Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 1995 Borrowing a Knife

Chapter 1995 Borrowing a Knife
The chilling sound of the blood-swallowing knife being unsheathed made Lao Bu's soul fly into the sky. The day he was most worried about finally came.

"Ni, Nizi...what are you going to do?" Old Bu was so frightened that his old face twitched, his sunken eyes suddenly opened wide, and he struggled and shouted.

Bu Wynn smiled coldly and spoke for the second time, saying, "I'll give you a ride."

This sentence was also the last time Bu Wynn spoke.

After that, Bu Wynn also lay down on the hospital bed, lying next to Lao Bu.

"You are a traitor, you are a traitor... someone is coming!" Old Bu's chest heaved and he shouted with all his strength.

But Bu Wynn had already closed the door, and no one from outside could come in.Besides, those servants didn’t dare to come in. After all, Bu Wynn was a murderer. Who dared to mess with him?

Old Bu screamed feebly, and Little Bu lay flat on the bed next to Old Bu, but without saying a word, he suddenly waved the sword.

This knife struck the necks of Lao Bu and his son.Judging from the posture, Xiao Bu wanted to die together. With one knife, he cut off Old Bu's head and his own head.


White light falls.

After all, Lao Bu was a military commander, but at this last moment, he tried his best to make a comeback!
It's okay if you don't turn over, but it's bad if you turn over.

Originally, the blood-swallowing knife was cut from in front of him.Old Bu turned over and the blade fell on the back of his neck.

But when he heard a pop, Old Bu let out a scream.

The blood-swallowing knife cut halfway in, and the blade pierced the back of Old Bu's neck.

But Bu Wynn remained silent. Even though he didn't touch the blade, his neck and head were separated.

"Ah...ah..." Old Bu shouted miserably with the blood-swallowing knife behind his neck.

The servants finally plucked up the courage, smashed the door and rushed in.

But when everyone saw the scene in front of them, their faces were like white paper and their bodies were like sieve chaff!

I saw Old Bu with a knife on the back of his neck, struggling and screaming on the bed, dripping with blood; while Little Bu was sleeping on the side, his head and body separated.The scary thing is that there is not a drop of blood on Xiao Bu's wound.

"Help me, help me..." Old Bu waved his hands and screamed.

People want to live when they die, and let him spend his life fighting all over the world. Now the hero is in his twilight years. He has been slashed by the blood-swallowing knife, and he is also heartbroken. The heroic spirit he once had is now gone.

"Save the master, save the master!" The Bu Mansion was in chaos, but no one dared to step forward.

Finally, it was a doctor from Bufu who gritted his teeth, held the knife in both hands, and pulled it out hard.

In fact, the doctor's intention to pull out the knife was to end Lao Bu's pain as soon as possible.But no one expected that Lao Bu's strength was unprecedented.

After the blood-swallowing knife was pulled out, Lao Bu lived for another seven days!
After screaming for seven days, Lao Bu finally closed his eyes completely.

This incident alarmed the Forty-Nine City, and even Emperor Kangxi heard about it and sent an imperial doctor to see it.

You can imagine how terrifying it is for a person with his head hanging down and a wound several inches long on the back of his neck to moan for seven days.Therefore, the sensation in the capital was naturally inevitable.

When the imperial doctor came, Lao Bu had just died.

After the autopsy, the imperial doctor was also depressed and frightened, because the wound on the back of Lao Bu's neck went straight into the cervical vertebrae, and there was absolutely no reason why he would have to wait seven days to die.

And Xiaobu's severed head is even more unreasonable.The most outstanding work of the Ministry of Punishment also came to check it out, but it was also unexplainable.

In the end, the only explanation was that Buhuaien was the reincarnation of Luo Zhiyi, and he came here to settle the grudges from his previous life.

Because Luo Zhiyi is dead, Lao Bu is dead, and Xiao Bu is dead.Without supporting evidence, no one can refute this explanation.

But at this time, no one realized the ominous nature of this blood-swallowing knife.

Bwyane died, but left behind two sons, both of whom were about to become adults.

In the past, it was normal for people to get married early and have a bridal chamber at the age of fifteen or sixteen.When Bu Wynn died, he was in his 30s and his two sons were in their teens.

Teenagers are very playful.As soon as Burcha and Bu Huaien died, the two children immediately flew into the sky, idle all day long, hanging out in restaurants and brothels.

The evil slaves of the Bu Mansion bullied the young master for not being sensible, replaced others with others, and guarded and committed theft.Soon, the Bufu family fell into decline, and in the end they were penniless, relying on pawning the family's property to survive.

But Bu Huai'en's two sons also knew that the Blood-swallowing Knife was a treasure, so they were reluctant to consign it and kept it in their hands.

But who should this precious sword belong to?The two brothers had another dispute over this issue.

In the end, one can imagine that one of them was killed by the sword while fighting for it.

The one who died was the second child, and the one who survived was the eldest brother Bu.

Originally, Boss Bu was also going to be convicted, but the nine admirals and the head of the Punishment Department had both received favors from the Bu family, so they turned a blind eye and classified Boss Bu as an accidental death, and arrested Boss Bu and beat him. A slap in the face, locked up for half a year, then put back and done.

The blood-swallowing knife was also returned to Boss Bu, all for the sake of Lao Bu. After all, Lao Bu was the founding general of the country and had a different status.

Boss Bu was released, still doing nothing, living on the street with a sword in his arms.

Because his family's house has been sold and he has nowhere to go.

The impoverished Boss Bu thought of selling knives at this time.People are starving to death, why do they need this sword?
But as the saying goes, a sword goes with a hero. If you want to sell a sword, you have to find someone who knows the goods.

Boss Bu sold the sword for several days, but he still didn't sell it.

When he was feeling discouraged, an old monk suddenly appeared in front of Boss Bu and said with a smile, "How much does this knife of yours cost?"

"Ten taels of silver, maybe." Boss Bu thought for a while and said.

Boss Bu originally thought that this knife was worth 500 taels of silver, but after selling it for several days, no one took it, so he had to cry and sell it with great discounts and huge rewards.

In fact, ten taels of silver was quite a lot. Based on the prices at that time, one could buy about three tile-roofed houses in the capital.You can also go to a brothel, redeem a half-old lady to be your wife, and live a warm life in bed.

After hearing the quotation, the old monk shook his head slightly and smiled without saying a word.

"Ten taels of silver, it's not too expensive for you, Master!" Boss Bu said hurriedly: "How about it be cheaper, nine taels... eight taels... or five taels of silver, ah... the minimum is three taels, one price!"

The treasured sword couldn't be sold, so the dandy disciple panicked, and before anyone else could say anything, he lowered the price one after another.

"Hahaha..." The old monk laughed and said, "I will give you 100 taels of silver!"

"100 taels of silver?" Boss Bu was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"That's right, 100 taels of silver." The old monk dragged Boss Bu to a remote tavern. I want to borrow your sword to do something. It’s done, the silver is yours, and the sword is still yours!”

Is there such a good thing?Boss Bu pondered for a moment and said, "Why do you want to borrow the knife? Will it implicate me?"

(End of this chapter)

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