Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 362 Go to hell, old witch!

Chapter 362 Go to hell, old witch!
As the sound of bones "crack" sounded, my mind suddenly appeared in the scene of countless ghosts in the Wangchuan River screaming and screaming. They rushed towards me desperately and tore at me with all their strength. Holding my body, maybe at the moment I am on the verge of death, the most terrifying aspect will be replayed in my mind, or maybe the countless lonely ghosts in the Forgotten River do not want to die with the end of my life. .

They were shouting with all their strength, and the energy they had transformed into from the Corpse Ruler once again exploded in my Dantian Qi sea, running rampant inside my body.

A tearing pain spread throughout the body again, and the almost broken bones were once again given a powerful force.

I looked up to the sky and roared. In extreme pain, I couldn't help but scream up to the sky.

A more intense black evil spirit was stimulated in my body, permeating the vines wrapped around my body.

I think at this moment, my eyes must have turned blood red again.

I saw the old witch looking at me with a hint of unbelievable fear.

She might not believe why such a terrifying power suddenly burst out from a young man like me.

The next moment, with the constant impact of the resentment in my body, my body began to expand outwards, and the vines wrapped around my body collapsed tightly. In the end, one vine could no longer hold on to the energy pouring out of my body. That crazy and violent energy made a "bang" sound and was broken by me.

At this moment, I felt that my body was not in so much pain, and I could move my hands slightly. Suddenly, my hand touched something, which was the Qiankun bag. The Qiankun bag contained the ancestral treasures of our old Wu family. .

All this time, I have overlooked one very important thing, and that is the corpse-laying ruler.

The corpse-laying ruler can swallow up even the lonely ghosts in the Forgotten River. It is the nemesis of all negative auras.

I think the corpse-laying ruler must be able to deal with this old witch.

Thinking of this, I tried my best to put my hand into the Qiankun Bag, grasped the Corpse Ruler, and then touched the Corpse Ruler to the thick vines wrapped around my body by the old witch.

When the corpse-laying ruler touched the vines turned into by the old witch's fingers, I clearly felt the corpse-laying ruler vibrate slightly. Immediately, the little red dot at the end of the corpse-laying ruler began to vibrate violently. It flickered, making the faces of me and the old witch turn red, as if our two faces had been poured a basin of blood on our heads.

The corpse-laying ruler restrains all evil things. Naturally, after this old witch has cultivated into a spirit, no matter how high she is, she will be restrained by the corpse-laying ruler. I am very close to this old witch. When the ruler fell on the old witch's finger, I could clearly see the old witch's wonderful expression.

The terrified expression on her face was undeniable, the dark green eyeballs were swirling, and as the little red dot at the end of the mortuary ruler kept flickering, the huge vines wrapped around my body became looser and looser, and the water was like It was as if it had been drained, and finally fell loosely to the ground. It quickly dried up and shattered all over the ground.

At this time, the old witch reacted, opened her mouth wide, and asked in disbelief: "You... what on earth did you do to me... What is that thing in your hand..."

The old witch was a little hysterical, but I had a ferocious look on my face and said through gritted teeth: "When you had murderous intentions towards me, you should have known that you would end up like this. Go to hell, old man. Witch!"

As I said that, I raised the Corpse Ruler again and hit the old witch on the head. Although the old witch was frightened, she still did not forget to dodge, but she was injured by the Corpse Ruler just now. After a while, the speed of evasion was still a little slow. I hit the back with the corpse rule, and the whole person flew out directly.

As the old witch flew out, billowing white smoke erupted from her body. When she stood up, she looked as if she had become a few years older.

When my eyes fell on the huge old locust tree behind her, I found that the old locust tree had dried up and cracked. Many leaves fell from the old locust tree, and there were many more. The dry branches fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.

The corpse-laying ruler was really able to restrain this old locust tree spirit, which immediately made me a hundred times more confident.

Take advantage of her illness and kill her!
Before the old witch could react, I raised the Corpse Ruler again and rushed towards the old witch, intending to hit her hard again so that the Corpse Ruler would swallow up all the energy in her body and completely eliminate her. Got this old witch.

This thousand-year-old Sophora japonica tree spirit has grown in the old forests of Huangshan Mountain and has caused countless lives. Today she bumped into me, Wu Jiuyin, so she is unlucky. Today, I, Wu Jiuyin, will completely kill her. end.

However, when I rushed towards the old witch again with the corpse-laying ruler, the old witch had already climbed up from the ground. Her face became extremely gloomy, and her pair of green eyes shone with cold light. Looking at her... It looked like he wanted to eat me in one bite.

Next, the old witch opened her fingerless palms, looked up to the sky and roared loudly, her long white hair fluttering in the air, and the surrounding Qi field suddenly rolled and drummed endlessly.

This old witch looked like she was going crazy.

As she yelled, her breath surged and the wind blew, the soil on the ground suddenly cracked open. Countless huge tree roots broke out of the ground and stretched towards me. As I ran wildly, a I didn't pay attention and almost got trapped in the cracked ground, but I quickly regained my footing and continued to rush towards the old witch.

At this time, the corpse-laying ruler in my hand had absorbed part of the old witch's essence, and had changed from the original dark color to a bright white color. Looking at the appearance of the corpse-laying ruler, I knew that I was going to The old witch was seriously injured.

If she could give that old hag another blow, she would no longer be able to do evil anymore.

I gritted my teeth, puffed up my energy, and rushed towards the old witch with all my strength. However, as the strong wind swept across, countless tree roots stretched out on the ground, blocking my way. What was even more terrifying was that the trees scattered on the ground were Those leaves also floated in large tracts in the air, one by one like knives. They were blown by the wind, divided in all directions, and swept towards me. It seemed that this old witch was preparing to enlarge and attack me. Life.

(End of this chapter)

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