Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 368 Majestic Power

Chapter 368 Majestic Power

I stared blankly as the corpse-laying ruler pressed tightly against the inner elixir of the old locust tree. The little red dot at the end of the corpse-laying ruler had stopped flashing, but it only took two or three seconds. The whole ruler lit up. It was no longer the little red at the end that lit up, but the whole ruler lit up, and it was still a weird red color. The ruler turned red in an instant. , I have never seen this phenomenon.

Some time ago, when I was dragged into the Wangchuan River by the lonely ghosts in the Wangchuan River, the Corpse Ruler used to be such a weird red color, but there will always be a process for it to become like this. Black turns to grey, gray turns to white, white turns to pink, and finally the color turns red. Now this corpse-laying ruler has changed from white to red directly.

I can feel that the Fushi Faji is showing its power, and it seems to be rapidly devouring the energy of the old locust tree essence inner alchemy. In an instant, the green inner alchemy also burst out with a surge of breath, green light Suddenly, the red light and the green light complement each other. This scene is both strange and shocking.

Just when the corpse-laying ruler began to swallow the inner elixir of the thousand-year-old locust tree spirit, I heard a hysterical voice shouting: "You... what are you doing! Let that thing stop quickly... I beg you You... Just stop it... Just make it stop and I will promise you anything!"

The old witch's tone was full of pleading and pleading, and at the same time, there was also deep despair.

There is a word in this world called insatiable greed, and there is also a word that says those who do evil will surely die!
When the old witch negotiated terms with me, I had already promised her not to fight her, and we walked on both sides of the road.

But this old witch suffered divine punishment and suffered great damage to her moral conduct, but she thought of eating my flesh and blood to make up for the damage, and that's why she ended up like this.

Everything is your own fault. If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place?

If she had let my second senior brother and me go just now, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now.

It's useless for her to beg me. Although the Corpse Ruler is mine, I still don't know much about this magical weapon and I can't control it at all.

Furthermore, I was swallowed up by the inner elixir of the old locust tree spirit just now, and the spiritual power in the sea of ​​​​Qi in the Dantian has long been exhausted. Even if there is a way to control the corpse-laying ruler, I no longer have that ability.

When I thought that I had been injured by the inner elixir just now, I lowered my head and glanced at myself. At this glance, I felt even more panicked. It seemed that most of the blood and essence in my body had been drained, and my whole body was shriveled. Especially the exposed arms, the skin on them is wrinkled and clinging to the bones, as if he has suddenly transformed from a young man in his 20s to an old man in his 80s or [-]s.

The inner elixir of the old witch is really powerful. If the corpse-laying ruler hadn't suddenly appeared and blocked the inner elixir of the old witch for me and the second senior brother, the essence of the inner elixir of me and the second senior brother would have been swallowed up by the inner elixir. , the final outcome is to become a skeleton.

Presumably, when this old witch harmed people before, this was how she sucked them into skeletons.

The second senior brother on the ground had lost a lot of weight. He was also covered in skin and bones and looked miserable. However, he was still breathing. He was lying on the ground and moaning, while his dark eyes were looking at the same pitiful figure. I.

The corpse-laying ruler became more and more red, like blood, but the old witch's inner elixir became even more eclipsed.

The Qi field around me was agitating in waves. As the corpse-laying ruler became more and more red, the power of the inner elixir gradually became smaller. The vines that tied me quickly dried up and could no longer bear my weight. , quickly shattered into slag, and as soon as my body softened, I collapsed on the ground.

I feel that my weight is still sixty or seventy pounds at most at this time, and I have shrunk by more than half. I am so weak that I can only breathe.

As the energy of the inner elixir continued to be devoured by the corpse-laying ruler, the figure of the old witch became more and more terrifying. When she saw that I was silent, she suddenly appeared and rushed towards the direction of the inner elixir. In the past, I stretched out my hand to snatch the inner elixir, but the sad thing is that the corpse-burdening ruler is a magic weapon that can swallow all the negative energy fields, including the true body cultivated by the old witch. It will definitely be difficult to escape.

When the old witch's hand touched her inner elixir, her body was immediately absorbed by the Corpse Ruler. Then, a green mist filled her body and enveloped her whole body. , when the old witch realized that something was wrong, it was already too late to escape. She must have been entangled by the corpse-laying ruler.

In an instant, deep despair appeared on the face of the old witch. Her figure became thinner and thinner. She turned to look at me and said with a begging look on her face: "Young man...I know I was wrong...please forgive me." Let me...I promise never to harm anyone again..."

I opened my mouth, breathed heavily, and said with difficulty: "You are all to blame for this...I...I can't help you...I no longer have the ability to control it..."

After hearing what I said, the old witch's expression became vicious. She cursed me crazily, saying that I would not die well, which caused her to look like this. She cried bitterly while cursing, as if she was about to commit suicide. The execution of a death row prisoner is general and completely incoherent.

But no matter what she did, she still couldn't escape the fate of being swallowed by the corpse ruler.

After more than ten seconds, the old witch turned into a ball of green aura and was swallowed up by the Corpse Ruler. All of them, including the inner elixir she had obtained through thousands of years of practice, were swallowed up cleanly.

The whole world suddenly fell silent.

I looked at the dead body ruler floating in mid-air, the blood-red body was covered with a layer of lush green, and there was a slight buzzing sound.

After sinking in mid-air for a while, the Corpse Ruler turned its spearhead and slowly floated towards me.

The red and green corpse-laying ruler, containing a majestic power, floated towards the dying me, and then gently touched my chest.

At that moment, a cold breath swept through his body, and his brain was buzzing again.

My whole body trembled involuntarily, and I felt the cool breath flowing along my heart and eight meridians, and finally gathered in my Dantian. Then a strange scene happened again, and I saw my own body , like a balloon, slowly inflated. Then, I felt that I had strength again, and the spiritual power in my Dantian also swelled.

(End of this chapter)

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