Chapter 262

What’s even more depressing is that Naba Dafeng pointed at me and said that he insisted on letting me stay. I don’t know why that guy chose me, or because he looked at my thin skin and tender flesh, which should be good. eat.

It seems that there is nothing to talk about, otherwise, I would have to fight to the death, and I would have wasted a lot of time just in this black and white forest.

Master Long Yao talked earnestly for a long time, but Bada Feng's mind just couldn't turn around, and we were stumped by a bag of salt.

Finally, without saying a word, Naba Dafeng ordered two black and white underworld men to come over and wanted to take me.

I glanced at Master Long Yao and found that he was also looking at me, but suddenly a fierce light appeared in his eyes. Without any warning, he pulled out the sword on his body and pointed towards Naba Dafeng's head. He was slashed on the body.

I thought that for a character as powerful as Long Yao, even such a tall Ba Dafeng would definitely be defeated, but Ba Dafeng was very fierce if he couldn't, so he took a step back and raised the heavy ax to block the dragon. Master Yao's quick and fierce sword strike, and a burst of fire suddenly burst out.

Immediately after slashing out the sword, Master Long Yao shouted: "You two boys, run quickly and keep running straight ahead. If you see the boundary monument with the gate of hell, stop and wait for me. These black and white ghosts People don’t dare to cross boundaries... I’m here to entangle these black and white underworld people..."

As he spoke, Master Long Yao was already fighting with Ba Dafeng, the great king of the black and white underworld. The sword in Master Long Yao's hand was probably a magic weapon. When he pulled it out, blue light shone like a whole sword. They were all ignited by blue flames, and they attacked Naba Peak fiercely.

Naba Dafeng was caught off guard and quickly used the big ax made of stone on his body to catch the attack, but was forced to retreat continuously.

Over there, Master Long Yao started to fight with a Naba peak, and the remaining black and white underworld people immediately rushed towards me and Xue Xiaoqi, with furious expressions on their faces, definitely trying to kill us here.

Immediately, Xue Xiaoqi and I both reacted, took out our magical weapons, and started fighting with these black and white ghosts.

I thought these black and white ghosts were just bigger, but once we started fighting, I realized that things were not as simple as I thought. These black and white ghosts were extremely powerful, and even with their brute force, they could Xue Xiaoqi and I were unable to resist.

One of them, a black-and-white ghost, threw a stone ax at me, so I used a copper coin sword to catch it. Not only was the shock so hard that my jaw cracked, but the ground beneath my feet sank into a piece, and blood surged all over my body. .

Even if Xue Xiaoqi is poisonous, it will not have any effect on these black and white underworld people. If you want to kill them, you have to cut off the heads of these black and white underworld people.

In the blink of an eye, we were surrounded by Heihei Mingren. Daoist Longyao was under the greatest pressure. He was trapped in an encirclement circle by seven or eight Heihei Mingren, including the great king Ba Dafeng.

Xue Xiaoqi and I are also under great pressure. Each of us has to deal with three or four such difficult opponents at the same time.

For a time, we fell into a huge crisis. With the strength of these black and white underworld people, I was no match for any of them. Xue Xiaoqi and I were beaten back repeatedly. Several times, I was almost beaten by these black and white underworld people. The man's stone ax struck him.

If we continue like this, we will die in the hands of these big and brainless black and white ghosts in minutes, so I have to use a trick.

Immediately, I threw the copper coin sword away and performed several tricks.

I immediately pulled out the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. With a series of spells and hand gestures, the Copper Coin Sword immediately decomposed and turned into dozens of copper coins, hitting those black and white underworld people. I wanted to I thought that by using this ultimate move, the battle would be resolved quickly, but I was completely wrong.

These black and white underworld beings are not only extremely powerful, but also have rough skin and thick flesh. When these copper coins are hit on them, they cannot drill out a bloody hole, but are directly embedded in their skin and flesh, shocking them one after another. He staggered a few steps back.

Seeing such a situation, I was horrified. These guys were really difficult to deal with. No wonder Master Long Yao didn't fight them when he first came up, but instead tried his best to talk to them.

Even so, the release of my big move also had a certain relief effect, forcing those black and white people around me and Xue Xiaoqi to retreat a few steps.

Xue Xiaoqi was sweating profusely from exhaustion, so I grabbed his arm and said, "Let's go quickly! Let's go to Guimen Pass first and wait for Master Long Yao..."

When things got to this point, Xue Xiaoqi didn't dare to stay any longer. The two of us were no match for these black and white underworld people.

Xue Xiaoqi looked back at Master Long Yao, and then rushed out of the encirclement with me. The black and white ghosts who were hit by the copper coins screamed in pain, which angered them even more.

After a moment, those black and white underworld people reacted and chased us with big strides. Not only did they chase, they also pulled the javelin-like thing from the ground and ran towards me and Xue Xiaoqi. direction throw.

The sound of whirring through the air seemed to ring in the ears of Xue Xiaoqi and I. Many of those thick javelins fell around us. If they were hit by something like mine, they would definitely be devastated and die on the spot. I, Xue, was shocked. Xiao Qi was covered in cold sweat.

Not long after Xue Xiaoqi and I ran out, our speed slowed down because the javelins in the hands of these black and white underworld people were thrown like a barrage. We had to stop and look above our heads to avoid at any time. Our backs There are no eyes on it, so it will die immediately after being touched.

These black and white underworld people are taller and faster than us. They probably chase all kinds of beasts in this black and white forest all year round. How could we outrun them? We were soon overtaken by these black and white underworld people.

A stone ax from a black and white underworld person hit my pocket. I swayed and dodged. I was a little annoyed. I immediately circulated the spiritual power in my Dantian like crazy, stopped, and fought back. Just hit him with a soft palm.

The black-and-white underworld man didn't expect me to stop, and he was still rushing forward. Immediately, he was hit in the lower abdomen by a gentle palm of my hand. I almost used [-]% of my strength, and a strong force surged from me. After activating the energy in his palm, the black and white underworld man immediately let out a muffled groan and flew backwards, falling to the ground.

However, this matter is not over yet, because I have already developed murderous intentions.

(End of this chapter)

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