Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 1945 Drift Island

Chapter 1945 Drift Island

After fighting hard all night, Ye Gufan was also dizzy, so he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

"Where are you going?" Wu Zhanzhan asked.

"Go west."

"There!" Wu Zhanzhan pointed with his hand.

"Thank you, uncle." Ye Gufan thanked him and floated westward.

However, Ye Gufan kept going and searched all the way to the west coast. He searched to the seaside and joined the old crew guild, but no trace of Ye Qingqing and others was found.

On the road, countless panicked spirits were running away in a hurry, as if it was the end of the world.Ye Gufan grabbed several little demons and asked Ye Qingqing and others about their whereabouts, but to no avail.

Where did my sister, Di Yun and others go?Could it be...?Ye Gufan panicked, searching and screaming like crazy.

A long time passed in the blink of an eye, and the sun had already risen above the head.The spirits and monsters on Yingzhou Island, the trees fell down and the hozens scattered, they all hid and lurked, and there was deathly silence all around.

Ye Gufan had no choice but to go back and interrogate those demon kings, so he turned back.

Wu Zhanzhan still stayed where he was, sitting cross-legged in meditation.The ten demon kings knelt down in front of Wu Zhanzhan, trembling.As for Ye Gufan's parents, Wu Zhanzhan had already taken them into the paper talisman.

"Master!" Ye Gufan returned to his golden body, stood up from the ground, and said, "Master, my sister and the others are missing."

"What should we do?" Wu Zhanzhan opened his eyes and frowned slightly.

"Let me ask these demon kings." Ye Gufan turned around, grabbed the queen bee, and shouted: "Monster, if anything goes wrong with my sister, Di Yun, Tang Jialin and others, I will kill you one by one! Say it quickly! , where did you take my sister and others?"

Because the battle started on the queen bee's territory, Ye Gufan was the first to interrogate the queen bee.

"Then you have to let me out so that I can inquire." The queen bee said tremblingly.

"Then what will happen if you go out and don't come back?" Ye Gufan glared.

Wu Zhanzhan waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just let him go. My seal is on him, so he won't dare to cause trouble."

Ye Gufan was overjoyed and waved to the Queen Bee: "Go quickly, go back quickly, find my sister and others, and I can save you from death!"

Hearing that he could be saved from death, the queen bee also looked happy and said: "Yes, yes, I will definitely help you find it!"

After saying that, the queen bee spun around on the ground a few times, and was swept away by a gust of wind to the west.

Ye Gufan was full of hope, looking at the direction where the queen bee disappeared, and waited anxiously.

Wu Zhan opened his mouth and said, "Ye Gufan, it's useless to be anxious, take a rest."

"Uncle Master is right." Ye Gufan sat down. He was really tired from the night. Now he relaxed and felt sore all over.

"Uncle Master, how did you get here? If you hadn't saved me in time, I would have been eaten by monsters at this time." Ye Gufan looked at Uncle Master and asked.

Wu Zhanzhan asked back, "Do you know what this Yingzhou Island is? What does it have to do with the outside world?"

Ye Gufan was stunned and said: "I don't know much about it. I just heard from the spirits here that this is an area that was isolated after the Conferred God War and has no communication with the outside world."

"Yes, not only has this place been isolated, but the four major elements, including earth, water, wind, and fire, have all been changed." Wu Zhanzhan nodded and said, "I have been to Yingzhou Island three times in the past ten years."

"Ah, so uncle is a frequent visitor here?" Ye Gufan was stunned.

Wu Zhanzhan smiled slightly and said: "I went in and out three times before I figured out the secret here. We were on the island and felt that the island was very big. In fact, its area is not too big and I can't measure it specifically, but I estimate , the entire area of ​​Yingzhou Island is only about one-third of the island across the strait."

"It's not small anywhere. No wonder it can accommodate so many spirits." Ye Gufan said.

Wu Zhanzhan shook his head and said: "The strangeness of Yingzhou Island is not just the monsters. Do you know how far this island is from the coast of our country of China?"

"At least more than five thousand miles, right?" Ye Gufan thought for a while and said.

Because Ye Gufan remembered that he passed through the Fusang Islands and walked a long way before entering Yingzhou Island.In total, the distance is even about [-] miles.

"Wrong, we are now at most a thousand miles away from the country." Wu Zhanzhan smiled and said: "The magic of this Yingzhou Island is that it drifts. Sometimes it is far away from the coastline, and sometimes it is very close."

"Ah? A drifting island?" Ye Gufan was surprised.

Wu Zhanzhan nodded and said: "Yes, not only can it drift, but this Yingzhou Island can also be split. Once split, it can be broken into pieces, making it even harder to find."

Ye Gufan was completely defeated. No wonder this island is so magical. For thousands of years, it has only existed in legends, but few people have discovered it!
"I have been here three times and found that the spirits here have their own system and manage Yingzhou Island in an orderly manner. There is no harm to anyone, so I don't want to take care of it." Wu Zhanzhan looked at Ye Gufan and continued:

"But this time, I found that the aura on the island has changed. I was worried that the spirits of these spirits would be aroused, so I came here to check. But I didn't expect this change in aura to be caused by your arrangement of the Eight Diagrams Qi Gathering Array."

Ye Gufan sneered and said: "Uncle Master, will the Bagua Qi gathering array I set up have an impact on the aura of the entire Yingzhou Island?"

"The Feng Shui setting on the island is the same as the outside world. There is a delicate balance. If this balance is broken, the breath will change." Wu Zhanzhan sighed and said: "Moreover, the demonic nature of these monsters has also been inspired by you. , of course, the two old ghosts who ran away were also involved. It can be said that you and Wu Meiniang teamed up to destroy the harmony of Yingzhou Island. "

Ye Gufan was stunned for a moment and said: "The place where a bunch of monsters live, if it is destroyed, it will be destroyed."

"But there are many monsters on the island. Once they are separated, they will definitely cause chaos in the outside world. I didn't kill these monster kings immediately just now, just to leave a way out." Wu Zhanzhan stood up and said: "I hope Ying The island can regain its previous peace, and I hope these spirits will not interfere with the human world."

"Uncle Master is merciful, but I must kill this wolf monster!" Ye Gufan said.

The wolf demon is one of the culprits, and he is equally guilty as the Yinshan Ghost Mother, so of course Ye Gufan cannot let him go.

Wu Zhanzhan nodded, and said: "I can understand revenge for my parents. The wolf demon broke the restriction of Yingzhou Island and went to the world to hurt people. He is also seeking his own death. But the other demon kings have no blood debts on them. I think it will be released from the net." On the one hand, besides, I have put a seal on them, and I can already control what they do. As long as we pass on the determination of the seal, we don’t have to worry about these demon kings making trouble.”

(End of this chapter)

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