Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 312 Qiu Mingjian

Chapter 312 Qiu Mingjian

When sending Master Long Xiu and others back, I still felt a little guilty. At first, I thought that if I got to the bank of Wangchuan River, I would help Master Long Xiu steal a flower essence of the other side, but after I arrived at the bank of Wangchuan River, , only to realize that it is so difficult to find a Bana flower essence, even this one in my body, I also traded my life for it.

I couldn't bear to give this flower essence to Master Long Xiu, and I guess he wouldn't want it. The three of us came here and went through such dangers, wasn't it just for this flower essence?

After leaving Senluo Forest, I asked Grandpa Gaozu how to go down there. Grandpa Gaozu just said that there is a place called Qiu Mingjian at the end of Senluo Forest, which is more dangerous than Senluo Forest. It is a hundred times more dangerous, but after passing Qiu Mingjian, you can directly cross the gate of hell and lead to the black and white forest. Grandpa Gaozu asked us where we came from.

The real Long Yao said that he came from the yin and yang realm behind the Qingshan mountain.

Grandpa Gaozu nodded and said that he would send us to the Black and White Forest, and then we would go directly to the Yin and Yang Realm of Qingshan through the Hell of Fire.

Grandpa Gaozu told us that he would not go back to Qingshan with us. When I asked why, Grandpa Gaozu said that we were not going back to the same place. The place he was going to was not in Qingshan, Baoren, Haicheng District, but to go back to Dongdong. Chen, we have to go back through another place. If we take the Yin and Yang Realm of Qingshan, it will be too far to go to Dongchen outside. And the old man is not used to taking modern transportation. The reason he gave me is that he does not have an ID card.

This reason really ruins my outlook, but if I think about it carefully, Grandpa Gaozu must have been at least a hundred years old when he lived to this age. He was still a person in the last years of the Wen Dynasty. Think about it, he didn’t have an ID card, and the old man was in seclusion. That time was five or sixty years ago, not long after the founding of the New Yan Kingdom. The old man would definitely not apply for an ID card, and the co-author was still a gangster.

Since the old man insists on this, we can't force him, so we just let him go. After this meeting, I have become more familiar with Grandpa Gaozu. If anything happens in the future, I can go find him where he is. , my grandfather and I went there once, and it was within a formation boundary. It must not be difficult to find him.

We walked along Senluolin for another distance. Xue Xiaoqi, Master Long Yao and I followed closely behind Grandpa Gaozu.

When Grandpa Gaozu was walking behind him, my eyes kept wandering on the sword on his back. I seemed to have heard my grandfather say that my ancestor had a purple sword called the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword, which was also similar to Grandpa Gaozu’s. The one on my back looks almost the same.

Following Grandpa Gaozu, it took me a while before I had the courage to ask: "Grandpa Gaozu, is this sword you are carrying the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword that my ancestor once used?"

When I asked this question, Grandpa Gaozu suddenly stopped. The long purple sword on his back jumped out and lay in front of me. I saw the purple light flowing on the sword, which was very beautiful and revealed a sense of aura. Majestic and domineering.

Grandpa Gaozu held the purple sword in his hand and said to me: "This sword is not the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword. It is called the Mysterious Soul Sword. It is just refined compared to your ancestor's Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword. Speaking of which, your ancestor found someone to refine this sword for me."

I was surprised and said: "Grandpa Gaozu...why didn't my ancestors pass on the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword to you?"

"That sword has a deep connection with your great-grandfather. Your great-grandfather always carried it with him. He would never give it to anyone while the sword is still around." Grandpa Gaozu said again.

"Then is my ancestor still alive? Where is he?" I asked curiously.

However, when I asked this question, Grandpa Gaozu had an indescribable look on his face. He seemed a little confused, a little sad, and some other expressions mixed in. Finally, Grandpa Gaozu shook his head and sighed. He made a sound and said: "Grandpa Gaozu cannot answer these questions you asked, because Grandpa Gaozu doesn't know either..."

After that, Grandpa Gaozu turned around, said nothing about his ancestors, and walked forward in a dull manner.

Since Grandpa Gaozu didn't want to talk, I didn't dare to ask any more questions, so I could only follow silently behind him.

After walking forward for about two hours, we came out of the forest, and then it seemed like we were in another world. This place was dark everywhere, and there were all kinds of strange stones, standing proudly. Straight into the dark sky, there seemed to be an inexplicable sense of fear.

After arriving at this place, Grandpa Gaozu seemed to be a little cautious, but he still seemed to have been to this place before. He took us deep into Qiu Mingjian and walked for more than two hours without encountering any danger.

This gave me the illusion that if I kept walking like this, I would be able to get out of Qiu Mingjian. However, things were far from as simple as I thought.

When we walked to the hinterland of Qiu Mingjian, what looked like dark stones could be black beasts lurking in the darkness, blending ingeniously with the surrounding environment.

Sometimes, it feels like the whole mountain is shaking, turning into a giant, crushing towards us.

One can imagine how dangerous it was, but Grandpa Gaozu used a Mysterious Soul Sword in his hand to fight a bloody path for us. Along the way, countless black beasts were killed by Grandpa Gaozu's sword. Under the Mysterious Soul Sword.

I never thought that a person could be as powerful as Grandpa Gaozu. With one finger of the sword in his hand, he could spray out a purple beam of light and hit those black monsters, which could directly break them into pieces. .

Pointing the long sword in his hand toward the sky, a huge force would surge out of the ground, sending those black monsters flying into the sky, and then slamming down to the ground.

This reminds me of the words of the two old men of the Xue family. They said that my ancestors had two very powerful spells. One was called the Xuantian Sword Technique, and the other was called the Yin-Yang Eight-Head Infinite Marrow Cleansing Sutra. These two spells were in front of me. The great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of all times received the true inheritance from his great-grandfather.

I think the sword move he is using now is the legendary Xuantian Sword Technique. It really opened my eyes and made me envious. I also thought in my heart, when will I be able to have such amazing talents like Grandpa Gaozu? With Yanyan’s ability, how can anyone dare to bully me in the future?

Once the Xuantian Sword Technique is revealed, corpses will surely be everywhere!

(End of this chapter)

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