resonance. Coupled with the chaotic true spirit cauldron and the dragon bone incense working together, it seemed to be able to calm people's minds and get rid of inner demons.

Gradually, the heartbroken cries around them gradually became quieter. Many people sat on the ground, motionless, quietly feeling the envelope of the Buddha's voice.

When I looked up in the direction of my great-great-grandfather, I found that the old man had completely recovered his consciousness and put away the sword spirit. However, there were still wet tears on his face, and his expression was unusually solemn.

(End of this chapter)

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