Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 353 Angry Brother 2

Chapter 353 Angry Second Senior Brother

While the scary old woman was talking, the vines wrapped around her body became tighter and tighter. Several vines were wrapped around my neck, making it very difficult for me to breathe. However, the vines that were covered with tree bark But the old witch is still chattering in my ear.

The anger in my heart was once again ignited. It was really frustrating. I didn't die in such a dangerous place on the Huangquan Road. Instead, I fell into other people's traps and was poisoned in this barren mountain. , but also to be tied to this stone bed, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

I have been endangered more than once and my body and soul have been scattered. Who do you think I am, an old woman covered in tree bark?

Are the people in the old Wu family so easy to bully?

A rush of blood rushed to my forehead. Although I was about to die from being strangled by the vine, and the barbs on the vine had been deeply inserted into my flesh, I still used my spiritual power to run crazily and let the copper coin sword once again Drawn by the spiritual power, in an instant, the copper coins scattered everywhere rose into the air again and shot toward the old woman.

However, what I did made the old woman even more angry. She just stood there motionless and snorted slightly. The vines wrapped around my body became even tighter, feeling that they had sunk deeply into my flesh. , and my forehead was congested, and my consciousness began to become blurred.

Who is this old woman, and how can she still control these vines?

And the copper coin sword that I had worked hard to support with my spiritual power suddenly lost the support of my spiritual power and fell to the ground with a clatter again.

There was no way, the rattan was too tight, and I couldn't concentrate on controlling the copper coins scattered everywhere.

Just when I was about to pass out, a low muffled roar suddenly came from my ears. This voice was so familiar. At this time, I remembered the little ghost who I put into the Qiankun Bag. .

But seeing it at this moment, it bit open a gap in the Qiankun bag and suddenly jumped out of it.

This little thing was chubby and had four short legs. When it jumped down from the rock on which I was lying, it fell awkwardly and then got up again. It rushed towards the old woman. He bared his teeth and roared angrily, and his dark eyes widened, looking very angry. Then, I saw a red light appear on this little guy's body, and some sparks came from his body. Coming out, this gave me the feeling that the second senior brother was about to turn into a roasted suckling pig.

However, the second senior brother's behavior made the old woman and the little girl look frightened.

"Xiaohua... let's go first, and we'll find a way to deal with them later!"

After that, the old witch covered with old tree bark took the little girl out and walked out. The moment the two people turned around, there were countless vines hanging down from their heads, like There were countless moving poisonous snakes blocking the way of the second senior brother.

The second brother's eyes were red at this moment, and he rushed towards the two monsters, one old and one young, but was quickly stopped by the hanging vines.

In the blink of an eye, those canes wrapped around the second senior brother and wrapped them into a ball. I heard the second senior brother's angry voice coming from the cane ball as it struggled hard.

As soon as the old and the young left, I felt the rattan around my neck loosen a little.

I took a deep breath, and when I felt my mind was a little clearer, I used my hand skills again, and used my spiritual power to control the copper coin sword to fly into the air again.

The red light of the Copper Coin Sword flashed and turned into a red light. It fiercely chopped down the vines wrapped around my body, immediately cutting off part of the vines. I was finally able to free one hand. Immediately, with one hand, I I grabbed the copper coin sword that was hanging in the air and slashed wildly at the vines wrapped around my body. It took a lot of effort to cut off all the vines wrapped around my body.

But even those cut vines seemed to be alive, constantly dancing around like snakes, winding around me.

I slashed the copper coin sword in my hand again and again, cutting the vines into several pieces before they stopped.

The pain on my body where the barbs pricked me made me suck in the air, but I couldn't care less about the pain at the moment. I didn't know if Xue Xiaoqi was still alive. There was a huge commotion here. He was lying there like a dead man. Generally motionless.

No matter what, it was important to save people first. I immediately picked up the copper coin sword again, jumped onto the stone bed, and slashed at the vines wrapped around Xue Xiaoqi. In an instant, green juice splashed everywhere, and those dancing I cut off all the vines, and finally rescued Xue Xiaoqi.

However, the vines that fell on the ground were still dancing and spreading towards us.

Ignoring those vines, I took a closer look at Xue Xiaoqi's injuries, but I saw that his current condition was not much better than mine. His whole body was covered in blood after being pricked by those vines, and all his clothes were covered in blood. It was soaked in blood, but despite this, Xue Xiaoqi still didn't wake up.

I lightly slapped Xue Xiaoqi twice on the face and called him several times, but there was still no response, and I didn’t know what kind of poison the old witch had given us.

At this moment, I was burning with anxiety, and my heart was in a mess. I didn’t know what to do with Xue Xiaoqi for a while. The key was that now I didn’t even know where I was. What should I do?
I don’t know why there are so many rattans in this place. Each rattan seems to be alive, waving constantly, and some even whip towards me and Xue Xiaoqi like whips. I I had no choice but to throw the copper coin sword away to resist the canes that were hitting me and Xue Xiaoqi.

Now we are in a difficult situation, surrounded by dense vines, like a dead end.

Xue Xiaoqi was unconscious and I didn't even have anyone to discuss it with. I was inevitably upset. At the same time, I kept telling myself in my heart that I must not be chaotic and stay calm. The more difficult the situation, the more difficult it is to calm myself down. You have to figure out a way to solve the problem.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind, and I thought of a very critical issue, that is, the blood in my body that is invulnerable to all poisons inherited from my ancestors can detoxify itself. In other words, my blood itself can detoxify. The best medicine. When I thought about it, I felt relieved. I bit my finger quickly and blood flowed out. I opened Xue Xiaoqi's mouth and dripped the blood into his mouth.

 Before the end of this month, I’m going to give you a little burst. I’ll update at least 10 chapters in a row. Please vote, folks.

(End of this chapter)

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