() "What's your last name?"

How come you meet so many people at one show?Qin Wei didn't know the guy in front of him with a round face and a mole on his left cheekbone, but he knew him.In particular, what puzzled him was that the guy in front of him had three stars on his military uniform... This is a general!

"Yang Jie!"

"Hi Vice President Yang!"

"Hi Vice President Yang!"

"Hi Vice President Yang!"

Before Qin Wei realized who Yang Jie was, Zheng Jiemin, Mao Renfeng, and Mao Wanli had already saluted the visitors.

"Is this guy famous?" Qin Wei was even more puzzled, General?The generals in the Kuomintang, except for the limited number of trusted disciples promoted by Lao Jiang in Huangpu in the past few periods, should the rest be those warlords who once ruled one side?But this Yang Jie... To be honest, he really hasn't heard much about it.But he couldn't bear to have a secretary by his side, so he hurriedly asked Zhou Tian beside him in a low voice.As for the fact that Zhou Tian was also saluting to the other party, he obviously didn't see it.

"General Yang Jie, Deputy Chief of the Military Order Department. He used to be the Education Director of the Army University and the Deputy of the Lushan Officer Training Corps...in the army, there are peaches and plums all over the world." Zhou Tian didn't dare to say more, so he could only choose some simple answers in a low voice. .He looked like he was afraid of being discovered by Yang Jie.

"Lushan Officer Training Corps? I seem to have heard of this somewhere." Qin Wei still couldn't remember.

"The leader of that training group is Generalissimo Jiang." Mao Renfeng also explained.

"Excellent... Good day, Vice President Yang." Chiang Kai-shek's deputy, no wonder, no wonder...Qin Wei also hurriedly followed suit and saluted the other party.Of course, it's just a look.He hasn't even saluted He Yingqin and Bai Chongxi before, so it's impossible for Yang Jie to be better than those two?If he's really that awesome, why don't you see that he has the real power, so that he can't even compare with Chen Cheng, Hu Zongnan, and Tang Enbo?

"You haven't answered my question yet, do you think ** is a hero?" Yang Jie didn't seem to see what Qin Wei was doing, and ignored Mao Renfeng and the others, still just chasing Qin Wei and asking.

"Then do you think Chairman Jiang is a hero?" Qin Wei didn't answer directly, but asked Yang Jie a question first.

"Is there any need to ask? Chairman Jiang is the leader of the Communist Party of China. If he is not a hero, who would dare to call him a hero?" Mao Renfeng answered first.

"Then who do you think is in China who can be regarded by Generalissimo Jiang as an opponent and the biggest threat?" Qin Wei asked again.

"Ri himself."

"That doesn't count." Qin Wei gave Mao Wanli a hard look, this guy must have done it on purpose.

"I see." There was no need for an answer at all.Yang Jie glanced at Qin Wei again, "A hero's opponent is naturally a hero. Your comparison method is interesting...I heard that you plan to form a corps?"

"Production and Construction Corps." Qin Wei shrugged, not surprised that Yang Jie knew his plan.The Military Command, the former General Staff Headquarters, is naturally qualified to know this: "But unfortunately, there is no money yet. So I just submitted a report, and Chairman Jiang has not yet approved it."

"I've read your report, it's very good." Yang Jie actually praised Qin Wei, "Using the form of the army to gather those stragglers, disabled soldiers, and idle laborers from the people can not only concentrate our strength to complete a certain task." Some engineering affairs can also complete the composition of the reserve force to a certain extent... But you are just an intelligence officer, why do you command such a corps that is sure to be very large?"

"It's just a talk, just a suggestion. Who will be in charge at that time, isn't it just a word from Generalissimo Jiang?" Qin Wei laughed.He dared not say that he wanted to occupy the position of commander of a corps.Lao Jiang is the most sensitive about this aspect, and he is just a paper tiger, only looking to bluff people, he can't do it.Besides, even if Lao Jiang allowed him to be the commander of this corps, he still had to have that talent.Tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, or even millions of people, can he command them with a small writer?Putting the right people in the right place sounds nice. If that time comes, heh, he might be able to send university professors to raise pigs.

"You are very self-aware, no wonder the Chairman likes you." Yang Jie suddenly sighed, "But, don't you think that your so-called Production and Construction Corps is somewhat similar to the agricultural collectivization of the Soviet Union?"

"Huh?" Qin Wei was taken aback. This guy actually knew about the Soviet Union's agricultural collectivization?

"Vice-Chairman Yang went to the Soviet Union after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War. He served as the head of the inspection team to the Soviet Union. In fact, he was trying to fight for the Sino-Soviet alliance and the Soviet Union's arms assistance. After his efforts, although Stalin did not agree to the Sino-Soviet alliance, he agreed to give it to the Soviet Union. China's 20 million rubles of arms set up [-] Soviet armor divisions, and also sent a Soviet aid to China air force, he also gained the rank of general because of his achievements, and became the deputy head of the military command at the beginning of last year." Zhou Tian looked at Qin Wei puzzled. , and hurriedly explained in a low voice.

"Oh," no wonder I know about the Soviet Union, and I have been there before.Qin Wei took another look at the chubby general of the military command department, "You are right, this is indeed very similar to the Soviet Union's agricultural collectivization."

"Aren't you afraid of other people's gossip?" Yang Jie asked.

"Under the major premise of the Anti-Japanese War, everything should be based on the interests of the country, everything that is beneficial to the war of resistance, and everything that is people first. The KMT and the Communist Party can let go of the dispute over doctrines. Is it because of such a thing that the ri I see jokes?" Qin Wei asked back.

"Haha, well said, well said..."

The thick Jianghuai accent suddenly sounded in his ears, Qin Wei turned his head again, and immediately saw the person who had seen countless times before, was extremely familiar, but it was the first time he had really seen it.

"Hello, Minister Zhou." Qin Wei was in a trance for a while, even worse than when he met Chiang Kai-shek, but Yang Jie and others paid no attention to him.Because some people are born to attract the attention of others wherever they go.

"General Yang, if you can come, more than half of our mission this time has been completed." Zhou Enlai held Yang Jie's outstretched hand with both hands, shaking it uncontrollably, looking excited, but not at all. It feels abrupt and offensive.

"Where is there, Guo Moruo and Tian Han are the two great talents to write the new play, just listening to it makes people want to come and watch it. What's more, there is such a warm invitation from Minister Zhou... How dare Yang be negligent?" Faced with Zhou Enlai's enthusiasm, Yang Jie also smiled.

"General Yang, you are too modest. Well, Director Zheng, Director Mao...haha, this must be Professor Qin, I have known you for a long time."

"Don't dare." Qin Wei was crazy, but it was all pretend, mainly to cover up his real strength...he is just a bare-bones commander.But his madness blinded the people headed by Chiang Kai-shek, and treated him as a distinguished guest.However, no matter how crazy he was, Qin Wei didn't dare to be crazy in front of Zhou Enlai... It's not that he couldn't, but he didn't dare, and he didn't want to.

"Professor Qin has the courage to fight against corruption, and invented the Chinese Pinyin, a sharp tool for education and learning. He is really a role model for my generation." Behind Zhou Enlai, a man in his 40s suddenly appeared, wearing glasses and a suit. ... Seeing Qin Wei's suspicious eyes, he immediately nodded to him with a smile: "My humble Guo Moruo."


Qin Wei wriggled his throat again.This is another big guy.

Of course, he knew that later generations had many bad comments on Guo Moruo, and some even classified him as a shameless literati.In particular, Guo Moruo was not well known for his handling of relationships with women.His first wife, Zhang Qionghua, was left in her hometown by Guo Moruo for 68 years and kept her as a widow for 68 years, but all she got was a bow from Guo Moruo; He even severed the relationship with his parents and lived hard.But after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Guo Moruo cut off his relationship with Sato Tomiko after returning to China. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Sato Tomiko came to China with his five children to look for him, but he also avoided seeing him.If Zhou Enlai hadn't known about this situation and arranged for Sato Tomiko and her son to become Chinese citizens and settle in Dalian, Sato Tomiko might not even have a place to live.But even so, Guo Moruo didn't agree to meet Tomiko Sato until both of them reached their octogenarian years.And one year later, Guo Moruo passed away.As for Guo Moruo's current wife, Yu Liqun, she caught up with her after returning from Japan. The wedding of the two was also presided over by Zhou Enlai himself, and Zhou Enlai obviously understood the man's temperament very well, so when the wedding was going on, , Said to Guo Moruo: "I hope this is your last wedding." <Qiu Bifa, was accused of having no integrity, even shameless.But it must be admitted that Guo Moruo was indeed a master of culture, and he devoted himself to the revolution and the war of resistance when China was in crisis, and he was a person who could distinguish between right and wrong.And his various prudence and self-protection in his later years are probably more out of helplessness.Moreover, as a literati, Guo Moruo not only made contributions to the study of new Chinese culture, but also made great contributions to the development of science and technology.

Therefore, Qin Wei is still willing to respect him, of course, just respect.

"Tian Han was going to come out too, but unfortunately the show is about to start, and he still has to make final arrangements, so I ask Professor Qin not to be offended." Guo Moruo said again suddenly.

"Don't dare, I'm already flattered." Qin Wei couldn't help wiping his sweat.Tian Han, that's the author of the national anthem.I am just a small writer, but I don't deserve that kind of treatment.In fact, if Guo Moruo came out, it would be enough to suppress his pseudo-professor to the bottom of the Himalayas.

"Let's go, let's go, the performance is about to start, we can't waste time." Zhou Enlai called everyone into the auditorium again.

"I just want to see your masterpieces, let's go." Yang Jie also laughed, and walked towards the gate of the auditorium.

"President Zhou...Minister, please go first." Qin Wei did not dare to walk in front of Zhou Enlai like Yang Jie. This guy is Chiang Kai-shek's deputy, the deputy head of the military command department, and a senior staff officer, and he does not know the future of Zhou Enlai. If he dared to do this, Gu Changjun would be able to spray him to death without waiting for others, and maybe he would be so angry that he would secretly sell some of the antique calligraphy and paintings that he left behind.

"Professor Qin is a distinguished guest, you should invite him first."

"Don't dare, it's up to you."

"You please..."

"You please..."

"Why don't we go together?" Zhou Enlai was very surprised at Qin Wei's politeness to him. That's not what those people said just now. This kid satirized Bo Gu so badly that he almost didn't even want to watch the performance. I went back.Although he would not put Qin Wei on the side of the KMT's diehards because of this, he also secretly reduced the possibility of wooing this person by another [-]%.Unexpectedly, when they met, Qin Wei, who was said to have a mouth harder than a knife, would be so warm and polite... Didn't Bo Gu lie just now?

"In that case, let's go together." Qin Wei gritted his teeth.You really can't keep being polite like this.Zheng Jiemin, Mao Renfeng, and Mao Wanli's group were looking at him in bewilderment... If he continued like this, he might be suspected.Besides, it's really cool to let Premier Zhou politely let me go first... secretly cool!



"Hahaha..." (To be continued.)

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