mixed in the war

Chapter 102 Shocking Japan

The arrival of Kenji Doihara is understandable.

Sakhalin has oil!

When the news spread to Japan, it shocked the entire Japanese high-level people. Even Emperor Hirohito, who was hiding in the palace, hurriedly summoned all the ministers to discuss.

If you are not Japanese, it is difficult to understand the Japanese desire for resources. If you are not Japanese, it is also difficult to be as paranoid and full of sense of crisis as the Japanese.

To Japanese executives, the oil in Sakhalin Island is almost like a pool of water seen by a traveler who has been in the desert for several months, and there is quite a lot of this pool of water, which is said to be able to reach an annual output of 1000 million tons.But there is a problem, that is, there is a huge violent bear guarding beside the pool!

From Hirohito down, the Japanese high-level had heated discussions and even debates.In this kind of debate, it finally concentrated between the army and the navy.

The Army is, of course, quite excited.Because they have always insisted on marching northward to compete with the Soviet Union for the vast and sparsely populated Far East.But the navy is extremely entangled.Because if they march to the north, they will have to be reduced to the army's transport team again as before, unable to achieve enough meritorious service on the battlefield, and will be further ignored in the army, and will lose a lot of military expenses again. share.However, unlike the fanaticism of the army, the Japanese navy is slightly sober.They knew very well that if they went south instead of north, the enemy they would face would be extremely powerful.And this kind of strength is not only on land, but also on sea.Britain, France, the United States... Just hearing the maritime power of these old empires makes people feel chills.Fighting against these enemies may have a lot of opportunities to earn meritorious service, but it also has a great opportunity to hurt themselves and even perish, just like the Beiyang Navy back then.Regardless of victory or defeat, one thing is absolutely certain.That is: Without the navy, Japan will not be safe, and the current war will be unsustainable!However, although it is dangerous, there is still a good reason to go south, that is, the navy needs fuel!Without the navy, the army trapped in the mainland will also lose the support of the mainland.It is a pity that China has been judged by the Mobil Oil Company as an "oil-poor country", so it is inevitable to go south to the oil-producing Southeast Asia.But now Nanzao Yunzi's intelligence has put oil in Sakhalin Island...what a beautiful place.The land is vast and sparsely populated, and it hangs alone on the sea.And most importantly.During the Russo-Japanese War, Russia was defeated and ceded the southern part of the island to Japan, and Japan has moved tens of thousands of people to the island over the years...

War conditions have never been so favorable for Japan.Even if the army fails to advance northward, the navy can completely rely on its maritime superiority to complete the occupation of Sakhalin Island.

so.After a less intense confrontation, finally.Relying on Nan Zao Yunzi's information.The army completely defeated the navy and gained the priority to start the war.And when Kenji Doihara went south, the oil exploration team under the Mitsui Zaibatsu was also heading for Sakhalin Island... They will secretly go to Sakhalin Island with the support of naval ships according to the address provided by Nanzo Yunzi Exploring the northern part of Page Island.Once oil is found, the Navy will immediately send two to three divisions to the island.Complete the occupation of Sakhalin.The Japanese base camp also began to re-formulate a new combat plan centered on ensuring the security of Sakhalin Island.

However, the premise of all this is that Sakhalin Island must have oil!

The navy has already said that if there is no oil in Sakhalin, the army must abandon its plan to go north.Although the Army did not have a clear answer to this.But if there is no oil at that time, it will inevitably fall into a passive position in the dispute.

But Kenji Doihara believed in his students.

After receiving the order to go south and the information about Sakhalin Island brought by the commander-in-chief of the Kwantung Army Umezu Yoshijiro, he immediately concluded that there is a [-]% chance that Sakhalin Island may have oil!


Because Nan Zao Yunzi's information was too detailed.With the capabilities of Chinese intelligence agencies, it is impossible to have such a specific description of the environment in Sakhalin Island.In particular, the location of the oil field is still described so accurately, and China's intelligence agencies can't do this at all, because they don't even have the ability to explore oil at present.Therefore, this is most likely a message conveyed by some Western forces to Japan through China.As for why those white people did that, it was naturally to encircle and flank the Red Soviet Union, and at the same time, to divide Japan's military power in mainland China, to give the Chinese government a breathing space, and to protect the interests of all countries in China!

Therefore, there is a high possibility that the oil is lying on Sakhalin Island waiting for them to exploit it.Of course, the amount may not be as much as described in the intelligence, but since it can be used by white people as bait, it should be worth exploring.

Kenji Doihara’s judgment was supported by Yoshijiro Umezu. However, Doihara’s position as Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth North Manchurian Army still had to be resigned, because Yoshijiro Umezu and the Japanese army base camp urgently needed him to complete another task. — Investigate the traitor!


"You said that all the information you provided was given to you by Qin Wei?"

It's still in Nishio Hisao's office.Kenji Doihara sat at the same position as Kagesa Akiaki just now, opposite Hiso Nishio across the coffee table.On the two sides of the coffee table, there were Yingzuo Zhenzhao and Nanzao Yunzi, who were facing each other just now.But at the moment, both of them are low-browed and pleasing to the eye, like elementary school students who are ready to be taught, there is no smoke and fire between them.

"Yes, teacher." Hearing Kenji Doihara's question, Yunzi Nanzo bowed slightly, "It was all provided by Qin Wei, including the Kwantung Army's battle plan."

"He's not afraid of leaking secrets?" Hisao Nishio looked serious.He didn't want to stay here at first, because he still had a lot of things to do, such as the upcoming attack on the squadron in Hunan.However, he was extremely surprised that the secrets of the Kwantung Army were known to the Chinese.The Chinese can even find out the military plans of the Kwantung Army far in the Northeast, so will the military plans that their own Chinese dispatched troops will carry out be leaked?

"At present, it seems that that guy is not afraid that his actions may expose others... Moreover, according to my observation, Qin Wei does not look like a trained spy at all." Nan Zao Yunzi replied .

"Sun Tzu's Art of War has a saying: If you can, you can show that you can't; if you can use it, you can show that you can't use it; if you are close, you can show it is far; "Kenji Doihara suddenly smiled, "But we can be sure that he can be entrusted with important tasks, hold the news of Sakhalin Oil in his hand, and be valued by Chiang Kai-shek and the top leaders of the Kuomintang in Chongqing. ,not simple!"

"General," Yingzuo Zhenzhao felt that he had been neglected, "Then what should we do now? With Qin Wei's level, it is definitely impossible to reveal the news about the traitors of the Kwantung Army."

"It's not a big deal."

"It's not a big deal? Teacher. Someone inside the Kwantung Army leaked the secrets and leaked the secret plan to the Chinese. Such a big event, you still say it's not a big deal?" Yunzi Nanzo looked at Doihara in astonishment.She didn't receive any punishment in Chongqing, so although she felt resentful towards Yingzuo Zhenzhao.But still loyal to Japan.And during the time when she was in contact with Qin Wei in Chongqing, the news that Qin Wei revealed to her did put a lot of pressure on her.The reason she wants to live.Of course there are reasons for fear of death.Another reason is that I hope to have the opportunity to bring this important information back... The Kwantung Army is the five major strategic groups of the Japanese Army (the First General Army and the Second General Army in Japan, the Japanese Southern Army, the Kwantung Army, and the Chinese Army. Army), and is even known as the number one in combat effectiveness, and its status in the hearts of Japanese soldiers is no small matter.Such a strategic group is infiltrated by the enemy, and it is possible that the high-level infiltrated, is it trivial?

"Hehe. The matter of the Kwantung Army is of course related to the people of the Eastern Army to investigate. Don't worry, since the enemy has shown his hands, we can naturally follow the traces to find that mouse. After all, we still have a lot of time. And. Qin Since Wei disclosed this news to us, it means that he and the forces behind him want us to go north, and it is definitely impossible to disclose this news to the Soviets. Since our opponents don’t know about it, why are we so anxious?” Yuan smiled with ease.

"Oh?" Hisao Nishio looked at Doihara: "How can you be sure that the other party didn't disclose the information to the Soviets? Wouldn't it be better if they wanted us to fight fiercely?"

"Hahaha, Nishio-kun, if the Soviets find out, they only need to put on a defensive posture, and then protest the empire through diplomatic channels. Tell me, can this battle still be fought?" Doihara laughed road.

"Uh..." Hisao Nishio was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed and shook his head, "I lost my mind."

"The reason why Qin Wei handed over this information to us, and even revealed the matter of Sakhalin Island Oil, is to make us compete more fiercely with the Soviets. In his eyes, the more intense our fight with the Soviets, the better." And the oil in Sakhalin Island is a bait that makes us have to launch an offensive, a bait that is difficult to retreat even if we lose on the battlefield.” Nan Zao Yunzi also said.

"That's right," Doihara nodded, "If I were Qin Wei, I would hope that the Kwantung Army would triumph all the way. Because the more this is the case, the more troops will be needed. And the Soviet Union will never allow us to occupy their territory. Therefore, Stalin will definitely conscript troops to fight us decisively and try to drive us back to Manchuria. In this way, if the war escalates, both sides will inevitably invest more troops and financial resources. Not to mention the Soviet Union, we may need Conscripting troops from China's dispatched army... This is what they want to see."

"Then how should we deal with it? As you said, the Soviet Union will definitely not be willing to be robbed of its territory by us. It is a giant." Nishio Hisao asked.

"Since we have decided to go to war, it is naturally impossible to be afraid of them." Kenji Doihara smiled, "Hasn't the empire defeated Russia once a few decades ago? The predecessors have set an excellent example for us. We These juniors must not lose face."

"You can say these things to others, but it's useless to me." Hisao Nishio snorted, dissatisfied with Doihara's fooling himself with such words.

"In war, there is no one who is sure to win, but only the belief that he must win. Nishio-kun, if you don't fight, how do you know that we can't win the Soviet Union? Don't forget, although it is a giant, its head is in the West , the center of gravity is also in the west, after experiencing the First World War and the brutal civil war, the support that can be given to the Far East is very limited." Doihara said again.

"That's still a reason!" Hisao Nishio nodded slightly.He doesn't like Doihara's reminiscence of his predecessors, but he admits that Doihara's adventurous spirit is the most important reason why Japan has come to where it is now.If it wasn't for daring to take risks, if it wasn't for daring to challenge the strong, I am afraid that Japan is still trembling under the muzzle of the Beiyang Navy. How could it have swept most of China's glory today?



"Come in!"

After persuading Hisao Nishio, Doihara was about to ask Yunzi Nanzo again about his various experiences in Chongqing and his contacts with Qin Wei when someone knocked on the office door.Then, following Hisao Nishio's voice, a Japanese officer walked in with a folder.

"Your Excellency, telegram from Hong Kong."

"Hong Kong?" Hisao Nishio was stunned.

"Yes, but this telegram is very strange after it is translated. It is suspected that multiple layers of encryption have been carried out..." The officer took out the telegram translation from the folder, handed it to Nishio with both hands, and then turned and left consciously.However, the translation he left behind made Nishio Shouzo even more inexplicable:

"The mangy frog wants to eat Tutun melon?"

"Let me do it." Hearing the sentence Nishio Shouzao read, Yunzi Nanzao suddenly reached out to pass the translation, and then took out a small notebook from her body to compare, and after a while, she His face changed: "Commander, teacher... Stalin is going to invade Finland!" (To be continued...)

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