Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 309 Old Man Wu Nianxin

Chapter 309 Old Man Wu Nianxin

After the men in black robes left, no one spoke for a while, and everyone stared at the old man who suddenly appeared with their mouths open.

At this time, the long purple sword hanging above his head stopped buzzing, flew up leisurely, and then fell down again, sticking firmly to the old man's back.

At this time, the old man walked towards me, with a slight smile on his face, and asked: "Little baby...how did you come to Huangquan Road?"

Well, from what this old man asked, it seems like he really knows me, but why don’t I remember knowing him?
I was stunned for a moment and opened my mouth. I didn't know how to speak. I looked at him directly and asked tremblingly: "You...who are you? Do you recognize me?"

The old man smiled slightly and said: "It seems that your memory is really not very good. A few days ago, didn't your grandfather Zhengyang take you to see me once? Didn't you forget it so quickly?"

This sentence was like a slap in the face, it shocked me all over, and I almost cried, I finally remembered, this old man is not someone else, that is my great-grandfather!

At that time, it was my grandfather who took me to find his old man, and then he told me to find the two old men of the Xue family who had recast the Dantian Qihai. No wonder I always felt that this voice was very familiar. It turned out that I had really heard it. , that’s right, this is my great-grandfather...

Hearing what the old man said, I felt excited and suddenly felt at home, and tears welled up in my eyes.

All the hardships and setbacks I encountered on the road to Huangquan for so many days turned into tears of grievance, rolling in. I knelt on the ground, moved forward a few steps, and hugged the old man. His legs were crying so hard that he murmured while crying: "Grandpa Gaozu...Grandpa Gaozu...If you hadn't come here today, I'm afraid my grandson would have died here today..."

Holding my great-grandfather's legs, I feel very warm, just like when I was beaten when I was a child and my father helped me out.

Grandpa Gaozu chuckled, stretched out his hand, touched my head, and said: "Baby, don't cry... How can a big old man act like a little wife? Stand up, we, the old Wu family, A man has gold at his knees, so he cannot keep kneeling all the time.”

After hearing the old man's words, I stood up immediately, crying and laughing. I felt like a lunatic. I didn't expect that I would meet my relatives on this road to hell and save my life. Look. Come on, Wu Jiuyin is really not a very unlucky person.

After I wiped away my tears, I remembered something and asked quickly: "Grandpa Gaozu... why do you appear on Huangquan Road?"

"The old man came here to do some things on the way to Huangquan, and suddenly felt a very familiar breath, like a dead body, so he rushed over to have a look... I didn't expect it to be you, the old man thought your grandpa was coming. Where is the child Yang?"

As he spoke, Grandpa Gaozu stretched out his hand, and the Corpse-Flying Ruler lying on the ground flew straight over and landed firmly in his hand. He took the Corpse-Flying Ruler and looked it up and down. When he held the Corpse Ruler in his hand, it shone brightly again. The red light flashed, looking very happy.

After weighing the corpse-laying ruler, Grandpa Gaozu nodded and said: "This magic weapon has not been used for many years. Holding it in my hand reminds me of the rights and wrongs of the past. It is really endless..."

As he said that, Grandpa Gaozu handed me the corpse-laying ruler again and warned: "This is something belonging to our old Wu family. You must put it away and don't lose it..."

I stretched out my hand to take the corpse-laying ruler, but I felt that the thing was shaking slightly for a while, and I couldn't hold it. Suddenly it came out of my hand and fell into the hands of Grandpa Gaozu again.

Grandpa Gaozu raised his eyebrows and said with some displeasure: "Naughty! You should follow the descendants of the Wu family now and continue to protect the descendants of the Wu family. You can't rely on me anymore."

As soon as he said these words, the light of the corpse-laying ruler dimmed, the red light no longer flickered, and returned to its previous dark black color. Only then did Grandpa Gaozu give me the corpse-laying ruler again.

I took it, and this time the Corpse Ruler became normal again, and I put it back into the Qiankun Bag again.

I was also puzzled. This corpse-laying ruler was obviously a dead object and had no reaction at all in my hand. It was a bit weird that Grandpa Gaozu could communicate with this corpse-laying ruler.

I really don’t understand why this corpse-defying ruler can still be so naughty.

Grandpa Gaozu and I were saying this. At this time, Master Long Yao and Master Long Xiu walked up to us with the support of Xue Xiaoqi and others.

Master Long Yao saluted my great-grandfather and said respectfully: "Thank you very much, old man, for saving your life. Long Yao, the elder of Qingshan Guimen Sect, would like to thank you here. I wonder if you are..."

Grandpa Gaozu took a look at Master Longyao, nodded, and said: "It turned out to be a person from Qingshan, no wonder he can enter this Huangquan Road. Speaking of which, our Wu family and Qingshan have an indissoluble bond. The old man has not been in Jianghu for many years. The superior has shown up, and I tell you that you don’t know that when I was wandering around in the world, your son might not have been born yet.”

Master Long Yao was in awe, and said respectfully again: "The grace of saving my life will never be forgotten. I'd better leave a name so that I can remember it in my heart."

"It's okay to tell you. My name is Wu Nianxin. I am a descendant of the Wu family and the great-grandfather of Jiuyin..."

As soon as these words were spoken, Master Long Yao knelt down on the ground without saying a word, and said with sincere fear: "Long Yao pays homage to the old man. The old man's reputation is as loud as thunder. When I was a child, I often heard my teacher mention your name." "My master said that you are the number one master in the world, unrivaled by anyone in the world. It is truly a blessing to be able to meet you here today... Please accept my respects from this junior..."

Grandpa Gaozu waved his hand, chuckled, and said: "Don't talk about being the best or second best in the world. In this world, there are so many talents and masters. As the saying goes, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. I don't dare to call myself the world in vain. First, and moreover, this old man has not asked about the affairs of Jianghu for six or seventy years..."

"My master has always been aloof and arrogant, and never criticizes anyone unjustly. But whenever your name is mentioned, he will always give a thumbs up and praise you. If he said that you are the best in the world, then he is definitely right. Please give me another bow from this junior..."

With that said, Master Long Yao once again kowtowed to my grandfather, Grandpa Gao, with a loud voice.

 Good night ~ sweet dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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