Chapter 483
Seeing that Thousand-Armed Buddha relaxed his tone and seemed to have relaxed his guard against me, I felt that there must be something going on in this matter.

I definitely couldn't just say that I had something to do with him when I first came up. Since I have no friendship with him, and we have some grudges, he definitely wouldn't agree.

But after a while, the old man drank a little wine and became happy. I gave him a few more drinks, and the matter was settled.

Yanguo people usually negotiate things over the wine table. After drinking, they all act like brothers. When their heads are hot, they may agree to anything. However, after they sober up the next day, they may agree to anything. No one knows who the other person is.

I know this well. After drinking too much for a while, I didn’t believe that he didn’t agree.

After chatting with the Thousand-Armed Buddha for about half an hour, the silly big guy came back with several big bags in his hands and placed them on the stone table in the yard. Immediately after returning to the house, he took out the dishes and put all the contents in the bag on the dishes. There were eight or nine dishes, as well as some mutton skewers.

As the saying goes, there is nothing in this world that cannot be discussed over a barbecue. If so, then two.

When the food and wine were served, I took the initiative to pour a glass of wine for Thousand-Armed Buddha, and then poured three more glasses for myself. I said respectfully: "Old senior, it was my fault last time. I will punish myself with three glasses of wine to show my sincerity. "

As I said that, I picked up three glasses of white wine, drank them all in one sip.

At this time, Thousand-Armed Buddha finally had a smile on his face, and we both drank one mouthful at a time. The big man didn't dare to go to the table to drink, he just stood aside.

In a short time, two bottles of Destiny Wine were consumed, and only half of the bottle was left. Thousand-Armed Buddha's face turned red, and with a smile on his face, he ordered his disciple to go out and buy wine quickly, and asked him to continue drinking with me.

We, the Dongchen people, can't drink enough, but the Thousand-Armed Buddha can drink just as well.

We were drinking warmly at the wine table. We looked like the two of us, and all the restraint we had felt just now was gone.

While the silly big man went out to buy wine, Thousand-Armed Buddha burped and said a little drunkenly: "Young man, I also heard about your matter from my brother. Your old Wu family is It’s not simple. Generations have been heroes in the world, especially your ancestor Wu Feng. A hundred or so years ago, he was an all-powerful figure who dominated the world and wiped out the Qinglian Sect, the largest cult at that time. , I am completely in admiration. You are a descendant of the old Wu family. It is not unfair for me to lose to a famous family. In fact, I was also wrong about what happened that day. I saw the treasure in you and was so jealous that I I brought him back..."

I laughed and said: "Old senior, you are so polite. We are not acquainted with each other. Come on, come on... let's have another drink..."

With that said, I took another sip of wine with Thousand-Armed Buddha.

During this meal, Thousand-Armed Buddha and I drank until it was almost dark. I drank a little too much. Thousand-Armed Buddha seemed to be too drunk and sat directly next to me, holding my arms. He called me brother on the shoulder, and said that he would become a sworn brother with me. He could not be born in the same year, the same month, and the same day, but he wished to die in the same year, the same month, and the same day, so that all his disciples would call me uncle.

I felt really depressed. This old man was already so old and he died in the same year, month and day as me. I was at a huge disadvantage. But speaking of it, Thousand-Armed Buddha was also a man of temperament and his true intentions were clear. It's not bad.

By the end of the drink, our relationship was as close as that of real brothers. Thousand-Armed Buddha patted his chest and said, if there is any use to get his Thousand-Armed Buddha in the future, just ask and don't be polite to him.

Now that everything has been said, what else is there to say? I went straight to the topic and said: "Brother, if you didn't mention this, I almost forgot about it. I want to go there tonight." Qingshan, pay a visit to Master Long Yao of Qingshan Ghost Sect. He helped me last time, but I haven’t had time to thank him..."

The Thousand-Hand Buddha burped from wine, patted his chest and said, "Going to Qingshan, that's easy. My brother is the guardian of the mountain gate of Qingshan. Come on, I will take you there..."

Having said that, Thousand-Armed Buddha didn't allow me to say anything more, so he pulled me up from my seat and walked out.

I just drank a little too much, so my head was a little dizzy and I was swaying when I walked. However, Thousand-Armed Buddha seemed to be drunk and was swaying when he walked, so I could only help him walk.

The place where he lives is not far from Qingshan. After I walked with Thousand-Armed Buddha for more than an hour, Thousand-Armed Buddha stopped. He smiled drunkenly and said: "Little brother, you... wait a moment , I will ask my brother to come over and take you to Qingshan..."

When Thousand-Armed Buddha said this, I looked around curiously, but I saw that this place was a mountain forest. I had just stepped into the range of Qingshan and was still some distance away from the formation boundary of Qingshan. I’m really curious as to how Thousand-Armed Buddha notified Master Longchuan to come and pick us up.

Just when he was wondering, Thousand-Armed Buddha suddenly took out a yellow paper talisman from his chest, clamped it between his two fingers, and muttered something. After a moment, the yellow paper talisman suddenly burned and turned into A cloud of ashes.

After the yellow paper talisman burned out, Thousand-Armed Buddha called me to sit on a rock in the mountain and asked me to wait for a moment. His brother would come over soon.

Last time when Lord Thousand Hands called his brother over, I didn't see what kind of method was used, but this time I could see it clearly, it turned out to be the technique of burning talismans to transmit sound, it really is a very mysterious technique.

Thousand-Armed Buddha and I sat on a stone to rest for a while, blowing the mountain breeze to sober up. After a while, I saw the surrounding Qi field fluctuating, and a black shadow appeared in the distance. The black shadow was just In the blink of an eye, we were very close, and then in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of us. When I saw the real person Longchuan appeared in front of me, I woke up from the wine.

Qingshan's technique is magical and mystical. Seeing this technique of shrinking the ground to an inch again frightened me. I was still thinking about when I would be able to have such ability, it would be too awesome.

As soon as Master Longchuan appeared, he first glanced at me and said politely: "Wu Jiuyin... why are you here? It's been more than a month since we parted, right?"

I stood up and bowed respectfully to Master Longchuan. Master Longchuan nodded slightly and walked towards the Thousand-Armed Buddha. Before he could reach him, he suddenly frowned, a little bit. He said displeasedly: "Brother...why did you drink so much again..."

(End of this chapter)

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