Chapter 344
After hearing this, the three of us couldn't help but be attracted by the old man's words. This is really interesting. In the middle of the night, a woman came to this gas station to buy milk. The money she gave was a hundred dollar bill. At dawn, It turned into a ghost coin, which sounds mysterious. If this old man is not lying, there must be something fishy in it. It seems that the strange woman who came to buy milk must be a female ghost.

The three of us were all stunned when we heard it. Although Xue Xiaoqi and I were both people who had seen big scenes, we couldn’t help but be attracted by this anecdote.

The driver's face turned pale when he heard that, he took a breath and said: "As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? I have also encountered such evil things. What the uncle said is true. Quan Xin, I remember that I encountered such a strange thing last year. It was one night last winter. I went on a long trip and happened to be returning home in the middle of the night. On a trail, Suddenly I met a woman who was blocking the road to take a taxi. She was wearing miserable white clothes and her face was pale. She stood in the middle of the road and waved to me. I was not a fool. I thought that no one would do this in this barren mountain in the middle of the night. Ye Ling blocked the road and took a taxi, and she was still a young woman. Dang even thought that this must be a female ghost who blocked the taxi. At that time, she wanted to drive over and ignore the monsters, but after thinking about it, she felt something was wrong. If I Just drive over, what if this female ghost has resentment in her heart and won't let me go?"

"Although I'm not a kind person, I usually don't do anything bad. I'm not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Maybe this female ghost is really in a hurry and needs a lift from me, so she stopped the car. , I plan to give that female ghost a ride, which is a good thing. I have no enmity with it, and I don’t think it can harm me. Besides, I’m not afraid of it either. My hometown is in Baoren. At the foot of the Castle Peak, during festivals and festivals, I also go to the Castle Peak to burn incense and other things. There is an old Taoist on the mountain who also gave me a peace charm. I carry it with me all the year round to drive away ghosts and ward off evil spirits. It couldn't reach me, so I parked the car and bravely opened the door for it..."

Hearing what the driver said, Xue Xiaoqi and I looked at each other again. People in the world only think that all the Taoist priests on Qingshan Mountain are highly cultivated, but this is not the case. Xue Xiaoqi and I both understand this. In fact, today on Qingshan Mountain Most of the Taoist priests here are not very capable, and they can barely be regarded as Qingshan's outer disciples, guarding the mountain gate.

Nowadays, Qingshan has become a tourist attraction, and there is a fee to go up there. The real Qingshan Taoist priests and powerful practitioners are all in the back mountain of Qingshan, within a formation barrier. Anyone who comes out of there has real ability. of.

I thought that the possibility of the amulet carried by the driver brother being effective was not very high.

Immediately afterwards, the driver continued to speak, and when he spoke, he was also vivid and deliberately exaggerated a very scary atmosphere, as if he wanted to scare us. However, what he said only made Xue Xiaoqi and I find it funny.

The driver continued: "Later, after I opened the door, I got into the cab without saying a word and started the car. The woman in white clothes floated over. I looked in the rearview mirror. I found that the woman was already sitting in the back seat. It was already winter, so I had the air conditioner on in the car, which was quite warm. But after the woman came in, the air conditioner didn't seem to be working. I was shivering all over from the cold. I boldly asked the woman where she was going, but the woman ignored me, lowered her head, let down her hair, pointed forward, and didn't say where she was going, so I didn't dare to ask, and then started The car kept driving forward. Along the way, I was so scared that I didn't even dare to fart. I drove the car and walked directly in the direction of Bao Ren, and also in the direction of Qingshan. I thought, this female ghost is not It may have been following me. While I was driving, I listened to the movement of the woman behind me. It sat there motionless, almost like a dead person...until I drove to a small town not far from Baoren. , and then I looked in the rearview mirror and found that the woman in white clothes had disappeared, and I don’t know where she went, but the car door was obviously closed."

As the driver spoke, he took another breath of air and said in a trembling voice, "This scared me so much that I drove the car home straight away, opened everything in the house, and didn't dare to sleep. I stayed up until dawn, then went to the yard to look at my car. I found a few red banknotes on the back seat of the car. I picked them up and looked at them. They were obviously coins burned for the dead. I didn't want any of this money either. If you dare to ask for it, I will immediately burn it in the yard, kowtow and burn incense. I just ask that female ghost not to pester me again in the future."

"From then on, I didn't dare to go far by myself at night. I only wandered around Baoren. If it weren't for the amount of money these two brothers gave me, and they were two big men, I wouldn't be able to do this job. Dare to accept..."

The ghost stories told by the driver were similar to those told by the old man. They all paid with ghost coins, but the next day the fire coins turned into paper money.

It can be seen that this ghost is not a vicious ghost. At least he knows how to settle the bill. If it were an evil ghost, they would probably be dead long ago, so they would not be able to give them any money.

While having a meal here, I heard two ghost stories. The driver even asked me what kind of ghost I encountered, and he really thought I was Mr. Yin Yang.

I said seriously: "Don't worry, that ghost didn't want to harm you. If he wanted to harm you, you would have died long ago. He just wanted to give you a ride."

Then, we looked at the old man again, and Xue Xiaoqi asked again: "Uncle, on the third day, did that female ghost come to buy milk again?"

When the uncle heard Xue Xiaoqi asked about this, he trembled all over and said with lingering fear: "I'm here, how could I not come... When my son saw that someone had money to pay the bill, he got angry at that time. That day I squatted here at night and waited until after eleven o'clock to see if the woman came to buy something. If she still paid with ghost coins, I gave her some color to see... Just last night, at eleven o'clock After a while, the woman in strange clothes came again. As usual, she took two bags of pure milk from the shelf, gave my son 100 yuan, turned around and left. My son grabbed me at that time. took her arm..."

(End of this chapter)

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