Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 2599 3 Powers

Chapter 2599 Three Forces
Even though my cultivation level was extremely strong at this time, I still felt a sense of powerless frustration when facing Bai Maitreya. He was really too powerful, so powerful that I couldn't even imagine it.

I was struggling to hold on when I was fighting with my bare hands before. Now Bai Maitreya used the magic flag as a magical weapon and waved it towards me. There was a strong feeling between the waving of the magic flag. The evil spirit radiated out and headed towards my body. I could only grit my teeth and fill my whole body with true energy to block the black evil energy that kept coming towards my body.

Such and such, it really made me feel that every step was difficult, and I was forced to do nothing by Bai Maitreya.

And the monsters crawling out from the cracks in the ground began to wreak havoc in the stone city. Whether it was Bai Maitreya's bald envoy or the masters of various sects, they were the targets of these monsters. After being caught, most of them died. Killed in a very cruel way, these monsters seemed to be born to kill, and the smell of blood filling their noses made them extremely manic and excited.

It's hard to imagine what kind of terrifying scene it would be if this magic flag was used in the outside world to release such a terrifying monster.

However, after six or seven monsters emerged from the crack in the ground, no new monsters crawled out. I don't know if it was because there was no more monsters underneath, but because this magic flag could only summon these few monsters. .

Most of these monsters were aimed at the few Earth Immortal level masters, and there were also two or three who were fighting everywhere in Shiju City, making the scene a mess.

The masters of various sects and the bald envoys were also a little confused, not knowing whether to deal with this monster or continue to fight.

At this moment, I can no longer care about these things. The Bai Maitreya in front of me has forced me into a desperate situation. I am facing him and I have no power to fight back except to accept his attacks.

"Boy, you are still a little too young... you are still a fledgling, and you are just relying on the cultivation that Hui Jue and Wu Nianxin have given you. Your foundation is unstable and you will eventually be unable to survive. Aren't you going to die in my hands sooner or later? "

As he said that, Bai Maitreya waved the demon summoning flag in his hand, stretched out a palm towards me, and struck directly at my chest.

The wind from the palm roared like thunder.

I didn't dare to reach out to receive this palm, so I quickly used Mizong to dodge behind me in eight steps. Although I dodge very quickly, the wind from Bai Maitreya's palm still landed on me, like a huge stone hitting my chest. It made me feel a little stuffy and in unbearable pain.

It’s really hard to imagine what would happen if this palm really hit my chest.

Will I be like Grandfather Gao and Master Huijue, and just spit out a mouthful of old blood?

Bai Maitreya's palm failed, and his body turned into a shadow, and he continued to attack. I felt fierce in my heart, and made a desperate plan.

When I saw Bai Maitreya running towards me, I activated the power of the essence of vegetation and the Qinggang method of controlling trees. In the blink of an eye, thick vegetation and vines grew out of the dilapidated ground. It entwined towards Bai Maitreya's dangling figure.

What shocked me was that the growing plants and vines seemed to be very afraid of Bai Maitreya, and they just walked around him without having any effect at all.

I continued to step back, and took out the copper coin sword. I quickly activated the Beidou copper coin sword formation, and the copper coin swords dispersed with a "crash". In less than half a second, they turned into countless copper coin sword energy. , covering a large area, scattering in the direction of Bai Maitreya.

Facing this dense sword energy, Bai Maitreya's vacillating figure suddenly became real again. He just grabbed the void, and the sword energy of the copper coins sank in front of him, and the sword energy turned into nothingness. The copper coins also made a crisp sound and fell to the ground.

"With the three-legged cat's methods, is there anything more powerful?" Bai Miley said sarcastically.

As soon as Bai Maitreya finished speaking, a golden light enveloped Bai Maitreya.

I froze for a moment, not knowing what happened.

"The opportunity has come, Xiaojiu, take action!" It was Li Banxian who spoke.

I immediately understood that Lao Li must have used that bronze mirror. Once the light of this bronze mirror envelopes someone, it can freeze them for two or three seconds. However, Bai Maitreya's cultivation is so unbelievable. Can Hua's bronze mirror trap him?

This thought just flashed in my mind, I didn't dare to hesitate at all, Mizong Babu started to move, ran to Bai Maitreya's side as fast as possible, and stabbed his chest with a sword.

When I stabbed the sword, there was a trace of disdain on the corner of Bai Maitreya's mouth. I wiped it. It seemed that Bai Maitreya was not under control. Not even for a second. He was completely immune to the power of this bronze mirror and was waiting for me. Come here to die.

Bai Maitreya immediately stretched out his hand, and easily swung away the sword soul with the demon summoning flag in his hand, then waved his palm and slapped it towards my chest.

At that moment, the hairs all over my body stood up. I definitely couldn't hide, so I had to grit my teeth and wave my palm towards Bai Maitreya.

"Boom" sound.

The sky was spinning, dust was flying, and strong Qi field fluctuations exploded around the two of us like thunder.

When I decided to compete with Bai Maitreya in terms of palm power, I activated three methods. One was the Yinrou Palm, which could increase my palm power several times and fly towards Bai Maitreya. The second was the Heart-Destroying Palm. It can contain thunderous energy, and when the palms are joined together, the thunderous energy can be poured into the opponent's body, damaging his muscles and veins; thirdly, the Dou Zhuan Qian Kun Break that I carry on my wrist can transfer the power of the opponent to me. to the ground beneath your feet.

The three forces gathered together to confront Bai Maitreya.

Although I felt very uncomfortable, it was not as miserable as I imagined.

After all, I have integrated into the cultivation of Master Huijue and Grandpa Gao, and I am no longer the same as I used to be.

I let out a muffled groan, and a hole suddenly opened in the ground, extending at least ten meters long. There were spider web-like cracks around it. The blood all over my body was boiling at this moment. I took seven or eight steps back before I could Stabilized his body.

Bai Maitreya was obviously not having a good time either. His face, which originally looked a little pale, now looked even paler. He staggered back four or five steps before he could stabilize his figure. There is a small free electric light flowing.

When Bai Maitreya and I both stood still, we both looked at each other in disbelief.

What is incredible to me is that Bai Maitreya was able to be knocked back several steps by my palm.

(End of this chapter)

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