mixed in the war

Chapter 120 Mao Renfeng's Wife

Mao Renfeng and his party consisted of only two people, not even bodyguards.However, this "smiling tiger" is still as refreshing as before, without any resentment.But it's a pity that Qin Wei was not deceived by his smile... This guy in front of him is notoriously tolerant.When his strength is insufficient, he can laugh at people he doesn't like, or even hate to the core, so that people think he is his own father, but once he endures it to the limit, this guy will turn his face and deny people, and his attacks are extremely vicious.And what can prove all this is the woman next to Mao Renfeng smiling at him, a woman who is comparable to Zhou Tian in appearance, but far superior in style: Xiang Yingxin!According to the introduction, she is now Mao Renfeng's wife.

Speaking of Xiang Yingxin, Gu Changjun only found out about it when he was looking up the relevant materials of the military command.

This woman is a spy, of course her reputation cannot be compared to that of a woman of Soong Meiling's level, and even ordinary people don't know the existence of this woman.But since his name has been included in the files of the military command, and he has become a director of the military command, Qin Wei naturally wants to check the background of the military command.Juntong is not just a man, and Gu Changjun and he are both ordinary adult men, so it is inevitable that they are more interested in female spies, so they did more research.And after this investigation, Xiang Yingxin couldn't "hide".

Xiang Yingxin, formerly known as Xiang Youxin.Born in a well-known doctor's family in the suburbs of Xi'an, Shaanxi.She is naturally beautiful, intelligent and studious, and knows everything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.At the age of eighteen, she became a well-known talented woman with a radius of hundreds of miles.But despite the constant stream of suitors, Xiang Youxin rejected one after another young men who were well-matched. Sir.But with such a precious daughter under their knees, they are used to self-willedness, and they are unwilling to force it. Unexpectedly.One day, Xiang Youxin suddenly told her parents that she was going to get married, but before her parents had time to be happy, they were stunned by what Xiang Youxin said about the marriage partner.It turned out that Xiang Youxin was going to marry a regiment commander named Hu Yifa of the Northwest Army stationed there to be his third concubine!This is ridiculous.Because Hu Yifa was one year older than Xiang Youxin's father, and he already had two wives.Xiang Youxin's parents didn't understand how their daughter fell in love with such a soldier, let alone agree to the marriage.But they tried their best, and Xiang Youxin just ignored them. Three months later, Hu Yifa went to Nanjing to serve as the director of Yang Hucheng's office in Nanjing.In the end, Xiang Youxin eloped with him.Two days later, Hu Yifa's orderlies sent Xiang Youxin's parents 3 yuan.There is also a handwritten letter from their daughter.Xiang Youxin's letter to her parents is very clear: She wants to become famous and go out into the world.Marrying Hu Yifa as the third concubine was not her goal, but a springboard for her to lead a new life.

And sure enough, after Xiang Youxin arrived in Wuhan.With the identity of Hu Yifa's third concubine, she actively participated in various banquets.Make friends with dignitaries.Soon I jumped into a "new circle": Fuxingshe Secret Service, which was later known as the Military Command!

It turned out that Xiang Youxin was discovered by Dai Li at a social occasion in Nanjing.Dai Li felt that this woman was both active and coquettish, and she was very suitable to be a spy.certainly.Since he is one of his subordinates and is so charming, Dai Li will naturally not let him go in vain.So, after some means.Xiang Youxin became Dai Li's mistress, and after some intimidation, became a "glorious" military special agent, code-named "Cropie Flower".

Because Xiang Youxin's husband, Hu Yifa, was Yang Hucheng's confidant, Dai Li ordered Xiang Youxin to "undercover" beside Yang Hucheng, collect all kinds of information about Yang Hucheng and his cronies, and bribe all useful people.Therefore, through her husband, Xiang Youxin first learned that Yang Hucheng was born in a green forest, left-leaning in thinking, abnormally alert, complicated in relationship, politically sophisticated, co-opted in all aspects, and sheltered and used a large number of prostitutes and left-leaning elements. His wife may be a prostitute, etc. and so on; I also learned that his secretary Song Qiyun, a native of Xuzhou, was suspected of rape and was Yang Hucheng's closest confidant... These information were quickly reported to Chiang Kai-shek through Dai Li.Lao Jiang was very happy and praised the secret service for its good work, so Dai rewarded Xiang Youxin with 300 yuan.Soon, Xiang Youxin returned to Xi'an with her husband, and according to Dai Li's instructions, she used various means to bribe several officers under Yang Hucheng.

In December 1936, on the eve of Chiang Kai-shek's departure to Xi'an, Dai Li received a secret report from Xi'an from Xiang Youxin: "According to Yang Hucheng's cronies, Zhang and Yang are about to adopt the method of 'military remonstrance' to force the Chairman to stop the 'suppression Communist Party, lead the Anti-Japanese War." After reading it, Dai Li couldn't help being shocked, and hurried to report to Chiang Kai-shek, but he was a step too late, and Chiang had already boarded the plane.Dai Li hurriedly contacted the airport by phone. Fortunately, the plane had not yet taken off, so he told Chiang Kai-shek the situation on the phone.Jiang was taken aback at first, but after calming down for a while, he didn't believe it. He was too eager to go to Xi'an, and he wished to force Zhang Xueliang to wipe out the Communist Party and the Red Army immediately.And he was most jealous of people looking for him before leaving, thinking it was unlucky, so he scolded Dai Li severely.After Dai Li suffered a series of "mother Xipi" from Jiang, he never said a word again.Unexpectedly, after Chiang Kai-shek left, the "Xi'an Incident" happened that shocked China and the world.

During the incident, the 17th Route Army City Defense Commander Kong Congzhou led his troops to surround the Xi'an Police Station, the headquarters of the military command in the northwest, and stole the secret radio station of the military command.Absconded to Friends of News.Soon, the "Xi'an Incident" was resolved peacefully.Later, Xiang Youxin followed her husband to Nanjing.

Dai Li was overjoyed when he learned that his mistress had returned, and excitedly came to meet Xiang Youxin.One day, the two were having fun, but they were caught by Hu Yimin who was returning home.Hu Yimin was very annoyed, but when he found out Dai Li's identity, he was frightened out of his wits. In order to keep his head, he hastily went through the divorce procedures with Xiang Youxin.Since then, Xiang Youxin has no restraint, openly lives with Dai Li, and has since changed his name to: Xiang Yingxin.

Afterwards, Xiang Yingxin "won" the title of "No. [-] Slut in the Military Command", and Dai Li lost the freshness of her not long after making out with her, and went to "try it" with other women.However, Xiang Yingxin is still very valuable after all, so Dai Li used it as a "meat bomb" to do three major things——

First, she was sent to Beiping to break into Yin Rugeng, the traitor of North China.This Yin Rugeng is from Pingyang, Zhejiang, and a fellow of Chiang Kai-shek.I studied in Japan when I was a teenager, and after returning home.He began to speculate among warlords big and small. In 1932, he participated in the signing of the traitorous treaty "Songhu Armistice Agreement" and "Tanggu Agreement", and gradually became a loyal lackey of the Japanese.After Dai Li's ingenious arrangement, Xiang Yingxin soon became Yin's secretary and mistress.Yin Rugeng is obsessed with sex, and loves Xiang Yingxin in every possible way. In 1937, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Dai Li instructed Xiang Yingxin to poison Yin Rugeng to death, and sent secret agents to deliver the poison.Yin Rugeng has a habit of eating late at night, and on the night when he is about to strike, he shows courtesy to Yingxin.He personally cooked a bowl of noodles for Yin Rugeng.Yin was about to raise his chopsticks to eat, but unfortunately there was an important visitor, so he had no choice but to meet them.As a result, after talking for a long time, when I came back and found that the noodles had changed color, I became suspicious, so I fed the noodles to the dog.The dog died instantly.Yin Rugeng couldn't help being furious, so he ordered Xiang Yingxin to be beaten severely.Torture.Xiang Yingxin was also terrified at the time.It cannot be denied that this woman is amazing. Under severe torture, she kept in mind Dai Li taught her the essentials of being a spy: "Don't be timid when you have something to do, don't be bold when you have something to do, and use the same to respond to all changes." .Take it easy.Despite Yin Rugeng's punching and kicking, she always denied poisoning.Yin Rugeng had no choice but to order his servants to detain her first.And just a few days later, the timid cook was afraid that she would be involved in the poisoning.He ran away overnight.Xiang Yingxin got the news through the inside line, immediately bit back, and finally took the opportunity to escape death.After that, Dai Li used the inside line of the military system to secretly bribe the relationship and rescue him back to Nanjing.

Second, the Chen brothers, the leaders of the central government, were involved.

The KMT's military command and central command have always been at odds with each other, and both sides are doing everything possible to bring down the other.Dai Li then sent Xiang Yingxin to go "undercover" to seduce the Central Command leaders Chen Lifu and Chen Guofu.Sure enough, Xiang Yingxin obeyed, and soon got to know the Chen brothers in social situations, skillfully dealt with the second Chen, fascinated the Chen brothers, and made the two brothers feel that he was extraordinary charm.And just when the Chen brothers were kept in the dark, they had no idea that their "girlfriend" was actually the same person, and when Xiang Yingxin was about to reveal the confidential information of the Zhongtong, a Zhongtong agent named Zhou Qi was called back.This week, Zhou Qi had stayed in Nanjing before, so he knew Xiang Yingxin, and even knew his identity as a military agent.As a result, Zhou Qi saw Xiang Yingxin when Chen Lifu called his minions to a dance party.At that time, Zhou Qi himself was taken aback, and hurriedly hid, and then hurriedly reported to Er Chen.The Chen brothers just woke up like a dream.The scandal of the two brothers sharing a mistress made him feel embarrassing and embarrassing. Naturally, they were too embarrassed to tell each other face-to-face, so they hurriedly severed ties with Xiang Yingxin and escaped from the "*** formation" set up by her...

As for the third matter, Xiang Yingxin did it most successfully.

Although Yu Youren, the veteran of the Kuomintang, is old and has a fluttering beard, he is "fascinating", and he himself publicly admitted that he has this "hobby".Yu Youren usually disliked Dai Li, and often attacked Juntong.Dai Li then sent Xiang Yingxin to the battle, seduced Yu Youren after a few rounds, turned him over within a few rounds of going to bed, and Xiang Yingxin cut off Yu Youren's beard while he was asleep. Take it back and give it to Dai Li.Dai Li put on this beard and wrote an anonymous letter to ridicule Yu Youren. Later, when Dai Li met Yu Youren, he teased and said: "Dean Yu is always strong and strong, and my female subordinates admire him so much!" His face flushed with shame.From then on, when Yu Youren saw Dai Li, he was like a mouse seeing a cat, and he no longer dared to make irresponsible remarks about Dai Li and Juntong.

Since then, Xiang Yingxin's fame has spread far and wide in the military, but because of Dai Li's relationship, others dare not mess with her.As for Xiang Yingxin himself, after several years of tossing, he knew that Dai Li could not be his permanent reliance, and that he was about to grow old and decrepit, so he wanted to find someone he could rely on.At this time, Dai Li transferred Mao Renfeng to the military commander.

Mao Renfeng's promotion was extremely fast, and he seemed honest and reliable. Most importantly, he had Dai Li's trust. Xiang Yingxin set his goal on him after several choices.Although Mao Renfeng knew about Xiang Yingxin's past, but because he needed Xiang Yingxin's ability, especially his relationship with Dai Li, he actually agreed to marry him after going back and forth.You must know that in order not to make mistakes due to relationship and marriage issues, Dai Li strictly forbids his male and female spies to get married during the Anti-Japanese War, unless it is particularly necessary, and even those who live together will be severely punished.At that time, Mao Renfeng had only just joined the military command, and although he was popular, many people disapproved of him.Therefore, to be able to marry Xiang Yingxin, Mao Renfeng can be said to have broken through considerable resistance.

After getting married, Xiang Yingxin did not disappoint Mao Renfeng.Unlike Zheng Jiemin's wife, Ke Shufang, who only took advantage, this woman had great vision and was willing to invest in advance... As a result, Mao Renfeng quickly established relationships with many station chiefs and division chiefs of the military command.Of course, Mao Renfeng knew exactly how these relationships were established, but he still endured it before he took the position.Even after Xiang Yingxin made a new love in the future, fell in love with an actor Zhou Weicheng, and openly lived and slept with him, he kept holding back.

However, there is a limit to any patience.When Mao Renfeng replaced Zheng Jiemin as the second leader of the Military Command and became the director of the Security Bureau, he immediately took Xiang Yingxin to the hospital with a cold and sent someone to take him to a mental hospital.Then, as a serious mental patient, Xiang Yingxin was judged by the doctor to need intensive treatment, and was sent to a madhouse with closed therapy in the suburbs of Qingdao. It was not until the eve of the founding of New China that his family found an opportunity to take him away. Hongkong.


But now, this "model" couple, a man and a woman, stood in front of Qin Wei, looking at him with smiles.

It made Qin Wei feel hairy... He had an intuition that the couple didn't seem to come to see the play, but came to "see" him specially. (to be continued..)

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