mixed in the war

Chapter 105 Zheng Jiemin's Investigation

Zheng Jiemin has been serving as the Deputy Director of the Second Department in the Military Order Department, so naturally he can't always pay attention to the affairs of the Military Command.As the director of the secretariat, he had to deal with a lot of affairs, so Mao Renfeng was the acting director secretary.Originally, Zheng Jiemin had a good impression of Mao Renfeng.Not only is he polite to people, but he always sits silently in the office and handles various documents.Every time I hold a meeting, I always keep my head down and record without saying a word, leaving an excellent impression on people.In addition to these, Mao Renfeng is also very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. Within the military command, almost everyone who has interacted with him did not say good things about him.Zheng Jiemin himself has dealt with various people, but he is also full of affection for him, and he is willing to trust, which is enough to explain everything.

But that time when Qin Wei was rescued from Nan Zao Yunzi, the two of them mentioned the injured Mao Renfeng by chance, but Qin Wei said something to him inexplicably: "Good people don't live long!"

What do you mean?

Mao Renfeng was shot black by the Japanese, and the bullet hit his vest. If he was not lucky, the bullet grazed his heart and passed through, and he would have died long ago.Although he didn't get hurt just to save Qin Wei as advertised, but Qin Wei couldn't say such a thing even if he wanted to save his morals?What's more, that kid and Mao Renfeng only met once, so there shouldn't be any conflicts.

Thinking about the situation when Qin Wei said this sentence, Zheng Jiemin finally affirmed: Qin Wei was not talking about Mao Renfeng at all, but reminding him to be careful of his agent!

But why should we be careful about Mao Renfeng?

Then carefully review the details of the contact with Mao Renfeng, and when talking to the subordinates of the military command, talk about the agent Mao who is being treated in the hospital, and then recall Mao Renfeng after joining the military command Zheng Jiemin finally found something wrong with the promotion record.

What a "smiling tiger", what an amazing Mao Renfeng!


Mao Renfeng gives the impression of being very loyal and mature.He worked hard and conscientiously.He worked hard, never left the office no matter what happened or not, devoted himself to his duties, showed no signs of ambition, and smiled at everyone. In 1935, Mao Renfengcai was transferred to be the chief of the first unit of the third section of the Wuhan General Office of Operations and Operations.In the winter of that year, he was transferred to the Major Section Chief of the Third Division of the General Headquarters of Xi'an "Suppressing Bandits". In 1936, he was appointed as the Secretary of the Lieutenant Colonel of the Xi'an Military Military Police Joint Inspection Office, and later transferred to the Confidential Secretary of the Secret Service at No. 53, Nanjing Ji'e Lane. .The war of resistance broke out.In Hankou, he served as the head of the first section of the second section of the Wuchang General Office.Soon, he entered the head office of the military command and mastered a large number of core secrets.

Mao Renfeng was not a member at the beginning of the military reunification, and was a "half-way monk". It was not until the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War that he was transferred to the military reunification bureau as a secretary.He didn't have much personal experience and experience in the military command business, but he was able to climb to the top of the military command within a few years.Skyrocketing... relying only on hard work?But.If it wasn't for his diligence, how much merit did he have to deserve Dai Li's promotion?Because the two are fellow villagers, Mao Renfeng and Dai Li used to be old acquaintances, and once persuaded him to go to Whampoa?Dai Li is not such a nostalgic person.

Mao Renfeng loves to laugh, and likes to face each other with a smiling face.Never lose your temper.Regarding this point, Zheng Jiemin discovered after investigation that it was simply buying people's hearts.Don't tell others, in front of Dai Li.Mao Renfeng often suffers for others.Although Dai Li has always been unsmiling in front of important people, with a serious and cold expression, but in reality he is a big official with a temper, often swearing and beating others for trivial matters.And whenever this happens, Mao Renfeng always blames Dai Li and blames himself, taking responsibility or mistakes on himself, so that the blamed person is grateful to him.Of course, if it's just that, it's fine. After all, it's rare to find a kind person in the military.However, after investigation, Zheng Jiemin discovered that Mao Renfeng not only often blocked disasters for others in front of others, but also did so when not in person.And when encountering those situations where he has taken responsibility for others but the other party doesn't know about it, he will definitely try to make it known.As a result, many secret agents have become more and more fond of Mao Renfeng, making his status in the military command higher and higher, and his words have become more and more effective.

In addition, Mao Renfeng is not only willing to bear the burden on behalf of others, but also willing to solve problems for others.Ye Xiangzhi, deputy director of the Party and Government Intelligence Department of the Military Command Bureau, and Tan Rongzhang, captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade, had an affair with Yang Jichang, a female spy of the Criminal Investigation Brigade. Later, Yang bled to death during an abortion. Yang's classmates wanted to unite to sue Ye. , Tan two people, after Mao's mediation, the matter was resolved... Zheng Jiemin was shocked when he found out about this matter.Because he and Dai Li didn't know about it at all.Of course, this kind of thing can't be publicized everywhere, but the problem is that after this incident, Mao Renfeng attracted the deputy director of the First Division of the Military Command and the captain of the Detective Brigade, together with He Zhiyuan, the director of the intelligence department, and Mao Renfeng. Feng is a fellow from Jiangshan, and the relationship is already good... Zheng Jiemin was surprised to find that during the time he shifted the focus of his work to the military headquarters, Mao Renfeng had already won over a considerable force.

In addition to these, Zheng Jiemin also found a very bad sign with the intuition of a veteran spy: Mao Renfeng seems to be collecting his wife's corruption records!

It's also a bit embarrassing to say.

Zheng Jiemin feels timid, so he is very clean and honest in his work, and never takes bribes.But seeing everyone around him making a lot of money, while he was living in poverty, he was not happy.So I thought of a way and took the wife route.He is honest and self-defense in the front, and his wife collects money and bribes in the back. Not only that, whenever the military commander gets something good, he will instigate his wife to go to the General Affairs Office to ask for it, and the people in the General Affairs Office are obsessed with him, the second person in the military commander. No face, nor give it.In this way, it didn't take long for him to accumulate a considerable amount of wealth... This method is a bit deceitful, but it is also a means.Even if something happened, he could still declare to the outside world that he was too busy with work and neglected, at most he would be charged with lax family management.But why did Mao Renfeng check the accounts of the General Affairs Office so often?And most of the audits are after his wife has been there?


After so many investigations, although the results can't be counted as any crimes, and many of them can only be used to affirm Mao Renfeng's commendable character, Zheng Jiemin's intuition told him that he was deceived.Not only himself, but the entire military commander was deceived by Mao Renfeng's appearance.That man is just a hypocritical guy, and his character is definitely not what everyone sees now.That person is quite forbearing!But what is the purpose of his forbearance?No need to think about it at all.Zheng Jiemin can be sure that it is that seat!

Thinking of the day when Dai Li will be promoted or... the position of the chief of military command will be vacant, and he finally defeated Tang Zong and others who are about the same qualifications as him and won the victory, but before he could sit on his buttocks, Mao Renfeng suddenly mobilized and embezzled himself The matter of taking bribes was exposed.Then, the chairman got angry and dismissed himself... At that time, besides Mao Renfeng, who else could replace him?And after I went to the military command department.As long as Dai Li is not around, Mao Renfeng will go to the Military Commission to report on work.It is said that every time this guy meets the chairman, he answers the chairman fluently, leaving a good impression on the chairman.Even once.The chairman also personally praised Mao Yifeng in front of Dai Li, saying that he was "more than successful. Sophisticated and prudent"!The chairman likes this kind of subordinate the most... and Mao Renfeng has attracted the forces within the military command over the past few years.Once in office, he can quickly grasp the situation.At that time, no one can think of driving it down again.

Therefore, it is almost certain that Mao Renfeng is already preparing for the position of the second director of military command.

What kind of forbearing character does this have to be able to do this?

Of course, there is no evidence for all of this.All the results are also the result of Zheng Jiemin's guess.But these are enough.So, after finding a few troubles, he sent out the guys Mao Renfeng had personally selected out of Chongqing, and he spared no effort to regain his job in the military command.He also no longer mentioned the matter of finding an agent to Dai Li. When he was busy, he would at most distribute the work to his subordinates, and never concentrate the affairs in the hands of one person...

Unexpectedly, Dai Li actually discovered his little thoughts, and even knew the origin of his thoughts.


"I noticed you as soon as you moved." Dai Li didn't seem to notice Zheng Jiemin's panic, "I was quite surprised at first, you and Qi Wu have a good relationship, why did you suddenly attack him? But after thinking about it carefully, I realized ... I'm in the army, so I don't seem to be very popular?"

"No, no, you, you are the officer, our boss, with prestige..." Zheng Jiemin broke out in a fine sweat.

"Every time I swear, beat and punish others, Mao Qiwu helps to intercede. I once said that he is a 'woman's benevolence'. Now it seems that he is not a woman's benevolence, but has a long-term vision... Don't you think so?" Dai Li asked with a sneer.

"This one……"

"A few days ago, he called me and said that his injury was almost healed and he wanted to come back to work. Guess what I said?" Dai Li asked suddenly.

"I don't know." Zheng Jiemin was very sensible.

"I'll let him continue to heal his injuries and come back to be his deputy director when he recovers." Dai Li sighed.

"Deputy director?" Isn't that still Lao Tzu's agent?With that kid's popularity, I'm afraid it will be more than a little trouble in the future.Zheng Jiemin bared his teeth, feeling a little depressed, but there was nothing he could do.After all, I am an outsider who is not as close as a fellow villager, not to mention that I was originally sent by the chairman to restrain Dai Li, so it is only natural that Dai Li should not be close to him.However, just when he was thinking this way, he heard Dai Li's words changed:

"But it's a pity, his temperament is just the fate of a deputy director... Tell me, how about asking him to conduct research on special political issues with Zhang Guotao?"

"Research Office for Special Political Issues? Good idea." Zheng Jiemin's eyes lit up.It turns out that Boss Dai is supporting him...but think about it again.Mao Renfeng is a subordinate, and his popularity is better than that of his boss, which makes everyone grateful. Although Dai Li has always advocated that people should be scared, he may feel uncomfortable after discovering this problem.It is a good thing to have an ambitious subordinate, but if the ambition is too large, it may even threaten the authority of the boss, so this is not a good subordinate.

"Then it's settled. You are ready to make preparations. After a while, take time to go to the Bai Mansion and talk to Qin Wei...to find out his attitude."


exchange? !Zheng Jiemin understood.If he can persuade Qin Wei to accept himself and others to join in Indonesian oil exploration, Mao Renfeng can only follow Zhang Guotao to study how to enter and withdraw from the government, but if he can't, he will come back and continue to be his agent ... and this can prove that Dai Li is really slanderous. (To be continued..)

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