Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2588 The ultimate move

Chapter 2588 The ultimate move
When everyone was about to urinate in front of the Menghui sedan, Bai Maitreya's voice suddenly boomed around us. We were about to urinate, but we were so frightened that we held it back.

Being frightened like this by Bai Maitreya, a person with poor psychological quality would probably be frightened to the point of not doing anything for the rest of his life.

It wasn't over yet. After the voice passed, I suddenly felt a chill behind me. It felt like someone appeared behind me. Without thinking about it, I didn't even lift my pants, so I activated Mizong Babu. , dodged to the side.

After I stood firm, I looked towards the place where I was standing, and I immediately saw a scene that made me feel chills all over. Bai Maitreya, it was Bai Maitreya who appeared behind me just now. Oh my god, he was not killed by my great ancestor. I and others were surrounded in the middle, why did they suddenly appear behind me?

Shocked, I glanced towards my great-grandfather, but I saw that Bai Maitreya was still being besieged by more than a dozen Earth Immortal-level masters. His figure was fluttering rapidly, which was dizzying, but I could still tell that Bai Maitreya was still there. in it.

That means that the Bai Maitreya who just appeared behind us should not be the real Bai Maitreya, but a clone of him.

Damn it, being besieged by more than a dozen Earth Immortal-level experts can still create a clone to deal with us.

How evil is this guy.

I just don’t know how powerful this clone is. Is it as powerful as the Bai Maitreya who possessed the paper man when he was in Qingshan...

If that's the case, we juniors are definitely no match for him.

For a moment, everyone else saw Bai Maitreya suddenly appearing next to Menghui sedan. They were so frightened that they had no time to pull up their pants and quickly left the place where Bai Maitreya appeared.

After everyone retreated a few steps away, they found Bai Maitreya standing next to the Menghui sedan still standing there, motionless.

We were all frightened and stunned. We glanced at each other, wondering what Bai Maitreya's clone was doing.

But after all, Bai Maitreya is a person who is so powerful that we are all extremely afraid of him. Seeing him standing there motionless, we didn't dare to step forward rashly.

After being in this stalemate for a few seconds, I couldn't hold it any longer. First I used the sword spirit and swept a finishing move towards Bai Miroku. Bai Miroku's clone was still standing there. Without moving, he watched the purple sword energy swirling and flying to his side. Then he waved a palm and another move of catching the wind as a sword, which easily neutralized my sword energy. .

After dispelling the sword energy, Bai Miroku still stood there motionless.

But after this short trial, I have realized that this clone of Bai Maitreya is just a ray of spiritual sustenance. It is far worse than the clone of Bai Maitreya that I met in Qingshan, let alone being able to compete with him. Comparable to his own self.

Furthermore, since Bai Maitreya can defeat more than a dozen Earth Immortal level masters by himself, it is impossible for him to pay too much attention to our side.

After figuring this out, I immediately called everyone and said, "Brothers, this clone of Bai Maitreya is very weak. Let's deal with him together, and then destroy Meng Hui's sedan chair!"

Saying that, I picked up my pants and was the first to step forward, pointing my sword spirit straight at Bai Maitreya's chest. Laohua, Bai Zhan and the others followed closely behind, and charged towards Bai Maitreya together.

Even if it is a clone of Maitreya Bai, it is not a very easy character to deal with. Even if we rush forward, it is impossible to destroy this clone of Maitreya Bai in a short time.

However, we are not all weak. Among the younger generation of disciples in the world, we are also outstanding ones. We rushed forward together. The clone of Bai Maitreya was a little unable to resist and kept wandering around the Menghui sedan. Most of them All defensive, very little offense.

This further proves Lao Li's previous guess that this dream is very important to Bai Maitreya. The reason why he created a clone to deal with us in such a difficult situation is to protect this dream from being We destroy it.

Seeing that Bai Maitreya's clone was tightly controlled by us, suddenly a familiar voice came from the main battlefield.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

This is the voice of my great-grandfather.

When I looked back, I saw that Grandfather Gao had pointed the Mysterious Soul Sword towards the sky. The purple light was flowing on the Mysterious Soul Sword, and a purple beam of light rose into the sky, and soon turned into a purple horn. Long dragons rise into the sky.

The situation above the head was also changing, black clouds were rolling, flashes of lightning were rolling in the black clouds, and the sound of muffled thunder was also heard.

Grandfather Gao may have seen Bai Maitreya create a clone to deal with us, and finally had an opportunity, so he released the ultimate move-Flying Dragon in the Sky.

Using this trick to deal with Bai Maitreya is also the most effective method.

The one-horned dragon soul shuttled among the clouds for a moment, then let out a majestic dragon roar, swooped down, and headed straight towards Bai Maitreya.

Seeing my great-great-grandfather perform this move, the dozen or so Earth Immortal level masters surrounding Bai Maitreya immediately dispersed in all directions, but they still controlled Bai Maitreya within a certain range to prevent him from escaping. And go.

However, the person standing here is Bai Maitreya himself, and running away is not his style at all.

How could such a proud and arrogant person escape?
When the purple dragon soul, carrying a true dragon spirit, swooped down towards Bai Maitreya, Bai Maitreya just opened his hands and looked up at the swooping true dragon with a solemn expression on his face. .

At the same time, the clone of Bai Maitreya who had been fighting with us suddenly flashed with golden light, turned into a ray of light, and shot towards Bai Maitreya's body.

When the clone merged with Bai Maitreya's true form, Bai Maitreya's body once again emitted a faint golden light.

The real dragon swooped down too fast, and the Qi field around Bai Maitreya spread to all sides. A crackling sound came from the air, which was the sound of the Qi field being ignited.

In an instant, the real dragon swooped down and hit the ground hard, and a deep pit appeared on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the real dragon shot straight into the sky and continued to shuttle back and forth among the clouds.

From time to time, the mournful screams of real dragons were heard in the air.

At this moment, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at the real dragon above their heads.

Grandpa Gao released his ultimate move. I still don't have the confidence to know whether I can knock Bai Maitreya to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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