Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 295 The Overlord on Huangquan Road

Chapter 295 The Overlord on Huangquan Road

The corpse-laying ruler can restrain all evil things. The ghosts and people on the Huangquan Road are also spirit bodies, and they are all under the control of the corpse-laying ruler. When the corpse-laying ruler hits the strong man, When I saw him, the strong man immediately opened his eyes wide and looked at me in disbelief.

As the little red dot at the end of the corpse-laying ruler flashed violently, the corpse-laying ruler began to exert force. The strong man opened his big mouth and let out a weak cry, which immediately turned into A ball of black energy was directly swallowed up by the Corpse Ruler.

The spirit body of a mere ghost citizen is not very powerful. After being sucked into the body of the corpse ruler, the color of the corpse ruler did not even change.

At this time, Na Tian Yulong also reacted and glanced at me blankly. After seeing me killing two of his accomplices in a row, a look of fear immediately appeared on his face, and I was already ready to kill. , the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he showed an evil smile towards Na Tian Yulong.

Don't you want to kill me?

Killing me also requires money. Since you can't kill me, I will definitely have to kill you!
Immediately, I raised the corpse-laying ruler in my hand again and rushed towards Natian Yulong.

Although Tian Yulong had a frightened expression on his face, he did not turn around and run away. He must have thought that my cultivation was shallow and that I was no match for him. With his ability, he could easily kill me.

Although I have been practicing for more than a year, my skills have not improved much, but the magic weapon in my hand is extremely ferocious. It is a treasure left by my ancestor, an heirloom of our old Wu family from generation to generation. It was rampant more than a hundred years ago. How can you, the ignorant, be able to deal with the great weapons of the rivers and lakes?

Come on, killing one is killing, killing two is killing, not more than this old Tian Yulong, this guy is the initiator of deceiving me, he almost killed me here, such a vicious person, I If I don't kill him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!

The corpse-laying ruler in his hand immediately collided with the spear in Tian Yulong's hand. When the corpse-laying ruler collided with the spear, I saw Tian Yulong's body shake obviously. The corpse-laying ruler A burst of majestic power surged out of it, and was directly instilled into his body through the spear in his hand. Tian Yulong took a step back suddenly, and the spear in his hand almost fell to the ground.

This time, I saw a more fearful look flashing in Tian Yulong's eyes. This time he was scared, really scared.

"You...what magic weapon are you holding in your hand?" Tian Yulong asked in a trembling voice.

"You don't care what kind of magical weapon I am, after all, it is just something that will kill you. Old man, just accept death!" As I spoke, I once again raised the corpse-laying ruler and rushed towards Tian Yulong. Then Tian Yulong This time he simply stopped fighting with me. In a flash, he jumped out of the house and ran outside.

I'm going crazy now. I can't wait to tear this old guy into pieces. Just now, he almost smoked me to death in the black stone. When I caught up with him, I wanted to bite him a few times. How could this happen? Let him go easily.

So, as soon as the old guy ran away, I immediately chased after him. At the same time, I pinched a spell to pull the copper coins scattered everywhere, and flew towards Tian Yulong again.

Tian Yulong was a little panicked as soon as he started running. It seemed that he was really frightened by me.

Soon, the two of us ran out of the alley, and all the copper coins hit a courtyard wall at the end of the alley.

When I ran over, I changed my hand technique again, pulled out the copper coin, and turned it into a copper coin sword. I held the corpse-laying ruler in one hand and the copper coin sword in the other hand and continued to chase the old thing.

Soon, the two of us rushed to the main road. My murderous intention aroused, and I thought that I must kill this person. I didn't care that I was still in danger at this moment, let alone whether there was any conspiracy. Go far.

After running to the road, I threw the copper coin sword again, this time aiming at the back of Na Tian Yulong. When I was about 30 meters away from him, the copper coin sword broke apart with a crash. It turned into dozens of copper coins again and hit Tian Yulong's whole body.

At this moment, a group of weird people in black robes suddenly walked out of an alley in Xiezili and stood in front of Tian Yulong.

At the front of these weird men in black robes, there is a burly man, who looks to be in his 40s. He is extremely thick and has a beard. He walks like a dragon and a tiger, with long strides, leopard eyes and a big nose. , wide basin and big mouth.

Although the direction I hit with my copper coin sword was Tian Yulong, it happened to be the group of people wearing black robes.

I thought bad, I can't hurt innocent people here, I'm already in enough trouble.

Just when he was about to stop the coins, the tall man walking in front suddenly raised his head and glanced at the coins flying towards him. Suddenly he shook his hand, and an invisible force surged up. Coming up, the copper coins I hit him froze in the air, buzzing continuously, vibrating in the air for a while, and then fell to the ground with a crash.

Such a powerful cultivation level. As soon as I saw this person stop the momentum of my Copper Coin Sword Formation with one move, I felt a chill in my heart, but I didn’t know where these black-robed weirdos came from. Were they enemies? Or a friend?
But I stopped immediately and watched the changes while still 50 meters away from them.

After the fierce man in black robe neutralized the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation with one move, without even looking at it, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Na Tian Yulong's collar, and asked in a rough voice: "Who are those two evil men?" Did your kid bring this about?"

Tian Yulong's calves softened with fright, and he immediately knelt on the ground, trembling: "Elder Leng... have mercy on me... it wasn't the little old man who caused it, it was the guy behind me..."

When I heard the words "Elder Leng", I was immediately frightened. Isn't this the legendary overlord on Huangquan Road, the elder of the cult back then, Leng Lujiang?
I have long heard that Master Long Xiu said that this person dominates the Huangquan Road. He relies on his advanced cultivation and has many subordinates. He has been running rampant on the Huangquan Road and bullying the ghost people in other ghost villages. He has many powerful practices. The person was directly swallowed up by the Leng Lujiang River.

When I met this person, there was absolutely no good thing to eat. Seeing that the situation was not going well, I immediately turned around and thought about leaving quickly. This place is dangerous and it is not suitable to stay for a long time. Besides, I still carry the Flower Essence of the Other Shore with me.

(End of this chapter)

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