mixed in the war

Chapter 124 Qin Wei's Self-Justification

At some point, Qin Wei had already stood on the stage.There are a few ghost soldiers with prop guns around, and a few students who are sternly reprimanding these "killers" and will be killed soon according to the plot.However, at this point, the show obviously couldn't go on.Whether it's the ghost soldier or the student who is about to "sacrifice", they are all staring at him with vicious eyes.But Qin Wei didn't seem to know the seriousness of the matter, and he even took the initiative to extend his hand to one of the students:

"This auditorium is so big, you have to give me a microphone?"


It's a female student, a very familiar female student.It's a pity that the other party didn't betray Qin Wei, an acquaintance, at all.

"Then I can only shout, but in that case, the effect of the speech will be very poor." Qin Wei said again.

"Mr. Qin, I really regret bringing you into the major. Do you know that you are discrediting our major?" Lu Xiaojia pursed her lips, not sure if she was gnashing her teeth.But it made Qin Wei a little "proud" to make her, who has always been very good-tempered, so angry.

"If you don't give me the microphone again, it will really be discredited." Qin Wei sighed, "This place is really big. I don't have as much lung capacity as you, so I can't shout so loudly."


"It is indeed a problem." In the audience, Zhou Enlai suddenly said to Guo Moruo who was beside him: "Dingtang, we have to think about how to make the audience sitting in the back hear more clearly, otherwise it will affect the effect of the performance."

"Don't worry, we'll find a solution right away." Guo Moruo was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied.He didn't expect Zhou Enlai to think of this... Aren't everyone looking at Qin Wei now?

"Enlai, how do you think this guy will solve this problem?" Bo Gu also asked.

"I think he has a plan in mind, otherwise, why did he go up? Is it just an apology?" Zhou Enlai laughed.

"Although I'm not familiar with this young man, I do know a little bit. This kid is a deadly enemy with the Japanese. It's just that his level is a bit too high, and most people don't know it well." Yang Jie also said mixedly.

"Too high level? Isn't he just the deputy director of the military command?" Bogu asked.

"I don't know too much, I just know that he has been in close contact with Bai Chongxi and He Yingqin recently, and those two people also attach great importance to him, let alone the chairman... It seems that a very huge plan is being carried out. But this plan What exactly is it, so far, no more than five people know about it." Yang Jie paused, and added: "I heard that even Mrs. Jiang didn't know about it."



"Hello everyone."

Finally, Lu Xiaojia is quite reasonable.Although he wanted to beat Qin Wei badly, but after glaring at him for a while, he still brought that classic circle-style loudspeaker... directly covering most of Qin Wei's face.

"I know I made a big mistake just now... I actually fell asleep during the performance of "Nanjing", an excellent drama that will obviously leave a strong mark in history. I am guilty!"

"Since you are guilty, how do you plan to serve your sentence?" The audience.Someone started to taunt.

"That's all I said, don't take it seriously." Qin Wei glanced at the place where the voice came from.The guy was recognized immediately.The military officer who is so handsome, "It's just a play. Although it is well written and excellent, the students also worked hard to perform it, which makes the whole play so contagious. But with all due respect, it is still Can't infect everyone."

"That is to say, you, Mr. Qin, are indifferent to this "Nanjing"?" A girl stood up from the audience.

"It's not. But it doesn't feel that deep." Qin Wei shrugged.

"Professor Qin?" A person sitting in the second row suddenly stood up, "When we were conceiving this play, we, Mr. Guo Moruo, Mr. Tian Han, and several other friends who were working together on the creation had talked to many people who had participated in the play. During the Anti-Japanese War in Songhu and the defense of Nanjing, the soldiers conducted interviews, and also interviewed many citizens who escaped from Nanjing. There is also a large amount of information collected by my classmates. Although I dare not say that it completely and completely shows the Japanese army in Nanjing. The small stage also limits the possibility of such atrocities, but we think that the whole play is very close to reality. But you said that you have no feelings... I would like to ask, what do you think are the shortcomings of our play? "

"do not know."

Qin Wei shook his head directly.And his words immediately made the whole auditorium buzz.From time to time, there were some yelling and scolding.

"I'm not a playwright, and I'm not a sentimental person, but I'm also angry and sad when the Japanese invaders slaughtered our people." Qin Wei ignored the slightly chaotic situation in the auditorium, "But , Today, in front of such a drama aimed at exposing the brutality of the Japanese army, I have no feeling... Am I cold-blooded? Ask yourself, I probably haven’t reached that point yet.”

"Then you are still sleeping?"

"Yeah, sleeping, I'm really sleepy." Qin Wei smiled, "And you, it's you...you guy slapped me while I was sleeping, to put it bluntly, you flatter me Did you have this strength when you were there?"

"I have never flattered my whole life." The officer stood up suddenly.

"Not flattering?" Qin Wei was startled by this guy's tone, "What's your last name?"

"Zhang Lingfu!"

"Hiss..." Qin Wei took a deep breath, "Are you that Cripple Zhang? The one whose army was called the 'No. [-] Terrorist Army of China' by the Japanese invaders?"

"I haven't heard of the 'terrorist army'. I only know that they will fight the Japanese invaders when they encounter them, and they will fight as hard as they can." Zhang Lingfu said forcefully.

"it is good--"

There was a burst of cheers in the auditorium.

"It's Zhang Lingfu's character, I believe you are that guy." Qin Wei shrugged, "But I also remember that you secretly slapped me. To be rude, your uncle, the back of my head still hurts! "

"I just feel that the beating was light." Zhang Lingfu refused to budge.

"You have guts." Qin Wei stretched out his thumb, "But I don't want to talk to you now, you can sit down. Of course, you don't have to sit down, you can continue to stand."

"Professor Qin, there are so many audiences. The show will continue. Why don't you keep everyone waiting?" Zhou Enlai smiled and flashed his watch at Qin Wei from the audience.Ever since Qin Wei took the stage, the whole performance seemed to be a bit off track, which was not a situation that the future Prime Minister of the Republic would like.

"Sorry to waste everyone's time." Qin Wei ignored Zhang Lingfu, "Where did I just say that? Yes, I'm not cold-blooded when it comes to me. Maybe everyone will ask the same question as General Zhang did just now. Since I Not cold-blooded, why did I fall asleep when I was still performing on stage?...Why? Because I was sleepy! I am not the kind of person who can maintain a good working condition after working for days and nights. I am a lazy person, so. I couldn't hold back. But this is not the main reason. The main reason is that I have no feeling for this drama..."

"Why don't you feel it? I'm afraid everyone will have to ask again, aren't you cold-blooded? If you are not cold-blooded, how can you not feel it?"

"Yeah, not cold-blooded. How can you not feel it?"

"But that's exactly what happened. Why?"

"Because I've seen and heard too many of these things."

"1894. During the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 36-[-]. The Japanese army captured Lushun and killed the residents of the city for four consecutive days. The old, weak, women and children were all spared. After the massacre, only [-] people survived in the city. The reason for their survival was to dispose of the corpses... "

"In 1928, the National Revolutionary Army conquered Jinan on May 5, and the Japanese army sent troops to invade the Shandong Negotiation Office established by the Chinese government on May 1. Cai Gongshi, the negotiator, was cut off from his ears and nose, and then shot to death. All the staff of the Negotiation Office were killed. , and wantonly burned, plundered and massacred. In this case, more than 5 Chinese officials and civilians were burned to death, more than 3 were injured, and more than [-] were captured..."

"In 1931, the Kwantung Army set fire to Dadongzhou..."

"1931 years..."

"Of course, this is all in the past. Some people may say that it has been so many years. What's the matter? Then, since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, do you know how many atrocities the Japanese invaders committed on China's soil? It's just one The Nanjing Massacre? If you really think so, then I can only say that you are so naive and kind.”

"On November 1937, 11, the Japanese army created the Anyang Dayuan Street Massacre, killing hundreds of innocent people; on February 4, 1938, 2 Japanese planes took off from Anyang and bombed Zhengzhou in three batches. This day is the Lantern Festival , my Zhengzhou resident died and injured, and it took three days to clean up the corpse

, for the Zhengzhou tragedy. "

"In addition, the Japanese invaders also caused the Pingxiangshan tragedy in Fushun, the Nanyingzi tragedy in Chaoyang, the Caosuocheng tragedy in Puyang, the Dongguan tragedy in Xinxiang, the Chenying tragedy in Huaxian County, the Zhumadian tragedy, the Wanghezhai tragedy in Kaifeng, and the Beitumen tragedy in Xinyang. ...the "mass graves" were created in the Beipiao Coal Mine, Langxi City Massacre, Wuhu Massacre, Hefei Massacre, Fengyang Massacre, Huaibei Niumian Village Massacre, Anqing Massacre, Wawuxinzhuang Massacre in Yongqing County , Zhangxinzhuang tragedy in Cang County, Baijia Village tragedy in Handan City, Xianghedianziwu tragedy, Dayishan tragedy in Lianyungang, Nantong Christian Hospital bombing tragedy..."

"I don't know if you have seen the scene where the Chinese people were treated as dog food and were dragged to be fed to wolf dogs by the Japanese army; I don't know if you have seen an old woman in her 70s who was raped and chopped into eight pieces; no I know if you have seen an old man who sells tofu, his ears, eyes gouged out, and disemboweled, and his internal organs are thrown on the street; I don’t know if you have seen a group of babies being torn in half alive; I don’t know if you have seen the scene of a child being thrown into the fire; I don’t know if you have seen a 4-year-old girl being skinned alive and hanging on a big tree in the village; I don’t know if you have seen it. I've never seen a picture of a pregnant woman being raped and her stomach being cut open..."

"The Nanjing Massacre is a tragedy that happened in China. The Japanese army massacred about 30 Chinese civilians in the city. The Japanese government and military have always denied this incident, but it was reported in local Japanese newspapers, including two Japanese Officers played killing games in the city. Before the Nanjing Massacre, the Japanese army carried out a series of massacres of civilians in Shanghai, Suzhou, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Wuxi, Changzhou and other places. We were killed in Nanjing 30 people, but if these areas are added, the total may be as high as more than 100 million..."

"I'm sorry, I fell asleep. There's no way, one, I'm sleepy; two, I'm numb...Compared with reality, this drama is too mild, so mild that I can't interest it...Sorry!"

... (To be continued..)

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