mixed in the war

Chapter 116 The Fearful Gu Changjun

"You are too much!"

"I recruited you again?"


It is undeniable that Gu Changjun has made a fortune.Not to mention the precious antiques that Qin Wei kept in the box, just the authentic paintings and calligraphy placed outside the box were enough to make him feel ashamed: I thought that after getting the shares presented by Qin Wei, he would already be considered a rich man , but this little money is not enough for him to buy a few paintings outside.Among other things, the "Quick Snow and Sunshine Post" written by Wang Xizhi alone is enough for several major museums in China to snatch it up... and it's the kind of crazy grab that doesn't matter how much money is spent!As for individuals, don't even think about it.And this is probably only in China. If the country allows it, collectors and museums abroad will probably sell this ancient post to sky-high prices.

How did Qin Wei get so many good things by cheating?

Gu Changjun didn't know, and didn't want to know.He only knew that Qin Wei really left all these things to him.Everything is almost priceless.Even if it is a little cheaper, such as the paintings of Qi Baishi and Zhang Daqian, he still keeps a whole box, a total of five or six hundred paintings... According to the current market price, if he sells all of them, it will be ten or twenty [-] million.

But Qin Wei didn't allow him to sell it, one piece, one piece, one piece, one... not at all!Even if it is sold to the Forbidden City!

What a fucking rule?

And this rule came from the "black box" that Qin Yiwei found.Inside was a letter from Qin Wei to him.

In the letter, Qin Wei first scolded a certain Gu Changjun who was of his own generation, saying that he disregarded brotherhood and didn't believe in brothers.Then, he began to explain why he wanted to "take care" of this junior, Gu Changjun.It turns out that Gu Changjun in the 21st century has no blood relationship with Qin Wei, and the so-called cousins ​​and uncles were deliberately played by Qin Wei.But that person Gu from the 20th century was life and death friends with Qin Wei.Most importantly, many of the information Qin Wei used to make a fortune came from that guy.In other words, someone Gu in the 20th century should actually occupy a considerable part of the wealth of the Qin family.But that guy was pretending to be lofty, and for some reason, according to Qin Wei's guess, he seemed to be suffering from some embarrassing disease. He was unwilling to fight the world with Qin Wei. After the founding of New China, he stayed alone mainland.Later, decades later.That guy finally burped, and only left a message through a very secret channel, saying that he left a seed somewhere in the mainland and secretly fostered it in a farmer with the same surname as Gu, and then said nothing.He only said that if he has a grandson, it has been arranged to be called Gu Changjun.Tell Qin Wei to figure it out...

How much does Qin Wei value his brothers?Naturally, we cannot allow the offspring of our good friends and brothers to suffer and suffer.But the identity of Gu Changjun in the 20th century is not trivial.The level in the "hacker" is higher than Qin Wei, and he holds many high-end secrets.And at the time when Qin Wei received the news, the "hacker" organization also had many fierce struggles due to various reasons.Qin Wei even suspected that Gu Changjun was probably assassinated by some of his own people who knew his identity back then, so he had to flee to the mainland alone.if not.With the resources at their disposal, there is almost no need to fear external enemies.Moreover, the international political situation was treacherous at that time, and Qin Wei secretly controlled many forces in Southeast Asia and surrounding areas.I really don't have much time to think about what to do.Furthermore, according to his friendship with Gu Changjun for many years, since that guy specifically specified that his grandson will have the same name and surname as him, he must also hope that there will be no problems in the next generation, or that the next generation can take good care of their parents, and then be safe and sound. Live this life steadily, and everything will be discussed in the grandchildren's generation.Therefore, after thinking about it, Qin Wei could only temporarily press down on the idea of ​​finding good brothers and offspring, and concentrate on solving the things he needs to face.It wasn't until more than 30 years ago, when life was stable, and at the same time, he felt that he was almost dying, that he finally secretly sent someone to look for Gu Changjun's family.Then, after some searching, I finally found Gu Changjun's descendant, an honest and ordinary person, who was the father of the new version of Gu Changjun. ... To be honest, Qin Wei has tried to support this "junior", but the problem is that a person who is too honest seems not to be able to play a role like a leader, although he is also working hard.

In this way, after several twists and turns, the honest man continued to be his ordinary person, and Qin Wei also gave up his plan to disrupt his life.And since the younger generation can't do it, it's only natural to put it on the grandchildren's head... But at this time, many things happened.Qin Wei had to make random arrangements, and didn't dare to leave too much for Gu Changjun who was not yet born. He just left some money casually and went to war with some restless guys.Then, after some "conquest", Qin Wei won the victory again, but at this time his body also collapsed, and the time limit was approaching.At this time, Qin Wei still did not give up on his friend's entrustment.Although there were still many remaining enemies, he did not go to look for Gu Changjun, who was already born, but he still arranged many things in the future.But this time, he doesn't plan to support Gu Changjun to become some great successful person. He plans to make this kid live a more stable life and open a museum... just use the antique calligraphy and paintings he has collected for many years!

The Qin family is responsible for the construction of the museum. If the Qin family is not willing, Gu Changjun must sell the shares he had donated earlier.As for those antique calligraphy and paintings, Gu Changjun is only the first beneficiary, and he must sign a promise agreement that he will not sell any of them within 20 years before accepting the gift, otherwise these treasures will be handed over to the country.According to the agreement, even if the museum does not manage well in the future and needs to sell antiques for maintenance, Gu Changjun can only sell these items to domestic collectors or museums, and cannot sell them abroad.Once the museum is completed, all proceeds will belong to Gu Changjun himself.

That is to say, Gu Changjun can only be regarded as a custodian of antique calligraphy and paintings, with high storage fees, he can only look at those antiques but not move them!

But this was not enough to make Gu Changjun angry.


"The Qin family has agreed to fund the construction of the world's top museum to house your 'relics'!"

"That means you saved a lot of money? What's the deal with me?"

"If I don't look for you, who can I look for?" Hearing the lazy voice on the other end of the phone, Gu Changjun couldn't get angry, "Now that the news has spread, you, the so-called 'a certain overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia', have become Patriots, wholeheartedly protect the precious historical and cultural heritage for the country. It is almost epic. But the agreement you asked me to sign, brother, do you know that it killed me?"

"That agreement is very good. It is well guarded against the possible wrongdoing of a guy who may poach the corner of socialism. It is completely tailor-made for you. I don't think there is anything wrong with it." Qin Wei smiled smugly Be proud of who you are in the future.Aren't you amazing, Gu?I just let you see it, but not eat it!I am anxious for you!

"But do you know how many people have come to see me now?" Gu Changjun's voice suddenly became crying, "Brother, have you answered the call from the mayor of Beijing? Member of the Standing Committee of the Politburo! Ask me if I'm interested in calling When the museum is built in Beijing, he can directly grant me the construction land. There are also Shanghai, Chongqing, Tianjin, Nanjing, Xi'an, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Guangzhou... Now the people from the Shenzhen Cultural Bureau are in the hotel and live opposite me Son. Ask me every day if I can build a museum there. In addition, cultural relics from all over the country, all departments that can be related to these antique calligraphy and paintings, are running to Hong Kong. I heard that even the county government has... you do you know?"

"Damn, isn't it? Are you so popular?" Qin Wei was also taken aback.This is too exaggerated?

"I can't wait to jump to Victoria Bay now. They are all officials. I am a small citizen, who can offend me?" Gu Changjun wiped his nose. "That's not enough. The chief executive of Hong Kong just approved a special sum of money. Help me pay for my hotel accommodation..."

"They also want you to build the museum there?" Qin Wei asked cautiously.

"Nonsense!" Gu Changjun scolded directly.

"Then have you decided?"

"I decided to be a fart. I let your children and grandchildren decide, and they said they wanted me to decide... It was obvious that they were jealous that you left all these things to me, and wanted to see me play! These grandchildren are all like you Urine!" Gu Changjun couldn't help but cursed again.

"This is a good thing. The local government is so active, and it will definitely do its best to help..."

"I'll do my best to help you ass." Gu Changjun couldn't remember how many times he uttered this word, "Do you know that? Tomorrow, the director of the Palace Museum will bring someone here."

"Forbidden City?"


"He, why are they here?" Qin Weiqi asked.

"Hmph, what are you doing here? They offered [-] million and asked me to give up the original agreement! I'm with them. There are also large museums in many places in the country." Gu Changjun gritted his teeth and said.

"Twenty billion? Damn, they thought too well. According to your description, the antique calligraphy and paintings left by Lao Tzu probably don't even have a fraction of two billion." Qin Wei shouted.

"According to HSBC's estimate, the total market value of the things you left behind can be close to [-] billion, nearly [-] billion. Damn you, you are so tall,... especially if there are still There are nearly [-] items that can be called priceless treasures, and their value cannot be calculated at all. Two billion, let alone a fraction, can be settled with just one or two paintings." Gu Changjun spoke more and more urgently, and finally, with His whole body started to scramble around the room.

"Then they still do this, are they out of their minds?"

"Of course there is no problem with their brains. If I give up the agreement, these treasures will be donated directly to the country. As the top museum in China, they will definitely get a lot of it... This is much more refreshing than spending money directly What's more, even if they spend money, they can't buy many things in these collections. There is no market at all!" Gu Changjun said.

"Smart." Qin Wei sighed, "It's a pity that they chose the wrong partner, brother, facing such sugar-coated shells, you have to resist, you must resist!"

"You gave me such a hot mountain Yu, and let me resist? I don't know what to do now!" Gu Changjun howled loudly.

"Then you can find someone to help you with your ideas."

"What a fart idea, I, I, woo woo woo..."

"What's the matter? You, Lao Gu, brother...you, are you crying?" Hearing the crying sound from the phone, Qin Wei was stunned.Ever since he met Gu Changjun, he hadn't seen this guy cry.Isn't it just a museum, where is it not built?If it doesn't work, go back to Beijing, even if it's selling the face of the Politburo Standing Committee.With such a big Buddha backing him, who should he be afraid of?And even if you don't go to Beijing, other places are also possible.Why don't you cry?

"Old Qin, I'm afraid—"

"You, are you afraid?"

"The Hong Kong police just called me and asked me not to go out in the near future, saying that Interpol informed them that thieves and robbers from all over the world are rushing to Hong Kong, and the target is obviously me... You fucking killed me! "

"..." (to be continued...)

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