Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 1984 Secret

Chapter 1984 Secret
"Yes, Master." Ye Gufan was stunned, and then summoned Sha Mengzi and Li Jun, but he didn't know what Master wanted to do with these two old ghosts.

The two old ghosts walked up to Ding Ermiao and saluted together.

"Bodhisattva, thank you for your hard work. I want to entrust these two old ghosts to you to take them to the Netherworld and arrange any position beside King Qin Guang, whether it is a judge, Yin Shuai or something like that. In the future, I will also introduce other ghosts, Go to the underworld to serve." Ding Ermiao said.

Ksitigarbha nodded: "Everyone obeys your orders."

Sha Mengzi and Li Jun were overjoyed. They looked at each other and asked, "Are we going to work in the underworld? Thank you Ding Daxian!"

"After you go to the underworld, help the underworld and maintain order. If anything happens, report directly to the wilderness world." Ding Ermiao nodded and said.

"Yes!" Sha Mengzi and Li Jun agreed together.

Master, is he going to intervene in things in the underworld and monitor the dynamics of the six realms?Ye Gufan thought for a while and vaguely understood what his master meant.

"Since Ksitigarbha cannot explain the secret behind the Tai Chi plate, I have no choice but to explain it." Ding Ermiao jumped on the Tai Chi plate, called everyone over, and said with a smile: "Theoretically, it shouldn't be revealed, but don't tell it. , everyone will definitely not forgive me. Fortunately, Mr. Lu Yadao and others are gone, so I am not denying face."

King Ksitigarbha clasped his hands and said, "I'm a poor monk, please retreat. I wonder if Donor Ding will allow it?"

"Bodhisattva, please." Ding Ermiao raised his hand and said.

King Ksitigarbha thanked him, transformed into six incarnations, and retreated from the six passages.Li Jun and Sha Mengzi said goodbye to Ye Gufan and followed Ksitigarbha into the Netherworld.

At this time, there were no outsiders in the hall.

"Er Miao, what happened to this sudden chaotic catastrophe? Does the negative world mentioned by Taoist Lu Ya really exist?" Gu Qinglan asked after greeting everyone.

"It was almost a catastrophe. But the negative world is a bit unclear." Ding Ermiao smiled, pointed at the Tai Chi plate at his feet, and said:

"This Taiji plate can record all the things and the appearance of sentient beings in the six realms. Under it, it is connected to the void beyond the six realms. Those replicas are actually copied by Daojun Lu Ya outside the six realms. In time, A truly negative world can be created.”

Wu Zhanzhan gritted his teeth and said, "I just feel that this Lu Ya is not a good person, and he should not have let them go just now! By the way, why did this guy do this?"

"Because... they don't obey me." Ding Ermiao sighed and said:

"Master Lu Ya and Patriarch Hongjun are both dissatisfied with me. After all, I came to power too quickly. From the perspective of Heaven and Humanity, it was only in the blink of an eye. They cannot tolerate an unknown boy suddenly being on equal footing with them, or even higher than them." One end. There are also the ancestors of the Sanqing Dynasty. They used to enjoy my incense offerings, but now... this kind of relationship makes them very embarrassed."

Li Weinian seemed to realize something, and said, "So, they are planning to harm you?"

"They don't mean to harm me intentionally, but it's true that they want to return to chaos and reshuffle the cards." Ding Ermiao smiled bitterly and said: "What they did was to plan to die together, which is quite cruel. Fortunately, I used A clone destroys the replica outside the Six Paths of Void first, otherwise, the consequences will be really hard to predict."

Gu Qinglan frowned and said, "When did you use the clone technique?"

"While playing chess, it was Lu Ya who was using the jade plate from the Yueguang Treasure Box to shine light on me from a distance. I knew something was wrong and immediately left." Ding Ermiao looked up at the passage above the hall and said: " But at that time, Lu Ya had already taken our images and put them under the Tai Chi disk. My clone chased after me, destroyed the replica, and accepted further transformation as the replica, so I could hide it. Mr. Lu Yadao."

"Er Miao, since you have insight into the conspiracy of Lu Ya Daojun and others, why do you let them go?" Wu Zhanzhan was still angry.

Ding Ermiao sighed and said: "Junior sister, they built this order of the Six Paths. If they really fall out, it will still be a catastrophe. They can't defeat me, but all living beings in the Six Paths will fall into a sea of ​​misery."

"Uncle Shi is right. Right now, it is the best policy for us to participate in all things in the Six Paths, mix with them, and monitor them at any time." Li Qingdong said.

Ding Ermiao nodded, looked at Wu Zhanzhan, and said: "Junior sister, among the six realms, we can't help ourselves. We want to avoid disputes, but we can't, because there are always disputes that will involve us. You have been wandering around for many years , I still can’t escape these six troubles. So, it’s better to return.”

Wu Zhanzhan thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and nodded slightly.

Ye Gufan stepped forward and asked: "Master, does Ksitigarbha know some secrets?"

"He knew that the catastrophe was coming, but he didn't know that it was the arrangement of Daojun Lu Ya and others. He actually stopped you out of good intentions, wanting to delay time and find countermeasures. However, he is also a pawn in front of the Supreme Being in the upper world. , just a guardian of the Six Paths General Hub."

Ding Ermiao sighed and continued: "He found out later, but he was ordered by Heavenly Court and Tathagata Buddha and was a subordinate of Patriarch Hongjun, but he did not dare to say it clearly, so he avoided it."

"What about the old ghost Qianling? What kind of ghost is her incense burner?" Ye Gufan asked again.

"Then she is even more of a chess piece. She firmly believes that the power gathered by the incense burner can open the Tai Chi disk. She wants to rule the six realms, otherwise, she will open a negative world and die together." Ding Ermiao laughed and said: "The funny thing is, The news about the negative world was also sent to Wu Meiniang by Daojun Lu Ya. He deliberately made the matter very complicated, just to disturb our sight."

Everyone gradually understood the cause and effect, and each sighed.

"Er Miao, you have been to the void world beyond the Six Paths. What is the scene like there?" Wu Zhanzhan asked.

"That is the endless void. When Chaos first opened, there were many things that could not be accommodated and had nowhere to be arranged. Therefore, Patriarch Hongjun and others excluded these factors from the Six Paths."

Ding Ermiao explained, and said: "Daojun Lu Ya built a testing ground in this void, using those innate elements, combined with our images, to create clones. These clones have innate and unknown characteristics." Factors can indeed collide with the main body and disappear together. Over time, it is unknown whether Daojun Lu Ya will create a negative world. However, I will go there again in the future to completely destroy that testing site."

Ye Gufan suddenly knelt down and said: "Master..., my disciple has a friend named Di Yun. In this accident, he collided with the clone and disappeared. Please use your great magical power to save Di Yun!"

"Has someone disappeared?" Ding Ermiao frowned slightly, and then he wandered around, checking six paths. (That’s all for today, I’ll give you more updates tomorrow! Double monthly ticket period, please continue to ask for monthly ticket support!)
(End of this chapter)

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