() "Old Gu, if possible, you can also pass through, I will definitely throw you into the Yangtze River to take a bath, so that you can wake up your mind well... Is I the kind of bastard who calls in the middle of the night to disturb people's sleep? ?”

One afternoon in August 1938, at Chaotianmen Wharf, Qin Wei stared blankly at the iPhone 8 in his hand, at the screen that had no display due to a power outage, and cursed bitterly.

He actually wore it!

Like countless fellow writers, travel through time and space.But the problem is, people are just imitating in their minds and words, but he is actually acting... When he just appeared on the streets of Chongqing, he thought he was dreaming.But fortunately, he is also a veteran who has been in the writing industry for a long time and has read n many online articles, and his psychological acceptance is not bad.So, after a short period of hesitation, he accepted this reality helplessly and secretly excitedly, until his stomach suddenly growled...

He has no money and nothing of value.

Moreover, it was summer before he crossed over, so he had very few clothes. If he hadn't happened to go out to buy "grain", he might not even have the shirt and trousers he has now, but just a vest and underwear... But so what?He doesn't think street stalls are worth a few cents, even in the Republic of China now.

After a brief consideration, he began to run around aimlessly.Along the road, following the step after step of the mountain city, he actually came all the way to Chaotianmen... Then, facing the Yangtze River and Jialing River that converged in front of him, he had nowhere to go. In a daze, he actually thought of fighting Call...for help?!

Then, in the midst of boredom, a miracle happened. After making more than a dozen calls in a row but couldn't get through, he actually got through to Gu Changjun... But unfortunately, the other party obviously couldn't accept the fact that he was time-traveling, and instead thought he was I'm joking and playing a prank... Well, if it's normal, Qin Wei can accept the other party's thoughts, because if he and Gu Changjun were to switch places, he would definitely come to the same conclusion as the other party.But the problem is, he can't change it even if he wants to...

"What's next?"

Before making the call, Qin Wei had no hope.Although I have read a lot of online articles before, and I can look up information on the Internet after crossing, but the luck required is too bad, second only to some "qi" that can return to reality after time travel. Son of Fortune".He is an unlucky guy who can't even find a job, and can barely cover his living expenses and basement rent by writing an article on the Internet. How can he have such good luck?

But the phone got through in the end, and the call was normal... He didn't have time to think about whether it was because the Apple phone in his hand was a third-hand counterfeit product he bought from Gu Changjun for 300 yuan. For some reason like a magnetic field, he just wanted to let the other party know his current situation... But obviously, his goal was not achieved.


< qing, this famous mountain city has traveled so far... While Qin Wei lamented his athletic potential, he couldn't help but feel annoyed why he didn't have a good meal before crossing... In other words, before crossing, he already I haven't eaten all night.Although he also had dissatisfaction with the society in one way or another, in any case, since he was born, he has never worried about not being able to eat.

"The phone is out of power, and I still have..."

Shaking his head, putting aside his annoyance, unwillingness, and some hidden fears, Qin Wei began to calculate his family fortune after crossing:

A fourth-generation Apple mobile phone, plus a pair of earphones (although it is a counterfeit product, it can be regarded as an absolute high-tech product these days, and it can also communicate with the future, but it is a pity that it is out of power. Another: I didn’t bring the charger!)

A wallet with some RMB in it (obviously this is already waste paper, and if it is not handled properly, it may become a tool that brings trouble to yourself), a second-generation ID card, a bus card, two bank cards open.

In addition, I just bought a few packs of Baisha cigarettes and a one-yuan lighter...

And then……

No more.

Although it can't be considered naked, it's almost the same.Moreover, regardless of mobile phones, RMB, ID cards, bank cards, or bus cards, they are all things that can reveal their identity at any time.Even if it is impossible for people of this era to infer that he is from the future from the date above, they will at least regard him as an unstable element, especially the RMB, whose avatar on it may lead him into the national government if he is not careful. The big prison... Although the old Mao Zedong is printed on it, it doesn't look like the old man in the current era, but you can still tell who it belongs to if you carefully distinguish it.

"I'm afraid it's not just Lao Jiang, even if he goes to the anti-Japanese base area and sees that the old man is printed on the banknotes, he will definitely take me to the interrogation room for interrogation immediately, and ask me why I want to kill the old man. It's so old, eh..."

With a long sigh, he took out the few renminbi from his wallet, rubbed it in his hands several times, and Qin Wei finally made up his mind, and he slammed his hands hard...

A few red and green renminbi were scattered into the surging river.

"Am I destroying the precious physical evidence of time travel?"

With a wry smile, Qin Wei threw several cards into the water one by one.


"What should I do next?"

He left behind his mobile phone, wallet, cigarettes and lighter... Qin Wei lit a cigarette for himself and began to think about the next step.He didn't notice that a pair of eyes were staring at him not far away.


"Have you got dozens of them?"

Li Quan sat on the stairs that can be seen everywhere in the mountain city, leaning against a protruding stone, his eyes staring at the front for a moment, and licking his lips from time to time... He has been staring at the guy in front of him for a long time.As a policeman, he had never seen anyone smoking like this.One after another, it seems that there is not enough. After a while, the ground is full of cigarette butts.

"So fucking willing."

Li Quan licked his darkened lips again, and swallowed.He is very slanderous.He is also a smoker.It’s just that he, a small police officer, doesn’t have the ability to smoke cigarettes every day. Sometimes when he gets addicted to cigarettes, he just finds a piece of paper, rolls some tobacco leaves and smokes to satisfy his addiction. Unable to bear it, he even crushed the leaves of dead trees and used them as tobacco leaves... This does not mean that he is really poor to this extent. Chongqing is a big place. I heard that the Wuhan War was so tight that the Nationalist government planned to move here. Naturally, it is impossible for such a place to sell cigarettes.But the problem is fighting! **The rent that can’t beat Xiaoqing has increased several times in the past half a year, let alone other things.The national government has always given out less money, and these policemen want to live better, so they have to make more money.But how much money can he make with a small police patrol?Even if the harvest is good, there is not enough money for a few packs of cigarettes in a day, and it is not enough for the price increase of food, so how can you be willing to spend it recklessly?

But today was a good day. I actually saw a guy who was "well-dressed" and smoked one pack after another... Look at the eyes.


"Brother, give me a pump?"

His throat became more and more itchy, finally, Li Quan couldn't help but moved over.


The man turned his head, seemingly surprised.

"Just, I just want a cigarette!" What kind of look is this?Li Quan was looked at a little hairy.He has been a police patrol for so many years, who hasn't seen all kinds of miscellaneous things?Condescending, flattering, indifferent... But it's the first time I've seen such strange eyes... It seems, it seems that this guy is looking at monsters.monster?Li Quan was a little guilty and at the same time a little baffled... There is nothing wrong with him!


After staring at Li Quan for a long time, the man realized suddenly, and hastily pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it over.

"Thank you..." Looking at the exquisite cigarette case in front of him, which was wrapped with a layer of transparent and shiny paper, Li Quan carefully took out a cigarette from it, put it under his nose and smelled it: "Good cigarette." Ah, what brand is it?"

"White Sand!"

"Baisha?" Li Quan thought for a while, "Haven't heard of it? New brand? Expensive?"

"It's not too expensive, five yuan a pack!"

"Oh, five yuan..." Li Quan nodded, and then he froze: "How much, how much?"

"Five dollars!"

"Hey..." Li Quan swallowed hard, "I, I said sir, are you kidding? Five yuan? Foreign cigarettes are not so expensive!"

"It's already very cheap." The other party sighed, looked at Li Quan again, and suddenly slapped his head again, "Haha, sorry, I made a mistake. It's not five yuan, fifty cents...a bag of fifty cents! "

"I'll just say...but it's expensive enough." Li Quan smiled dryly, but couldn't let go of his breath.What does he do? Police!Although it is just an ordinary police patrol, there are many people who have seen it, and the eyesight is naturally not bad.The person in front of him was dressed a bit strangely, but he was obviously very "sophisticated" and quite foreign. There was something different about him all over his body, and he didn't look like an ordinary person no matter what.And he could tell that the clothes on this guy were made of better materials than many rich people's clothes... To put it bluntly, there is a good chance that this person is either rich or expensive.That's why he had to think about it for a long time before he dared to come here to ask for a cigarette... He said that he couldn't bear the addiction, but actually he wanted to see if he could have some good luck and get some benefits.Just like a few days ago, a colleague of his met a nobleman and helped him a little, and he rewarded him with five ocean dollars.Five oceans!He couldn't save so much money for half a year.But he didn't expect that a pack of cigarettes would cost five yuan... He had never heard of such a price.Although the other party quickly changed his mind, fifty cents was enough to feed his family for half a month.So, this guy in front of him is lying, this pack of cigarettes is very likely to cost five yuan a pack!

"Did I really meet some rich man?" Li Quan's mind started to spin.He wanted to see if he could get closer to this person. After all, even if this guy had money, he still looked depressed and worried. Otherwise, why would he be smoking cigarettes by the river? ... As a small police patrol, even if he can't help much, it shouldn't be difficult to get some rewards in the end?Look at this cigarette, not to mention that the box is shiny and well-printed, the cigarette is long, and there is something strangely yellow on one end, it is not ordinary at first glance, no wonder It costs five yuan a pack.Even if you can't get the reward in the end, it's not a waste of time to smoke this kind of good cigarettes.

"Do you want a fire?"

"Huh? Ah, I want to..."

Li Quan was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly put the cigarette in his mouth and moved it towards it. In the next moment, his eyes were fixed on the lighter in the man's hand...it was so red, it must not be glass , but he actually saw the "kerosene" inside directly through the outer layer.Should it be kerosene?This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that he clearly saw the portrait of a woman printed on the other party's lighter. The lower one... just one glance, Li Quan felt that he was hot all over, and a certain vital point between his legs couldn't help the restlessness.

"Is this f*ck a rich man, or a slut? There is such a coquettish and beautiful woman printed on the lighter..."


"Your accent sounds like a northerner?"

After finally suppressing the evil fire in his stomach, Li Quan started to strike up a conversation with the other party again, but when he was talking, the almost naked woman on the lighter still flashed through his mind from time to time.

"Yes, northerner."

"Then you went south to avoid Japan?"


"No? But I think you look like you have something on your mind."

"Hehe, if you were me, you would definitely have something on your mind... a big thing on your mind!"

"Hehe, you're joking. I'm just a little policeman, how can I compare with a big man like you!"

"A big shot? Me?..." The man pointed at his nose, shook his head and laughed, "You really know how to joke. What kind of big shot am I? Like me, I was barely alive before, but now... I'm afraid I can It’s two things to live on.”

"Look at what you said. No matter how bad someone like you is, how bad can it be? You say yes?" And you said you are not a big shot?Listening to this statement, this tone, it is not an ordinary person.Li Quan thought to himself.

"Accept your auspicious words..." The man smiled, and then looked at Li Quan: "Do you police officers like to enlighten people so much? But I heard before that the police officers of the Nationalist Government don't seem to Why... Enthusiasm."

"This...hehe!" Li Quan was a little embarrassed.enthusiastic?If it weren't for seeing that you are not an ordinary person, who would give you enthusiasm?If you don't knock all the cigarettes out of your hands, I'd be too embarrassed to mess around in the Chaotianmen area... I can see clearly just now, you still have several packs of these white sand cigarettes on you. < qing recently..." The man looked at Li Quan a little embarrassed, and he didn't bother with this topic anymore, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a sharp and piercing police siren nearby...

"Air defense alert!!"

Li Quan jumped up all of a sudden.

"Hurry up, Little Japan's plane is coming."


"It seems that you just came here...the devil is coming to bomb, hurry up!" Regardless of March 21, [-], Li Quan pulled the man and ran to the nearby air-raid shelter.

"Devils often come to bomb?" The man's legs and feet were not slow, and he was able to follow Li Quan closely in the sudden crowd of people, and he kept asking while running.

"I don't come here very often," Li Quan sighed while running, "But these bastards bombed everywhere, regardless of whether they were in the south, east, north, or west, and the bombers were all ordinary people... Nobody!"

"Humanity?" The man suddenly snorted coldly, "If the Japanese devils were humane, the sun would come out from the west... They would have slaughtered 30 people in Nanjing alone!"

"Nanjing, I know, by the brat...what did you say?"

Li Quan suddenly stopped, "30?!";

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