Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 279 Fate 1 Game

Chapter 279 Fate

The beautiful woman turned around, looked at me with great disdain, and then said sarcastically: "You have the ability of a rookie, but you have the nerve to save me? If you weren't in the hole just now, I could still hide. Hey, who told you to look at those two shady people just now? They almost killed me. I have already given you face before I kill you. Why are you still standing here? Disappear in front of me quickly. Otherwise, I will change my mind in a while, and I will kill you!"

Go, you are really unreasonable. It was the first time in my life that I met such a fierce woman. I immediately became even more angry. I looked at the woman and said, "I said you are such an unreasonable woman. This is the hole where you are hiding." Put aside for the moment, when you were fighting those wolf-headed men just now, didn’t I help you?”

When she mentioned this, a murderous look suddenly appeared in the woman's beautiful eyes, and she said gloomily: "You think I can't see it? You just ran here in a panic, and there was a black water creature behind you. Crocodile and Bai Mingmang took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and escaped. If they hadn't met me, you might have been eaten by those two beasts. After all, it was me who saved you. You still have the nerve to mention this to me. thing?"

Well, this woman is really a good person, she saw this, her face turned red immediately, and she was a little embarrassed, but she still said very forcefully: "You... you are talking nonsense, just rely on my ability. , can you still be afraid of the black water crocodile and Bai Mingmang? At that time, I saw that you, a weak woman, were bullied by so many wolf-headed men. As a dignified man, how could you ignore death? So, I resolutely and righteously led The black water crocodile and Bai Mingmang came and rushed into the siege and helped you kill several wolf-headed men. You actually confused right and wrong and confuse right and wrong. You really let down my good intentions. Oh, if I had known better, I wouldn't have saved you. , and it also caused some complaints, if it weren’t for your good looks, I wouldn’t bother to save you.”

A trace of suspicion appeared on the woman's face and she asked, "Are you really so kind?"

I clapped my chest and said, "That's natural. How can a man who is a dignified man see a weak woman and not save her?"

By the way, this little woman is really not a weak woman. She can hit me seven or eight times without any problem. I have seen the method just now. With one big move, more than a dozen wolf-headed men were burned to ashes. ash.

This ultimate move is probably much more powerful than my Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation.

However, it is also my fault that I am not strong enough in cultivation and cannot fully unleash the power of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. If one day, my cultivation level improves enough, I can unleash [-]% to [-]% of the power of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. Even a huge stone can be drilled with several holes using copper coins, and the copper coin sword can also generate sword energy, which will make it even more domineering.

I pretended to be righteous here, but the beautiful woman immediately turned my back on me and said coldly: "Since you draw your sword to help like this, why don't you stay and deal with those wolf-headed men with me?"

"Well..." I suppressed a big blush at this question, and said hesitantly: "Then... then didn't I get a helper for you, turn the wolf-headed man into a zombie, and go up to help you? ? Furthermore, I did have important things to do at that time, and seeing that your cultivation level is so advanced, beauty, you should be able to deal with those wolf-headed men, so I took a step ahead... Hehe..."

However, the beauty still seemed a little unconvinced. She glanced at me with her beautiful eyes, then raised the green dagger in her hand, turned around and walked towards the small woods not far away.

This woman's temper is really weird, but I immediately walked in that direction.

The beautiful woman took two steps forward and found that I was following her. She quickly turned her head and said with a cold face: "Why are you following me?"

"Does this road belong to your home? By coincidence, I was also heading in this direction." I chuckled.

Once again, the beautiful woman looked at me twice and asked doubtfully: "Are you going to the Wangchuan River too?"

I nodded heavily and said, "Yes, are you the same?"

The beautiful woman stopped talking and pondered for a while, seeming to be thinking about something, but then quickly turned around and continued walking forward quickly.

I quickly caught up with her and asked with a smile: "Beauty, we are destined to meet in the forest on Huangquan Road. I'm Wu Jiuyin. I don't know the girl's surname. I'll wait until she gets out." , meeting on the rivers and lakes is a good way to have some contacts, don’t you think so?”

The beautiful woman continued to walk forward without stopping. As she walked, she said: "With your meager skills, it's a blessing to be able to enter this Huangquan Road. Is it so easy to get out alive? You are very You are about to become a dead person, so it doesn’t seem necessary for me to tell you my name, right?”

I guess, this woman always talks with a gun and a stick, which makes people feel uncomfortable. But to be honest, this forest is such a dangerous place. With my little ability, I am really worried and worried that I can't get out. , the reason why I want to go with this beauty is not just because she is extraordinary and beautiful, but because I think her cultivation level is much higher than mine. If I can go forward with him on this journey, Okay, it’s good to have someone to take care of each other. Of course, she must be the one taking care of me.

Then I won't die in this Luo forest.

I am worried about this in my heart, just because of this matter. As the saying goes, a good man will not suffer the consequences of the present. I still want to take the flower of the other side out of this forest.

I pondered for a moment and continued to say with a playful smile: "Beauty, we are going along the way anyway, heading to the bank of Wangchuan River. We must take care of each other along the way. You can't always let me call you beauty, right? I call you beauty, Do you have to call me handsome guy too?"

When the beautiful woman heard what I said, she suddenly burst into laughter, but soon regained her cold expression. She turned around and looked at me with disgust and said, "My name is Chen Qingan. If you want to follow me, just follow me." Well, but I can warn you, if you encounter any danger on the road, I won't care about you, you can figure it out yourself."

I responded and felt happy. This was great. I was with a powerful master. In this way, I didn’t have to worry about being eaten by some wild beast along the way.

Although she said that she would not save me until I died, but if I really encountered any danger, I don't believe that she would watch me die like that.

The two of us walked quickly towards the Wangchuan River, one behind the other. This made me very happy, and it was much better than going to that place alone.

(End of this chapter)

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