Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2575 Heart Magic Array

Chapter 2575 Heart Magic Array
The Purple Golden Bowl played its role, and with the blessing of eminent monks from all sects, it drove away the demons in everyone's hearts.

In this moment, people kept waking up from the illusion. In addition to pain, they also had confused looks on their faces. From that look, they had no idea what was going on.

The power of Dharma in the purple golden bowl became stronger and stronger, and continued to spread the power of Dharma towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, several "bang bang" sounds were heard from all directions, and white smoke rose from all around.

Master Huijue stretched out his hand and pointed toward the sky. The purple golden bowl gathered the golden light, slowly floated down, and landed in Master Huijue's hand again.

As soon as the purple golden bowl fell, the chanting sounds of the eminent monks from various sects suddenly stopped.

Monk Hua put away the purple gold bowl and helped Master Huijue up from the ground. I also walked over and glanced at the two of them.

But the faces of Laohua and Master Huijue turned pale, with dejected expressions on their faces.

"Laohua, what's going on now?" I asked.

Laohua nodded and said: "This inner magic circle has been broken."

"Amitabha... this magic circle is really unfathomable. It cost me a lot of Buddhist practice to break this magic circle. The scary thing about the magic circle of inner demons is that it can awaken the biggest evil thoughts in your heart and the deepest hidden evil thoughts. There is nowhere to escape, and it can be infinitely amplified. People with too deep obsessions are most likely to die in the magic circle. Even if you don’t have too many obsessions, it can make you feel the greatest power in your life. Despair, such as letting you watch the people closest to you die tragically in front of you, but you are helpless. Those close to you, including your lover and loved ones, lose the courage to live in the endless despair, thus Kill yourself."

"Everyone present is the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes. Who doesn't have a few lives under their hands and has no obsessions? Except for the monks of the major sects who practice Buddhism, the four elements are empty. If they can stick to their hearts in this magic circle, they will not be affected. Except for the great influence of this magic circle, the rest of the people were basically all hit. Bai Maitreya arranged such a magic circle here. If we can't break it, there will be only one final result, we Anyone will eventually be swallowed by their own demons, and no one will leave here alive."

Master Huijue said calmly, and couldn't help but clasping his hands together again and chanting "My Buddha's Mercy".

Although the magic circle was broken, a white mist arose around it, covering everyone in it.

There are countless people who died in this magic circle, there should be 2000 people, including masters from various sects.

Not to mention them, even my great-grandfather and I almost died in this magic circle just now.

"What?! The Chaos True Spirit Cauldron actually shattered!" A sharp voice sounded with unusual grief and anger.

Everyone looked back and saw that Master Leng Yue from Lingxiu Mountain had regained her consciousness. She was holding the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron that was broken into two pieces in both hands, and her whole body was trembling.

I don't know if it's because of distress, anger, or both.

After all, this Chaos True Spirit Cauldron is the treasure of their Lingxiu Mountain. Along the way, they broke through barriers and showed off their power, but they were turned into this by the backlash of the magical formation in this inner demon formation.

"Master... this Chaos True Spirit Cauldron was shattered by the backlash of the magic circle..." Little Nun Yu Ling explained in a murmured voice.

"My master gave you this Chaos True Spirit Cauldron as a sign of my utmost trust in you. However, you destroyed my sacred weapon in Lingxiu Mountain with your own hands. Yu Ling, do you know your guilt?" Master Lengyue He became so angry that he directed all his grievances on little nun Yu Ling.

Little nun Yu Ling felt aggrieved in every way, but she couldn't explain it at this time. She knelt down directly in front of Master Lengyue and said in panic: "I know my mistake, please punish me..."

"The Chaos True Spirit Cauldron has been destroyed, and it is useless to kill you. Why didn't you put away the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron just now? You knew that the magic circle was terrifying, but you insisted on using it to break it. What on earth did you install? Heart?" Master Leng Yue continued to scold.

"Master... I saw that many seniors were confused by the magic circle, and many people died as a result. The disciple had no choice but to use the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron to break the formation. I never thought that the backlash of this magic circle would be so strong..."

"Okay, stop talking. My holy weapon, the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron in Lingxiu Mountain, was damaged in your hands, and you are still arguing with me here!" Master Leng Yue said angrily.

"Master Lengyue, I feel that this little master should not be blamed for this matter. The magic circle of inner demons arranged by Bai Maitreya is very powerful. Little Master Yu Ling did this to save more people's lives. , She didn’t damage the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron on purpose..." Master Wuwei couldn’t stand it any longer, so he stepped forward and said.

"This is my Lingxiu Mountain matter, it's your turn to interrupt!"

Master Leng Yue quickly transferred her anger to Master Wuwei, who was absolutely disowned.

Master Wuwei's face turned red and his neck was thick with anger, but he couldn't say a word.

"Master Lengyue, have you, this old nun, taken gunpowder? You spoke so irritably. If it hadn't been for the young master Yu Ling who used the Chaos True Spirit Cauldron to stabilize the situation just now, you would have committed suicide by now. You also just now Deep in the illusion, what are you talking about that will make someone regret it for the rest of his life, and make him never see you for the rest of his life... Ouch, that little sour look at that time made me unable to hold back..." Master Wu Yazi He chuckled and couldn't help but tease.

This sentence must have touched Master Lengyue's pain point, and she immediately became furious and shouted angrily: "Old madman, I will kill you right now!"

As he spoke, the fly whisk in his hand shook, and a terrifying chilling air suddenly evaporated, and a large hole suddenly opened on the ground, spreading towards the real person Wu Yazi.

Master Wuyazi didn't panic. He stepped on the ground with one foot and quickly formed a magic formula with his hands. The big gaping hole stopped more than a meter away from where he was.

Master Leng Yue didn't stop there, she held the fly whisk and hit Master Wu Yazi.

With a sound of "噗", the sword of Master Wu Yazi leaped out, ready to fight at any time.

But at this moment, my great-great-grandfather suddenly stepped in front of Master Wuyazi. Without saying a word, he slashed at Master Leng Yue with one move, sweeping away thousands of troops.

Master Leng Yue swept away the fly whisk in her hand, swaying away the vertical and horizontal sword energy, and fell to the ground. She said angrily: "Okay, you old guys, join forces to bully me, a weak woman." !”

(End of this chapter)

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