Chapter 269
We continued to move forward with the large army, and as we walked, the large building I saw before seemed to be getting closer to us.

At this time, Master Long Yao once again used the magic of transmitting sounds into secrets to inform Xue Xiaoqi and me: "Are you two boys ready? We are going to escape from this large army in a while, why don't we go?" That village in the distance, to find an old friend of mine..."

Hearing what Master Long Yao said, Xue Xiaoqi and I were immediately stunned. We originally wanted to turn around to see Master Long Yao, but he then said to us: "Don't look back, keep going forward, we will be poor for a while." If we run away, you all should run together without any pause."

After saying this, Master Long Yao stopped talking. I was still muttering in my heart. The evil forces on both sides of the road were so closely guarded, but I didn’t know how Master Long Yao allowed the three of us under their noses. Get out.

It's not easy for us to sneak in, but it may not be so easy to escape.

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a wave of Qi field coming from behind him. Immediately, there was a flash of golden light, and the souls behind him suddenly made a commotion. The scene suddenly got out of control, and the lonely ghosts suddenly became noisy. Started to run away in all directions.

Xue Xiaoqi and I stopped and looked back, wondering what happened. At this moment, Master Long Yao suddenly ran out and turned to greet us: "Run!"

If you don't run now, when will you wait?
My dear Xue Xiaoqi saw Master Long Yao running away, and we immediately followed him and ran toward a large bush of Biangan flowers in front of us.

While I was running, I looked back and saw that in the area where we were just standing, there were at least forty or fifty ghosts running around like crazy.

This made the Yinza guarding the large army a little confused. They kept waving their whips and hitting the fleeing ghosts. There was also a Yinza with a huge bull's head, heading towards us. Chased him.

This movement must have been caused by Master Long Yao, and I don’t know what method he used to cause these ghosts to suddenly become commotion.

This is fishing in troubled waters. Taking advantage of this moment of commotion, Master Long Yao led us in the direction of the building. Master Long Yao said that it was a village.

But no matter what it is, it is important to escape at this moment. The bull-headed yinza behind is chasing after us, constantly waving his whip towards us.

But the distance is still a bit far, his whip did not fall on us, but the whistling wind brought by the whip, the Yin Qi is very dignified, the feeling of hitting the body must be uncomfortable, this way, it is even more exciting Our potential is rushing towards that village.

Soon, the three of us ran to the village. When we got closer, we realized that this was not a village at all, it was simply a city. The streets were very wide, and there were even pedestrians going back and forth. It felt like it was nothing like the outside world. What's the difference? It's just that the people in this village are dressed very strangely. Some are wearing the clothes of the Mian Dynasty, and there are also people from the construction era. They don't seem to be surprised at all by our arrival, and they are busy with their own affairs. Things, everything seems to be in order.

These people should be those who have not yet reached the end of their lifespan, or who died suddenly, waiting here for reincarnation.

Master Long Yao seemed to be very familiar with this place. As soon as we entered the village, he led us into an alley with twists and turns. Xue Xiaoqi and I were shocked and panting from exhaustion. Master Long Yao let us go. We clung to the wall and suddenly took out three yellow paper talismans from our bodies. We pinched our fingers and recited the incantation. With a slight shake, we threw the three yellow paper talismans away.

As soon as the three yellow paper talismans fell to the ground, they immediately turned into the phantoms of three people. Xue Xiaoqi and I took a look and found that the three people were the two of us and Master Long Yao. The three phantoms turned into ours. After that, he continued to run forward along a main road.

A moment later, the huge bull-headed Yinza flashed past the alley next to us, chasing the three phantoms.

Xue Xiaoqi and I had never seen this move before, and we immediately admired Master Long Yao. He was really thoughtful and had even planned these things.

After your treacherous footsteps went away, Xue Xiaoqi and I let out a long breath.

Master Long Yao stepped outside and glanced in the direction of Niutou Yincha. After making sure that he was gone, he asked us to come out of the alley.

Originally, we could follow the large army directly to the Wangchuan River. When we reach the Wangchuan River, we can see the flower essence on the other side. But once we follow the large army there, it will probably not be that easy to figure it out. I think Since the Naihe Bridge will definitely be heavily guarded, if we steal the Flower Essence from the Other Side in front of so many shady people in full public view, we are simply looking for death.

I thought that Master Long Yao had some other purpose in bringing us to this ghost town on Huangquan Road.

After Master Long Yao took us out of the alley, he didn't say a word, and walked around in this ghost town. Finally, he got into an alley, came to a courtyard door, and knocked gently. Go out the door.

Xue Xiaoqi and I stared at each other and couldn't help but wonder, could it be that Master Long Yao still has acquaintances in this ghost town on Huangquan Road?

Just when we were wondering, the door opened, and a young man of about 30 years old came out, wearing a blue-gray Taoist robe. The moment he opened the door, he was stunned for a moment, and said with some surprise: "Long Yao Brother, why are you here?"

"It's a long story, let's go in and hide first..."

As he spoke, Master Long Yao led the two of us into the courtyard. The young Taoist priest glanced around, then closed the door and walked towards us.

Master Long Yao was not polite. Seeing a stone table and many stone stools in the small courtyard, he asked us to sit down.

Then, the young Taoist priest walked towards us and asked with a suspicious look on his face: "Senior Brother Long Yao, why did you come back here? Could it be that you also..."

"No, I am living a good life. I came to Huangquan Road this time to do something very important. I stopped by to see you." Master Long Yao said seriously.

The young Taoist priest glanced at us and asked again: "Are these two..."

 Tickets are running low recently, please help me~
(End of this chapter)

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