Chapter 2582
Seeing the tragic death of Master Leng Yue, everyone was extremely frightened. It was too terrifying. No matter how you say it, Master Leng Yue had a cultivation level close to that of an Earth Immortal. She was killed by him within two moves, and she was in vain. While Maitreya killed Master Lengyue, he was also resisting Master Huijue and several other eminent monks with profound Buddhist teachings. He really killed gods when he encountered them, and killed Buddha when he encountered them.

Apart from bringing deep despair to people with his heaven-defying cultivation, I don't know what else is left.

"Master..." Little nun Yu Ling ran to Master Lengyue's broken body and knelt on the ground. Bloody corpses were everywhere on the ground. It was too horrible to see and she was heartbroken.

Although Master Leng Yue has such a bad temper, and I have always disliked her, but now that she was killed by Bai Maitreya, and the little nun Yu Ling was crying so sadly again, I couldn't help feeling a little sad in my heart.

The old nuns in Lingxiu Mountain were filled with indignation and their eyes were red when they saw Master Lengyue being killed. At that moment, more than a dozen old nuns went to kill Bai Maitreya.

"Go back, you are no match for him!" Master Huijue turned around and shouted at the nuns while trying to maintain the purple golden bowl.

However, those old nuns could not listen to his words at this moment, so they rushed towards him with their magic weapons in hand.

"An ant's life is really worthless." Bai Maitreya smiled cruelly, grabbed the old nuns who ran towards him angrily, and said in his mouth: "Nine Nether Fires, burn souls and destroy corpses... "

As soon as the mantra was recited, blue flames suddenly rose up from the bodies of the dozen old nuns who had not rushed to Bai Maitreya's side, which were the same as the flames that burned on Master Lengyue's body before.

Perhaps Mrs. Lengyue's cultivation base is stronger than these old nuns. The real Mo Chen in Nanshan can save her with a talisman, but these ten or so old nuns are too late to save her.

Before Master Mo Chen could take out the golden talisman, the dozen old nuns fell to the ground howling miserably. The blue flames on their bodies were extremely strong. They only screamed two or three times and fell to the ground without making any sound. , in a moment, there was only a pile of fly ash.

This method is too monstrous, people are still far away from him, they can connect with Jiuyou Yinhuo and burn them.

A dozen old nuns were all turned into ashes in less than half a minute.

Wait until Bai Maitreya has just finished killing these old nuns.

Suddenly thunder rumbled overhead, and black clouds rolled.

When I looked back, I found that Nan Jiuzi had already taken their respective positions, and someone was holding a spell, connecting the sky with thunder and earth with fire, and performing the art of drawing thunder.

Beside each of Nan Jiuzi, there were forty or fifty Nanshan disciples, arranging their troops and guarding Nan Jiuzi to receive the thunder.

These disciples of Nanshan must also be true cultivators of Nanshan. I saw that their body shapes were constantly changing according to certain rules. In addition to guarding Nan Jiuzi who received the thunder, the bald envoys of Guiyong Dao were not allowed to pass. In addition to being close, it seems that they can also connect the power of the five elements of heaven and earth together, so that the thunder of the sky can be chopped down as soon as possible.

After the disciples of Nanshan set up their formation, within about a minute, there was thunder and lightning above their heads, with a roaring sound and streaks of lightning crisscrossing each other.

Bai Maitreya naturally felt the thunder, but he still had a calm expression, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was still contemptuous.

"Nine Heavenly Mysterious Thunders, kill the demons, and the first thunder will shock the sky!"

In the distance, an old Taoist from Nanshan shouted, and a rolling thunder fell on the long sword in the old Taoist's hand.

The lightning was very powerful, and it fell on the long sword with bright light. As soon as it fell, the veteran aimed at the direction of Bai Maitreya and struck it down heavily.

The mighty power of heaven arrived in the blink of an eye, and fell on Bai Maitreya in one fell swoop.

At that moment, many people stopped what they were doing and looked towards Bai Miley. Even the bald envoys from Gui Yongdao were dumbfounded.

I wonder if my chief helmsman will be struck to death by this thunder.

However, after the thunder fell on Bai Maitreya, there was no sound at all. It was like a mud cow falling into the sea. Apart from the vertical and horizontal thunder rolling around Bai Maitreya, there seemed to be no damage on Bai Maitreya's body.

"I am feeling a little itchy on my body. This thunder comes at just the right time. Is there anything else?" Bai Maitreya said with a wanton smile.

Nan Jiuzi was also stunned. This great art of drawing thunder is the power of heaven. Han mother and son can be chopped into flying ash. Why doesn't it work on Bai Maitreya?
Immediately afterwards, the second... The third thunder continued to bombard Bai Maitreya.

All the thunder that fell on Bai Maitreya looked the same. Apart from leaving some thin electric currents on Bai Maitreya's body, they did no damage to him at all.

"Shuangli... Really refreshing... how about a few more thunderstorms?" Bai Mile laughed loudly.

Looking down at the world, smiling proudly, seeking defeat alone, this must be Bai Maitreya at this time.

The more ruthless killing moves were unleashed on Bai Miroku, the more desperate everyone felt.

He is hopelessly powerful, and many terrifying methods seem to have no effect on him.

After watching five or six thunderbolts falling on Bai Maitreya without any effect, everyone in Muleng raised their magic weapons again and continued to fight with the bald envoys of Guiyong Dao.

Damn, even if you can't kill Bai Maitreya, even if you are going to be killed by Bai Maitreya, you have to kill a few backers before you die. Killing one is enough to earn a profit, and killing two can earn one.

I greeted my brothers and continued to fight with the bald envoys from Guiyong Road, and the fight was extremely fierce.

Whether or not Bai Maitreya can be killed can only be left to the dozen or so Earth Immortal-level masters. For example, we don't have to think about it at all, and it is difficult to get close to Bai Maitreya.

While we were fighting hard, the thunder above our heads suddenly stopped and there was no sound.

All the nine thunders that Nan Jiuzi had led had been struck, and no more thunder fell.

At this time, Bai Maitreya seemed to be still a little unfinished, and said disdainfully: "It's boring... It's really boring. Your method of attracting thunder is not even a bit worse than that of Nanshan Wudaozi back then. In the age of the end of the Dharma, it's really Each generation is not as good as the last, which is a pity..."

As he spoke, Bai Maitreya suddenly stretched out his hand, and suddenly a bolt of thunder struck in the direction of Nan Jiuzi who had previously received the thunder.

The sky thunder that burst out from Bai Maitreya fell right in the middle of the group of people in Nanshan, and exploded immediately. Dozens of people were blown up into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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