Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 396 Master Huijue is here

Chapter 396 Master Huijue is here
Soon, I moved my eyes away from Monk Hua, and looked around like the men in black. Not long after, I saw a vague and uncertain voice responding: "Amitabha...where is the turtle grandson eating?" Because of his ambition, he has the courage to bully Ziliangshan... Doesn't this mean that I don't take him seriously..."

As soon as I heard this voice, the hairs all over my body stood up, I wiped it, could it be that Monk Hua is not talking nonsense, but I am dreaming?

Is Monk Hua really a disciple of Master Huijue of Purple Liangshan?

This is too unreal, right?

For a moment, I stretched out my hand and twisted my thigh. It really hurt. It seemed that I was not dreaming. Was this voice really that of Master Huijue?
In an instant, the image of Master Huijue as a tall and mighty holy monk in my mind was shattered. The famous Master Huijue even opened his mouth to curse, no wonder he taught such an unreliable apprentice as Monk Hua.

A moment later, from one direction of Langtougou, a monk with white eyebrows that almost reached his chin walked out. I had only heard that there was Master Huijue, the number one master in Buddhism, but I didn’t know What does he look like? Therefore, I don’t know whether the old monk in front of me is Master Huijue.

But the monk in front of him looked like an eminent monk. He looked to be in his 80s, with a bare forehead, a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and an ordinary monk's robe, but his back was straight. Surrounded by a layer of faint golden light, this is the brilliance displayed by an eminent monk after he has cultivated to the realm of transformation. At a glance, it makes people awe-inspiring.

The old monk walked towards us slowly, his movements were slow but full of momentum.

As soon as the old monk appeared in Langtougou, the eyes of the men in black all flashed with panic, and they unconsciously stepped back, getting further and further away from us.

When the old monk was approaching us, the men in black had already taken the initiative to make way.

I watched the old monk walk up to us intently, and I still haven’t come back to my senses. I was really confused. I still didn’t believe that Monk Hua really invited Master Huijue out.

I immediately took another look at Monk Hua. He curled his mouth and looked like he was dragging him up to the sky. When the old monk was still five or six steps away from us, Monk Hua immediately took two steps and dragged the old monk. The monk raised his arm and said flatteringly: "Master... you are finally here. This group of people who don't know who they are not only bully your disciple's friends, but also want to kill your disciple. It is simply unreasonable." , they are not good people at first glance, you, old man, must give them some color..."

The old monk squinted his eyes, glanced at the men in black around him, nodded slightly to the flower monk, and said: "Amitabha... Although monks are compassionate, they can't bear to watch the gangsters increase their crimes. See I have to take care of this matter..."

The men in black were still looking at each other in horror, and finally their eyes fell on the man in black with the cloak. This man was the leader of these men in black, and he still had to make decisions.

At first I also thought that Monk Hua was a liar. I couldn’t even call out Master Huijue even if I shouted at the top of my lungs. Who would have thought that Master Huijue would actually be summoned in the blink of an eye. Who could I ask to reason with...

The man in black was undoubtedly shocked at this moment. He took another step back and coughed in embarrassment. He then cupped his hands and said very respectfully: "It turns out that Master Huijue is really here. Just now... I didn't mean to do it just now." I have offended the master's disciples... and I have no intention of being an enemy of Ziliang Mountain... Since Master Huijue is here, I don't dare to make any mistakes, so I will say goodbye and see you later..."

As he said that, the cloaked man in black waved his hand, and the men in black bypassed us and retreated towards the cloaked man in black. The man in the cloak saluted Master Huijue while bowing his hands. Also step back.

However, Monk Hua said reluctantly: "Hey... don't run away. Didn't we just agree that if I call out my master, whoever runs away will be a turtle grandson. Eighteen generations of our ancestors have been bastards." , so you admit that you are a bastard?"

However, when the cloaked man in black saw that Master Huijue was really coming, he couldn't care less about his face. He was more concerned with escaping for his life. He immediately turned around and fled away with the men in black.

Seeing those men in black running faster than rabbits, Monk Hua jumped on his feet and said: "Master... these people can't let them go. They must be scum in the world. Even if we don't kill them, we must destroy them." Their cultivation will prevent them from doing evil in the future... Master... let's chase..."

When Monk Hua shouted, the men in black ran faster and disappeared at the end of Langtou Valley in the blink of an eye.

From beginning to end, I didn't say a word, especially when I saw Master Huijue appearing in front of me, I was really dumbfounded.

Now that I saw those men in black running away, I took a deep breath, walked up to Master Huijue, bowed respectfully, and said, "Wu is a descendant of the Wu family, a family that exterminated corpses." Jiuyin pays homage to Master Huijue, the abbot of Ziliang Mountain! His life-saving grace will never be forgotten!"

As soon as I bowed to the ground, I thought that Master Huijue would let me stand on my own terms and say a few polite words. After all, our old Wu family is also a well-established family in the world, and no matter who we are, we must give my ancestor some face. , even the people from Qingshan were polite to me.

But I bowed for a long time, but I still couldn't hear the words of Master Huijue. Instead, I heard the Hua Monk laughing for a while, which made me feel very unhappy.

I bravely raised my head and glanced straight ahead, but when I raised my head to look, I was dumbfounded again. Master Huijue, who was standing in front of me just now, suddenly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Master Huijue disappeared out of thin air.

I looked around blankly. Wherever there was the shadow of Master Huijue, there was only the flower monk who was laughing so hard that he almost burst out laughing, holding his stomach.

Seeing him smiling so miserably, I raised my foot and kicked him in the butt. However, the flower monk was already prepared and dodged in a flash.

"Monk Hua... where is your master, Master Huijue? I saw him standing here just now. Why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?" I wondered.

Monk Hua stood aside and laughed so hard that he said to me, "Why are you looking for my master? He's gone..."

(End of this chapter)

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