mixed in the war

Chapter 131 I Don't Welcome Guests Anymore

"I told you not to live in the Bai mansion, why don't you...are you mad at yourself for what happened now?" Kong Lingyi couldn't help complaining as she saw her younger sister walking back from the outside with an angry face.She really didn't expect that her family would be beaten one day.Especially when the other party knew their identities, they dared to attack... Although it was not as serious as when Kong Lingwei and Long Yun's third son Long Shengbin shot each other back then, neither side knew the other's identity that time. ah.And now that intoxication... is simply lawless.However, she is not fully displayed on her face like Kong Lingwei.And she was also very surprised that her younger sister, who was a witch in the world, could bear it until now before she got angry, and the object of her anger was actually her own family members.No matter how bastard Kong Lingkan is, he is also her brother?

"Speak lightly. I don't live in the Bai Mansion, how can I find out about that guy? Could it be that he went to the Huangshan Villa?" Kong Lingwei told his sister, and then fell on his back directly on his bed, "But I didn't expect that. To the point where he actually dared to do something to me... kinda."

"Should I call Dai Li?" Kong Lingyi asked.

"It's none of his business, and he's backed by a surname of Qin. If you call him, he'll definitely push back and lose face." Kong Lingwei waved his hand casually.Of course she knew what her sister meant, she just wanted Dai Li to come and make amends, even if Dai Li didn't come by himself, Shen Zui had to come at least once, and they would do whatever they wanted to beat or punish.

But this method of disposal is only suitable for the past.

Just like that time, she was driving out at night, near a culvert, and ran into a car head-on.The car stopped in place and signaled her to get out of the way by turning on and off the lights.But who is she, who would care about this?Directly on the headlights.Quickly rush to the past.But I didn't expect the other party to be quite arrogant, and even turned on the headlights to greet him.As a result, because the road was narrow and the speeds of both sides were very fast, the front bumpers of the two cars collided.

The other party was very annoyed, and a guy in a military uniform came down and yelled at her.At that time, she thought that someone who dared to be so fierce in front of her would be a person of great background, but when she looked at her military rank, she was actually only a major general, so she didn't even bother to respond, and replied: "I thought he was some kind of extraordinary person. It turned out to be just a little major general.”

One word scares the guy.The guy asked her who she was, but she didn't say her name, she waved her hand to let the other party get out of the way, and then walked away.Then, the next day.Tao Yishan, the Major General of the Chongqing Police Department, took the initiative to come to her house to make an apology... According to reports, that kid is still the celebrity in front of Dai Li.He is also a domineering master in Chongqing at ordinary times.It is much higher than that level of intoxication.

However, today is different.

Not to mention that the Kong family is no longer what it used to be, even if her father is still in power, he will no longer have the prestige of the past against the military commander backed by Qin Wei.What's more, this time, I committed the crime first and fell into the hands of others, so I can't justify it.

"So that's it?"

Kong Lingyi looked at her younger sister in amazement. This girl had an affair with Long Shengbin.I didn't suffer, and I found my parents crying for a while, asking my father to find trouble with Long Yun.Now, for the first time ever, she was knocked out by someone, and yet she still looks like she's calming down?Could it be that the head was broken?

"I'd like to find someone to call on me. Kill that guy directly, but if you really want to do that, sister, you may have nowhere to call sister in the future." Kong Lingwei suddenly laughed.

"Don't talk nonsense." Kong Lingyi stretched out his hand and slapped her, "You can still laugh? Are you angry?"

"It's not a big deal, isn't it just a beating? One day, when the surnamed Qin is away, I will go directly to my aunt. Is it possible that he can still escape?" Kong Lingwei snorted coldly.

"It's really promising. I thought you would fight with that Qin Wei." Kong Lingyi teased.

"Him?" Kong Lingwei curled his lips in disdain, "Three-legged cats are not even considered. If there were no bastards from Juntong who followed him, I would let him go with one arm."

"Okay, it's up to you." Kong Lingyi sighed again, "Now that things have gotten to this point, do you think our business can still be done?"

"I don't care if it's successful or not. Anyway, from the beginning, I didn't think it would be a big deal." Kong Lingwei snorted, "It's that idiot Kong Lingkan, who couldn't sit still when he heard oil, and urged his parents to do it. Such a big mess happened. He didn't even think about it. If the surname Qin could be dealt with so easily, why would my aunt and uncle support him all day? The guy like a ghost in Dai Li also hangs around all day long He turned, is this something that ordinary people can do?"

"But I think Ling Kan's plan this time is quite detailed. Even the British Consul has been involved, plus that Baron Johnson, and the other party's relationship with the Governor of Indonesia and the Netherlands, no matter how powerful Qin Wei is, it is impossible. Do you understand? What's more, that Baron Johnson's family reputation is really good, and it is easy to confuse people." Kong Lingyi said.

"Yeah, it's really easy to confuse people. But don't you think it's strange? Kong Lingkan almost killed the surname Qin. But that guy was squeezed by me twice, and he agreed to cooperate with our family... Isn't that also true? Too easy? If there is no conspiracy in it, I will take your surname."

"Your surname is mine, and it's still Kong." Kong Lingyi gave her a blank look.

"Kong's surname is Kong. Anyway, I don't think Kong Lingkan and his group will do well, and they might ruin the 300 million pounds that his father lent him." Kong Lingwei sighed again.

"Forget it, anyway, with my father watching over this matter, even if something happens, it shouldn't be a big deal. At worst, it's just a waste of time. But you..." Kong Lingyi looked at her again: "Let's forget it?"

"Forget it? Hmph!"


Machine Room Street.

As soon as Bo Gu came out of his office with a document, he saw Zhou Enlai waving at him not far away. He was taken aback for a moment, and he hurried over.

"Is something wrong?"

"Look at the information we just got from the important side... We missed a great opportunity." Zhou Enlai let him into the office, picked up another document from the table and handed it over.

"Opportunity?" Bogu was taken aback for a moment, took the document and read it, but he just glanced at it a few times.He almost jumped up: "Da Da is developing sulfonamide?"

"Look further down." Zhou Enlai said again.

"Penicillin? What is this?" Bogu was very obedient, and he continued to read a few sentences, but he didn't know many things mentioned in the document, so he couldn't help but blush.

"Penicillin, according to our information, this is an anti-inflammatory drug that is more effective than sulfonamide. But so far, no country in the world has been able to produce it on an industrial scale, but Chongqing University is now Conducting experiments secretly... Rumor has it that they have found a way." Zhou Enlai said in a deep voice.


Bogu took a deep breath.Anti-inflammatory drugs that work better than sulfa?Sulfa is almost equivalent to gold in China, which is better than sulfa.What is the price?Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Zhuang is secretly developing this new drug, and it seems to be an industrialized mass production technology?This... This is something that even foreigners have not done.Don't even mention penicillin, it's just slightly inferior sulfa.That is not easy to produce, not to mention China.They are also extremely expensive in foreign countries... Let's take a look at it.is it possible?

"It should be true." Seeing Bogu's questioning eyes, Zhou Enlai nodded heavily: "Our comrades in the university found that there have been many new faces on the campus of the university recently, and after inquiring, we found out that many of these people actually came from the university. The Southwest Associated University came here... Although these people did not disclose the purpose of their trip, most of them are engaged in research in the field of medicine. Of course, some people confided. They admitted that they really came to participate in anti-inflammatory drugs Research on tackling key problems."

"Why did you suddenly burst out with such energy? This kind of work can't produce results in just one or two clicks, and the investment is huge..." Bogu said.

"Someone help them."


"Who else?" Zhou Enlai sighed, "Why don't I say we missed a good opportunity. Qin Wei!"

"It's him again?" Bogu couldn't help being angry when he heard the name, "Why does he like to interfere everywhere?"

"You can't say that." Zhou Enlai shook his head. "It's not like he's doing something bad. I don't need to say more about the importance of anti-inflammatory drugs in war. We spend a lot of real money every year to buy drugs from foreigners, but even so, they come and go. Anti-inflammatory drugs How much did the shortage of medicine cost us in the war? How many excellent soldiers died because of the deterioration of their wounds? But if one day we Chinese can manufacture highly effective medicines by ourselves, it will be different.”

"But that guy is the KMT."

"no, he is not."

"He has joined the military command, why not?"

Bogu looked away angrily.Of course he knew what Zhou Enlai meant. To be honest, if possible, he would not have ridiculed him once or twice, but he really didn't think they would have a chance to draw Qin Wei over.

"Whether to participate in the military command or not is not a problem. Don't we also have comrades in the military command? Let alone a mere military command, even if he joined the Kuomintang, became a member of the Kuomintang, became a high-level cadre of the Kuomintang, or even a member of the Central Standing Committee, so what? Like? As long as we can find something in common, we can give it a try."

"That guy is now well hidden by Lao Jiang, and we can't get in touch with him, so how can we try to win him over?" Bogu sighed, and Zhou Enlai made up his mind.It's worth the decision.Just because Qin Wei is actually mobilizing manpower to study the mass production of anti-inflammatory drugs, this is worth wooing.The experts and professors in those universities are not easy to deceive. It is impossible to recruit people without any reason.But Qin Wei's action has already started, and not only the Chong Da family is supporting him, but even the Southwest Associated University in Kunming has sent people here. What does this mean?It shows that this guy's plan is very likely to succeed.If that was the case, it would be enough to make Qin Wei's already heavy weight even heavier.

"It's Lao Jiang's business to hide people. He didn't lock up Qin Wei... Didn't we invite him to the theater last time? Since we can have the first time, we can have the second time." Back. Guo Dingtang (Moruo)’s script has almost been changed, I think this is an opportunity, invite him again!”

"Again? Then...then I won't be the welcome guest this time." (To be continued...)

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