Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 400 2 Magical Powers Exploding

Chapter 400 The Explosion of Two Magical Powers

I looked up in panic, and saw that it was Monk Hua's magical weapon "Purple Gold Bowl" that was hit!
I have seen this magical weapon used by Monk Hua before to deal with the corpse ghost Granny. It is definitely a rare artifact in Buddhism.

This purple gold bowl is surrounded by golden light, and is engraved with countless large and small "Buddha" characters, as well as patterns in the shape of the Buddhist "swastika" mixed in. Under the stimulation of Monk Hua's spiritual power, the golden light flourishes, " "Buzzing", this sound carries a deep and compassionate meaning unique to Buddhism. When people hear it, they can't help but feel immersed in it, as if they are infected by the compassionate breath on the purple gold bowl.

The purple golden bowl hit the sickle in the hand of the cloaked man in black, and a ball of fire suddenly arose, making the man in black tremble, and immediately took two steps back and looked up at Monk Hua.

But at this moment, Monk Hua was instantly surrounded by seven or eight men in black. The sword flashed with cold white light and greeted Monk Hua.

However, Monk Hua not only had a powerful purple golden bowl, but also a demon-conquering pestle. He was also holding it in his hand at this moment, and he barely resisted the crazy attacks of the seven or eight men in black.

The battle seemed to have started in an instant, but I suffered a big loss as soon as I came up. I was slapped by the guy in the cloak and suffered internal injuries.

I thought that my ancestral skill, Yinrou Palm, was powerful enough, but it was still vulnerable to the masters.

In just a moment, several men in black behind me rushed towards me with swords. At this time, I had already clenched the copper coin sword in my hand, turned over and climbed up from the ground.

The guy in the cloak just slapped me and I was a little confused. Now the hand holding the copper coin sword was still shaking slightly, and my body was swinging as if it had been electrified. I heard him running towards me quickly behind me. The man in black, and then saw the guy in a cloak standing not far from me, I didn’t know which side to deal with for a while.

It seemed like we were in trouble right off the bat.

I was in a daze, but the men in black didn't give me time to think about it. I heard a strong wind blowing behind my head. I immediately lowered my head and a big blade slashed over the top of my head. I didn't care. There are a lot of them. Let’s fight randomly. I’ll hit whoever hits me.

I lowered my head and slashed out with my sword based on my feeling. A man in black immediately stepped aside. I turned around and saw three more men in black rushing towards me.

These men in black are all very strong and well-trained. I guessed that I was no match for them, so I had to duck to the side. If I couldn't defeat them, I couldn't resist. In this situation, I could only use the distance of the Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation. Only by attacking from a distance can there be a slight chance of winning.

I quickly ran to the side and put a distance of four or five meters away from them. I immediately shook my hand and threw the copper coin sword out. I was about to make a secret to dismantle the copper coin sword. The guy in the cloak jumped up and glanced at the copper coin sword with a scythe. He knocked my copper coin sword away and hit the ground hard.

The Beidou Copper Coin Sword Formation was ready to go, but it was broken open by the guy in the cloak before it could be decomposed, almost causing me internal injuries.

The guy in the cloak didn't give me any time to react, and immediately ran towards me again with the sickle.

I could only retreat step by step, and those men in black and cloaks swarmed towards me again.

After turning around, I could see the overall situation. Over there, Monk Hua had already unleashed his ultimate move. Behind him, a group of phantoms of glaring Vajra appeared, holding Buddhist swords. They were horns with Monk Hua. They barely resisted the seven or eight attacks that besieged him. The man in black seemed to be struggling to hold on, but he couldn't hold on much longer.

A small red dot jumped out of the thorn, blocking in front of me at all costs. His small figure paused, and then rushed towards the men in black who were rushing toward me.

Those men in black were obviously full of fear of the second senior brother. The maintained formation suddenly became chaotic and scattered in all directions. Only the guy with the cloak jumped directly over the figure between several rises and falls. Second Senior Brother, continue to rush towards me.

In this situation, if we don't fight hard, Monk Hua and I will definitely die here. It is estimated that the second senior brother will not be spared. The guy with the cloak just wants to kill me. He doesn't want to embarrass the second senior brother for the time being. Once he kills me, , the second senior brother cannot escape this disaster.

No matter what, he fought hard!
It's better to just let the demonic energy come to you, or even become possessed, than to die. I'm good enough to kill these men in black before becoming possessed.

Seeing the guy in the cloak moving towards me quickly, I turned around and ran, biting my fingers while running, making seals with both hands at the same time, using the method of blood sacrifice to mobilize the spiritual power in the Dantian Qi sea. The spiritual power surged crazily, and the powerful pressure that I had suppressed in the Dantian Qi sea exploded instantly, filling my whole body.

Um... It seems that there is not just one force, but another powerful force that also began to wash away my body.

The feeling of powerful force pouring into my whole body in an instant, the feeling of my muscles being torn, and the feeling of two powerful forces rushing through my body and the blood boiling all over my body were all expressed in me at the same moment. out.

A wave of hot blood rushed straight to my forehead, and I heard the bones all over my body cracking. A black energy suddenly appeared on my body, and a touch of green appeared on top of the black energy.

The emotions of killing and bloodlust seemed to be ignited, and the power in my body was running rampant. It seemed that only through killing and blood could I vent my body that was about to explode.

Pain, it is a pain that makes the Dantian Qi sea burst. It feels like the body will burst open at any time due to the force of these two forces.

I couldn't bear it any longer, so I paused and immediately knelt on the ground, looking up to the sky and letting out a wolf howling cry.

This voice roared out, and with me as the center, it stirred up a wave of air that spread to all directions. I could feel the fluctuations of the Qi field in my body, like a huge boulder falling into the waves as flat as a mirror. The lake suddenly stirred up thousands of waves.

The surrounding trees were rustling, countless fallen leaves were flying, and dust was flying. Then, I heard a whistling sound above my head. I was furious, gritted my teeth, and then turned my head and looked behind me. What I saw was the guy in the cloak holding a scythe with both hands and slashing hard at my neck.

(End of this chapter)

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