Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 1129 Black Snowflake

Chapter 1129 Black Snowflake

Ding Ermiao picked up the wine glass and said, "Uncle Wang, tell us how you saw it, so we can have an idea."

Ding Ermiao remains highly skeptical of what Uncle Wang said.

Firearms not only have a restraining and deterrent effect on ghosts, but also on zombies.Therefore, it is impossible for zombies to shoot people.

He wouldn't dare to lend him any courage.

"Okay, I'll tell you about it."

Uncle Wang took out the tobacco gun from his waist, filled it with tobacco leaves, lit it and took a puff, and then said:

"About thirty miles to the north of the village, there is Feilong Ridge. When I was young, I often hunted in that area. There are two thatched huts under Feilong Ridge, which were built by several hunters in our village. Sometimes, when we go hunting in the mountains, we often don’t come back for a month, and we live and eat in those two huts.”

Ding Ermiao nodded, indicating to continue.

"I was 40 years old that year, I remember. It was the first snow in winter. It fell for several days and nights. We were trapped in the mountains. We couldn't come back, and we couldn't go out to hunt. Four hunters lived in the We drank and smoked in those two huts. That night, we were drinking and gambling when we suddenly heard the sound of footsteps stepping on the snow..."

Uncle Wang seemed to be immersed in memories and spoke very slowly:

"The mountain was closed by heavy snow, how could there be any pedestrians? And listening to the footsteps, it seemed that there were more than three or five people. We were very surprised at the time, so we went out to take a look. On the white snow, we saw a group of soldiers. Coming towards our hut with a gun on his shoulder."

It turned out to be a zombie army. Ding Ermiao and Wan Shugao looked at each other and felt incredible.

"There were about 40 people in that small unit. They walked very stiffly and dragged their legs on the snow, causing a deep ditch to appear on the snow. We were surprised that those people had already arrived in front of us."

Uncle Wang took a puff of dry cigarette and continued: "A man who looked like an officer took out a map from his arms and said to me, please take us to this place."

"You were asked to lead the way? Did you lead the way for them?" Wan Shugao asked hurriedly.

Ding Ermiao glared and signaled Wan Shugao to be quiet.

"The officer gave me a map and asked me to lead the way, but it was dark outside and I couldn't see the map clearly, so I asked the officer to come inside to talk."

There was a trace of fear on Uncle Wang's face and he said:
"After entering the room, under the light of pitch pine, I saw something was wrong. There was a layer of black air floating around on the officer's face. Moreover, his eyes could not move..., dead fish My eyes won’t turn at all!”

Ding Ermiao frowned. According to Uncle Wang's description, this was indeed the characteristic of a zombie, but the officer could speak, but it didn't look like a zombie anymore.

"I just glanced at the officer and was startled. I didn't dare to look anymore and looked at the map. I recognized the place drawn on the map. It was two peaks facing each other. There was a valley in the middle of the peaks called Camelback Valley.”

Uncle Wang looked out the door and said: "Tuefeng Valley is more than ten miles to the west from Feilong Ridge. But no one dares to go to that place at night...because that place is haunted."

"Then did you go there in the end?" Wan Shugao asked.

Uncle Wang nodded and sighed: "I went, I went, all the four hunters in our village went, but in the end, only Xiao Yu and I came back alive."

Speaking of this, there were tears in Uncle Wang's old eyes.Judging from his expression, he is definitely not pretending.

"The zombie army killed the other two hunters?" Ding Ermiao paused. After Uncle Wang's mood calmed down, he asked: "And that Xiao Yu, who is it? Is he still alive?"

"Xiao Yu's name is Yu Qiangguo. He is an educated youth who was sent here, and he is a prisoner in the camp. He is still alive, but he lives in the educated youth camp in the back mountain, not in the village." Uncle Wang sighed and said, "Not now. Xiao Yu is Lao Yu. He is also in his early fifties this year."

Wan Shugao was surprised and asked: "Didn't all the educated youth return to the city? Why didn't Xiao Yu go back? Is there still an educated youth camp here?"

Naturally, Ding Ermiao and Wan Shugao did not catch up with the movement of intellectual youths going to the countryside decades ago.

The educated youth at that time were almost the same generation as their parents.But Wan Shugao and Ding Ermiao had heard more or less about that period of history.

"He has no relatives in the city, so he is unwilling to go back. The camp for educated youth back then was just a row of stone houses in the back mountain, several miles away from the village. Now Xiao Yu lives there alone."

Uncle Wang suddenly let out a sigh and asked, "It's the only way you go into the mountains. Didn't you see the row of houses in the educated youth camp?"

Wan Shugao rolled his eyes and said, "Yeah, I saw it, but there is no one in the house..."

"Oh, that means Xiao Yu went to wander in the mountains." Uncle Wang changed a pot of tobacco leaves and continued:

"The zombie officer asked us to lead the way. Of course we didn't want to go. But the officer seemed to know what we were thinking. He pulled out his pistol and pointed it at us. Although we also had hunting muskets, how could we defeat the troops outside? So we had no choice but to After tidying up, we set off to Camelback Valley with our zombie troops overnight, despite the heavy snowstorm...

Under the vast white snow, we led the zombie troops forward with one foot high and one foot low. Finally, at around two o'clock in the night, we arrived in front of Camelback Valley.

But before I went in, I saw the snowflakes falling in the sky changed color, and all the flying ones were black snowflakes.The black snowflakes are blowing harder and harder, becoming more and more dense.Soon, we were surrounded, unable to distinguish things, and surrounded by darkness.

What's even more weird is that the zombie army that originally followed us has disappeared.

The four of us hunters were wrapped in dense black snowflakes, and we were all panicked.When we were still in shock, we suddenly saw bright bayonets all around, stabbing at us from the outside.

If your life hangs by a thread, you can't worry about much.We were back to back, blocking with the barrels of our shotguns.Among the four of us, I was the oldest, so I loudly ordered Xiao Yu and the others to fire their guns, then rush back and run away one by one.

The first one to fire the gun was Xiao Yu. As soon as he fired the gun, he took the lead and ran back. I held the gun and cut off the back.The four men took turns filling the ground with gunpowder and filling it with iron sand, and took turns firing their guns.

But I don’t know why, but the other party didn’t fire a gun, but just stabbed us with a bayonet.

While fleeing in a panic, they suddenly heard a clear gunshot from outside the black snow encirclement.The other two hunters in the village screamed and fell down at the same time.Xiao Yu and I stopped and bent down to look, but our accomplices shouted, telling us to run quickly and leave them alone..."

Having said this, Uncle Wang raised his sleeves and wiped the tears from his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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