mixed in the war

Chapter 111 Kong Lingwei's Confidence

"How did you know that?"

After Zheng Jiemin asked this sentence, seeing the eyes of other people looking at him, he immediately understood that he had made a fool of himself.Chiang Kai-shek knew the secret of Indonesian oil, and when Chiang Kai-shek knew it, he naturally knew it on behalf of Soong Meiling.Soong Meiling knew, probably only the Chen Guofu brothers of the four major families didn't know much about it, the Kong family and the Song family definitely knew about it.

"The Kong family also wants to get a share of this cooperation?"

Qin Wei looked at Zheng Jiemin with contempt.There is no certainty!No wonder he was tricked by Mao Renfeng in the end.Fortunately, he is still the secretary-general of the military command.

"A share? You really underestimate people." Kong Lingwei snorted coldly before his sister, "We want half."

"Hey!" Qin Wei grinned, "What a big appetite."

"It's not appetite, it's strength." Kong Lingwei raised the corner of his mouth disdainfully, "In the whole of China, even if Nanyang is added, no one can be more powerful than our Kong family. Therefore, we are qualified to participate in this cooperation." account for half of the share.”

"No." Qin Wei shook his head with a smile, "It's not that you are qualified. It's that I give it to you, so you are qualified!"


"Mr. Qin, why don't you want to cooperate with us?" Kong Lingyi asked first.

"If I say that I am willing to cooperate, I must be lying to you. But Miss Kong, if you want to cooperate with me, you always let me hear your reasons? You can't just rely on Mr. Kong Xiangxi as the executive dean, and plan to cooperate with me." Overpowering? You know, the relationship between us is not very good." Qin Wei laughed.

"Oil extraction is not a simple business, especially in places like Nanyang. Without a strong enough political background, you open a few oil wells. It is tantamount to giving away a few wells to others. Besides, we have carefully investigated, the surname Qin, You can’t afford any money at all. Even if people like Tan Kah Kee join forces, it’s still not enough.” Kong Lingwei once again got ahead of Kong Lingyi, “But it would be different if we had our Kong family. We have political power and financial resources. ..."

"Your family also has political influence in Nanyang?" Qin Wei couldn't help asking.No matter how good Kong Xiangxi is, he is only in the country, and he can only be in the Kuomintang-controlled area. Outside of Chiang Kai-shek's territory, few people will recognize him.Kong Lingwei dared to say that his family could influence Nanyang... If the national government really had such a great man, why did he go all the way to find Tan Kah Kee?Although Tan Kah Kee is ten thousand dollars.He belongs to the kind of person who can be absolutely trusted after cooperation, but he doesn't pay much attention to this point.You know, in his era, he started a company and started a business.It is no longer relying on the set of doubting people and not using them, and employing people not being suspicious.but the system.An interlocking system.In some cases, it is actually more reliable than a trustworthy person.What's more, Tan Kah Kee is not alone, he needs to find more people to cooperate with. Most of them are Chinese who have been operating in Nanyang for several generations. These people are not as reliable as Tan Kah Kee, and they are far away, not as good as the national People from the government are easy to deal with.After all, he is now in Chongqing.If you are close, no matter who you are, you will be afraid.

"You cooperate with Tan Kah Kee because they have been operating in Nanyang for many years. But you forget that no matter how long those people have stayed in Nanyang. No matter how influential they are in the local area, they still have nothing to do politically. Things that can be put on the table. On the contrary, suddenly owning an oil field will arouse the covetousness of many people!" Kong Lingwei lay lazily on the sofa with a contemptuous smile on his face: "Our Kong family does not Same."

"Why is it different? I didn't hear that the monkeys in Nanyang also need to sell your face. As for the British and Dutch, they don't need to pay attention to you?" Qin Wei sarcastically said.He has already noticed that although Kong Lingyi seems to be leading this time and Kong Lingwei is following, the younger sister is the one who can make the decision of the two sisters.As for the fact that there are so many people in the Kong family, Qin Wei has already guessed why only these two sisters were sent.Kong Xiangxi relied on his identity, and the two sides had conflicts, even feuds, so it was naturally impossible for him to come here in person.Song Ailing's airs are only bigger than Kong Xiangxi's, and even more impossible.Besides Kong Xiangxi, there were only two men left in the Kong family, one big and one small.If Kong Lingkan came, he would beat him up on the spot if he didn't make sure. Kong Lingjie was a kid and was still in school... So, only Kong Lingyi and Kong Lingwei, two daughters, were left to show up.According to the data, Kong Lingyi didn't have much talent in business, and she was a charming lady, so she was definitely not good at bargaining with others. Therefore, Kong Xiangxi had to send her second daughter out.As for Kong Lingwei, although he is shrewd, he is too irritable and can be restrained by Kong Lingyi... Once the negotiation gets a little out of control because of Kong Lingwei, Kong Lingyi can play a role and bring it back on track.As a result, Qin Wei also saw that the Kong family was determined to win the Indonesian oil issue... Maybe Kong Xiangxi wanted to make up for his loss of the national government's financial power through oil exploration.

"I thought you were a little knowledgeable, but now it seems that you are ignorant!" Kong Lingwei smiled at Qin Wei again, "Did you forget our surname?"

"Your surname is... Dongdong?" Qin Wei showed his white teeth maliciously.

"You bastard!" Once again, Kong Lingwei was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking. Although he was not so angry that he took out a gun, but the way she showed her teeth and claws made people have no doubt that she would tear Qin Wei to pieces if she had the chance.

"Mr. Qin, you are going too far." Kong Lingyi's fair face was covered with ice.She didn't pull her sister this time either.Surname "Dongdong"?This is clearly an insult to the Kong family.

"That...Qin Wei, can't you just talk properly?" Zheng Jiemin couldn't help complaining to Qin Wei.But secretly, he couldn't help giving Qin Wei a thumbs up in his heart.Saying their surname "Dongdong" in front of the Confucian family is probably the only one in China.But having said that, what Qin Wei said can't be wrong. Isn't "hole" just a "hole"?Of course, by analogy, "eyes" should also be possible.

"Just kidding, Miss Kong Er, you really have no sense of humor." Qin Wei smiled, not taking the anger of the Kong sisters seriously.

"I don't have a sense of humor? I said your surname is bastard, bastard king..."

"The bastard's Wang is actually pretty good." Qin Wei shrugged: "And let me tell you another secret, 'Wang' is actually my mother's surname. When I was born, an old gentleman suggested that my parents change my surname to It's a pity that I didn't adopt it together, otherwise, I wouldn't use such an imposing name as 'Qin Wei' now."

"Qin, Wang?"

Zhou Tian smacked and shook his head.The name does have momentum.

"Mr. Qin is trying to drive us away, isn't he?" Kong Lingyi is not willing to help Qin Wei boost his "morale".King Qin?They swept across the country and devoured everything. Can you, Qin Wei, compare to a hair on his foot?Even if it was a later King of Qin who earned the title of "Heavenly Khan", he could still crush the current Qin Wei to death by pulling out a foot hair... King Qin?You don't even look at your virtues.

"Ms. Kong's Mingjian." Qin Wei smiled: "One glance 'penetrated' my intentions. That's right. I just want to drive you away... After all, it would appear that I am too immature to directly hit people."

"You have self-cultivation now?" Zheng Jiemin rolled his eyes.He really wanted to ask Qin Wei such a question, but his lips moved, but he chose to keep silent.He'll just listen in now.

"Mr. Qin really deserves to be a university student. His words and deeds are really different." Kong Lingyi sneered. "However, I hope you will not be too impulsive. You know, we know that the relationship between the two is not good. We dare to come here to seek cooperation from you. Naturally, we have enough preparations."

"Oh?" Kong Lingyi's sudden display of power surprised Qin Wei a little.He stretched out his hand, motioning for the other party to continue talking.

"Our surname is 'Kong'. In the 26th year of the Republic of China, that is, the year before last, my father went to London as a 'Chinese special envoy' to attend the coronation ceremony of King George VI in London, and received unprecedented grand reception and courtesy from the royal family in England. The Times once published Published a cartoon with a big tree and a mushroom leaning on it. The text explained that comparing the history of the British royal family with the Confucius family is like comparing a mushroom to a big tree. All the guests present at that time thought it was the best metaphor It can be said that the reason why the British royal family was so kind at that time was not because my father was a "special envoy to China". It was because he was a descendant of Confucius from the oldest aristocratic family in the world. The British respected our most holy teacher The admiration of Confucius added a lot of glory to my father at that time..."

"I can understand your pride in being the descendants of Confucius, but I don't understand what it has to do with our cooperation. Miss, you don't think that the Kong family will make people humble wherever they go because of this? Not now In the feudal era, the Kong family could receive a salary even if they had no merit." Qin Wei said.

"Qin, you are looking for Tan Kah Kee because you want to use their influence in the local area. To be on the safe side, you can at most bring in a few British or Dutch people for appearance. Am I right?" Kong Lingwei suddenly said.

"Smart." Qin Wei nodded without denying it.Find a few bums from the UK or the Netherlands to come forward and organize a company, and most of the shares in the company are in the hands of myself and Tan Kah Kee and others. They don't have to do anything, just step forward to block the blame from outside for them when necessary.This is a common tactic used by traversers when their strength is weak, and there is nothing surprising about it.Kong Lingwei would not be surprised if he could guess him.

"The foreigners you can find must not be too powerful, because with a little strength, after getting involved in the oil business, they may have the idea of ​​​​annexing all the shares based on their foreigner status. But have you ever thought about it? If you find someone who is too weak, how can those powerful foreign devils not take action? Foreigners put their interests first, and they don’t know what it means to make money with peace.” Kong Lingwei snorted coldly.

"Foreign devils still pay more attention to the law." Qin Wei smacked his lips, a little lacking in confidence.This is indeed one of the concerns of him, Tan Kah Kee and others.Foreigners will also rob foreigners, especially in colonies, and when necessary, they will directly use knives and guns.For oil, they are almost certain to have some powerful British or Dutch, or even French to grab it.The opponent may use many methods.But even if you are worried, you have to do it. Can't you give up a chance to make a fortune just because of this?Tan Kah Kee wanted to take this opportunity to get more money to support the War of Resistance. He knew that the oil fields in Indonesia had been discovered the year Japan surrendered, and he was afraid that it would be too late to do it again.

"Hmph, the law? That thing is for ordinary people, but how many ordinary people dare to do oil business?" Kong Lingwei looked at him mockingly and said.

"Then how do you plan to prevent these possible problems?" Qin Wei asked rhetorically.

"As we said just now, we are the Kong family, the oldest noble family in the world!" Kong Lingwei sneered, his face full of pride. (to be continued..)

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