Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 273 A sudden change

Chapter 273 A sudden change
To be a good person, you need to know how to make a choice between advancement and retreat, and you cannot cheat your friends. One person should do things for the other.

Master Long Yao has done his best to bring me to this Huangquan Road. Xue Xiaoqi also sacrificed his life to accompany the gentleman. I, Wu Jiuyin, cannot cheat my friends. No matter what lies ahead is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I will go through it alone. Life and death are determined by fate. Wealth and honor are in heaven. I am here. If I die during the trip, it will be my fate, Wu Jiuyin, and I can’t blame anyone else.

After the array was set up, a white mist immediately evaporated in the yard and spread everywhere. Immediately, I took out a piece of white paper from my Qiankun bag, bit my finger and wrote on it : "Thank you for accompanying me all the way. I, Wu Jiuyin, went to the bank of Wangchuan River and will wait for me here for three days. If I don't come back, please leave and don't miss me!"

After I finished writing, I directly pasted the paper on the door frame and walked out of the courtyard in a flash.

There is no sun or moon on Huangquan Road, and everything is dark. However, this place is not completely dark. There is still some light that allows people to see things. I don’t know where the light source comes from.

According to Master Long Xiu, these ghost villages were built by the gods of the netherworld. Everything is fake and imitates things built in the human world. It is just a comfort to the soul, so that these ghost villages are waiting to enter reincarnation. The ghosts still feel like the human world in their hearts.

They don't need to eat, sleep, or even use the toilet. They just spend time here. It's completely a state of eating and waiting to die. Well, this statement seems a bit inappropriate, but that's what it means anyway.

By the way, since I came to this Huangquan Road, I haven’t eaten, drank, or slept, and I haven’t felt anything at all. Even now, I don’t know what kind of condition I am in on this Huangquan Road.

After leaving the house where Master Long Xiu lived, I walked along the alley. As soon as I looked out, I saw a few shady people standing on the road, strictly checking the passers-by.

I saw that they seemed to be holding something in their hands, some like a stick, with various reliefs on it. As long as someone came over, they would touch that person, and the stick would flash red. Anyone who was touched Anyone you encounter will be let through if a red light flashes.

I just took a sneak peek and realized that I couldn't walk on the main road and had to take the trail. I had to go to the east end of the village and keep going west. There was a forest. I remember it clearly.

Immediately, I turned back cautiously, twisting and turning in the alley, and almost got confused. I almost hit the muzzle of Yin Zai's gun several times.

I think the thing in the hands of the undercover person should be able to detect whether we are living people from outside. As long as the thing touches my body, it will be judged true and false. I will definitely not be caught by the undercover person. Arrived.

It took me more than an hour to get out of the village and arrived at the east end of the village. There were a few people in front of me. I immediately followed them and blended in with the crowd. The direction they were going was also towards the east end of the village. Yes, I think it would be safer if I blended in with the crowd.

The person in front of me seems to be a woman, with her back to me, and she exudes a faint fragrance. She looks pretty from the back, but she can't see her face. I can't help but feel a little pity in my heart that she died so young and beautiful. And he still died violently, but it was really miserable.

In addition to the woman in front of me, there were several other people. They seemed to be in a group. They were talking about something along the way. I had no intention of listening. I just wanted to leave this ghost village quickly and get there first. Sen Luolin, let’s talk again.

Just when we were about to leave the village, something tragic happened. Suddenly, two Yinza with huge bull heads walked out from one side of the street and walked towards us with heavy steps. , they were still holding the stick in their hands. As soon as I saw these two Yin difference, my heart suddenly became cold. After thinking about it, I finally got around to the east end of the village. Unexpectedly, I met Yin difference again here. Worse, being captured alive by them would definitely lead to death.

I was thinking secretly in my heart, should I turn around and run now, but where should I run?

You can't run back now and go to Master Long Xiu?

This is absolutely impossible. I only need to go for a while and directly expose Master Long Yao and Xue Xiaoqi. By then, Master Long Xiu will definitely be implicated, and then my sin will be huge.

My body was trembling slightly. At this moment, the two villains had already taken heavy steps and walked towards us. My mind was immediately confused, and I stood there stupidly, not daring to move. , his hand directly reached into the Qiankun Bag, and he tightened his grip on the Corpse Ruler in his hand, otherwise he would have to fight against this evil in a short while.

But can I be a match for these evil deeds?
No matter what, when things come to an end, it can only be like this.

As soon as the few people in front of me saw the two sinister men walking towards us, they immediately stopped and stopped talking.

I stood there stupidly, not daring to move, but I was struggling fiercely in my heart. Should I run now?
Soon, the two bull-headed yinzai arrived in front of everyone. Without saying a word, they touched the stick in their hands towards one of them. The stick flashed and emitted a ray of red light. One of the yinzai waved his hand. , let the person in front of me go, and three or four people in succession did the same. Soon it was the turn of the woman in front of me, and one of the yinzai slapped the stick in his hand towards the woman.

In an instant, an incredible scene happened. The woman suddenly swayed, dodged to the side, and then ran wildly towards the darkness.

Only then did the two villains react, and they let out an angry roar at the same time. They waved their whips and struck the woman. The woman seemed to have eyes on her back. She looked back and struck out with a sword, blocking the whip. , then rushed forward quickly, turned a corner, and disappeared at the entrance of the alley.

I was the last person to be examined. Now they couldn't care about me and they all went after the woman angrily.

This sudden change made me a little overwhelmed. I didn't understand what was going on for a while. When I understood it, the two shady men were already chasing the woman.

I was so frightened that I broke out in a cold sweat. Only then did I realize what I was doing. I immediately ran towards the west of the village and almost fell into the hands of those two evil men. I was really lucky, but that woman What exactly does it do?
Could it be that he is also a living person who ran to this nether place like me?Looking at the back of the woman, she doesn't seem to be very old.

(End of this chapter)

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