Chapter 4

Normally when people in the village catch a thief, they will beat him to vent his anger before reporting him to the authorities. But this guy with his head covered in blood is already like this. If he beats him again, he will probably be beaten. He was beaten to death. Although the law does not punish the public, and the thief who stole things is indeed hateful, after all, the crime does not lead to death, and the people in the village are also serious, and they all want to report it to the official directly.

Afterwards, the village chief asked the thief a few more questions, asking him where he was from and what he was doing here. The boy didn't know whether he was confused by the fall or pretending to be stupid. He didn't answer any of the questions and just shivered. Talking to himself, he kept saying that there was a spirit in this house, and he still hugged the village chief's thigh tightly.

There is really nothing we can do with this kid.

Finally, the village chief had no choice but to ask us to open the door and see if anything happened to Zhang Laosan and his family.

Immediately afterwards, everyone moved to the door of Zhang Laosan's house, and the village chief also came over. He dragged the guy with blood on his head, but when the boy saw the crowd, he wanted to break open the door of Zhang Laosan's house. The expression on his face became extremely frightened, and he turned around and ran away. He didn't even take two steps before he fell to the ground. This was beyond everyone's expectation.

But he didn't know whether the boy was frightened or whether it was caused by excessive blood loss after the head was opened. In short, the boy fainted.

Why is this thief so afraid of opening the door of Zhang Laosan's house?
There are also those big wolf dogs that gathered at the door of Zhang Laosan's house just now. As soon as the door was opened, the wolf dogs were so frightened that they didn't dare to come in.

What makes me feel most bad is that the moment the door opens, a gloomy wind blows in my face. Now that I have arrived at the door of Zhang Laosan's house, this feeling is even more obvious. Even though I am wearing a thick cotton coat and my body is a little bit... Shivering.

At this time, a strange wind blew, shaking several trees in the yard of Zhang Laosan's house. The branches with all their leaves made a rustling sound, like the claws of a monster, shrouding everyone in a blanket. In the huge shadow.

Looking at the thief lying on the ground, the village chief, Er Baldy, hesitated for a moment, then turned around and came to the door of Zhang Laosan's house again. First, he gently patted the door a few times, asked if anyone was at home, and shouted a few times at the top of his lungs. After shouting, seeing no one responded, he called to the young junior behind him to open the door.

The door in front of me is much weaker than the iron door of Zhang Laosan's house. I didn't even have time to intervene, but the second boy and the others kicked and kicked it open.

The moment the door was opened, a strong smell of blood assaulted the nostrils, making it nauseating.

Before I could take a look into the room, the second boy and the others at the front uttered a scream of extreme fear at the same time, and retreated quickly, trembling all over, almost knocking me who was standing behind them He hit the ground with several others.

Even the old village chief, who had always been relatively calm, gasped in fright, staggered back a few steps, and fell to the ground.

I first glanced at the village chief and others whose eyes were about to fly out with fear, and then looked towards the house. At this glance, I was so frightened that I shivered involuntarily, feeling a wave of evil. The cold went straight to my forehead, my God!What on earth did I see? This scene was too miserable and weird.

By the light of the flashlight behind me, I saw Zhang Laosan sitting on the Taishi chair, facing the door, that is, facing all of us.

However, Zhang Laosan had been dead for a long time at this time. I don’t know how he did it. His body and face were covered with blood. The down jacket he was wearing had been cut many times by sharp blades. The blood had already cut the jacket. The down jacket was dyed blood red, and its original color could not be seen for a long time. There was a dagger stuck in his chest. The dagger went straight into his chest, leaving only the hilt outside.

However, just looking like this is not enough to make people feel chilly. What is even more terrifying is that in this picture, Lao San has his eyes open, and his gray-white eyes are looking straight at us, and they are still hanging on the corners of his mouth. A strange smile, the expression looked a bit sarcastic, making people feel fierce and malicious.

A man was stabbed several times with a dagger stuck in his chest. He didn't close his eyes after he died, but he still had a smile on his lips. What was going on?
This situation can really be described as weird. There is definitely something strange about Zhang Laosan's death.

However, Zhang Laosan was not the only dead person in the house. There was another person lying in the pool of blood on the ground. It seemed that she should be Zhang Laosan's wife. Her head had been moved and it fell on the door in a mess. Her hair was soaked in blood, and the blood on her face had dried and solidified. Her headless body fell next to the chair where Zhang Laosan was sitting. The body had been chopped by countless cuts, and there were cuts all over the body. People can't bear to look at it.

Although it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, Zhang Laosan's family is quite wealthy. The house is equipped with air conditioning, which is still on. When the temperature is high, the corpse is already showing signs of decay. The smell of blood mixed with the stench of the rotting corpse has never stopped. Flowing out of the room, coupled with this horrific and bloody scene, the impact was really too great.

People who saw this scene, some people screamed, some people took a breath, some people cried out on the spot in fright, and some people couldn't bear the smell and scene, so they vomited on the spot, it was garlic and smelly, Mixed with the smell of blood and carrion, the smell was really unpleasant.

They are all ordinary people in the countryside. Who has seen such a scene? The big guys backed away one after another, staying as far away from the house as possible.

Everyone finally understood why the thief kept shouting that he was alive and didn't dare to let anyone open the door. It turned out to be this.

He must have seen everything that happened in the house, so he ran away from the second floor in fright, but when he jumped down, he was too panicked and hit his head on the backyard wall.

To be honest, this kid is very courageous. Most people would be too scared to run away when they see such a scene.

However, looking at the degree of decomposition of the body and the dried and solidified blood, this unlucky thief was probably not the murderer. He had obviously been dead for more than a day or two.

How to do?
It's up to the village head to make up his mind.

The frightened village chief Er Baldy was supported by his second boy and retreated into the courtyard, his body trembling non-stop.

"Dad...what's going on at Third Brother's house? What should we do?" the second boy asked with a cry.

"What else can we the crime!" Erbaldie said, sucking in the cold air.

(End of this chapter)

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