Wang Jingwei led a group of clowns to perform "The Inauguration Ceremony of the National Government" in Nanjing, but just after the ceremony began, someone began to sing "If the jackal comes, there will be a shotgun to greet it..."

Although Wang Jingwei's pseudo-national government and the Japanese tried their best to cover up the facts and suppress public opinion, this big oolong spread throughout the country in the shortest possible time.And as the news spread, it was the song "My Motherland" that seemed to spread all over China suddenly!

A classic is a classic.

A song that can call out the patriotism of the Chinese people from the deepest part of their hearts, its influence is beyond doubt.Especially in such an era, its influence is far beyond imagination.

The Japanese-occupied area was almost a mess.

Faced with such a situation, the major Japanese intelligence agencies in China were scolded bloody by the Tokyo headquarters.

However, the emotional fluctuations of the Chinese people in the occupied areas are only one aspect that the Japanese have to deal with.Because of the instability in the rear, the logistics work of their frontline troops was greatly affected, and various military operations had to be postponed.Among them, the Chinese dispatched army led by Hisao Nishio was affected by this trend and had to postpone the date of the planned Hunan-Jiangxi battle.

After receiving these good news frequently, Lao Jiang was almost ecstatic.

It was only second to hit Wang Jingwei's arrogance and severely sweep the opponent's face. The attack of more than 20 Japanese was delayed, which is the most important thing.

Because they just got a batch of munitions from the French enough to equip ten divisions, and there are many heavy weapons, including dozens of heavy artillery with a caliber of more than [-] mm.It's a pity that this batch of munitions is still on the way. According to news, they have just passed the Suez Canal.Lao Jiang originally thought that these weapons could not be used on the tip of a knife, but he didn't expect it to be just a song.It stopped the Japanese iron hoof.According to intelligence, the Japanese plan may be postponed for half a month.Although this time is a bit short, as long as they work harder, it should be enough for them to transport the weapons to the front line.

How could Lao Jiang be unhappy?

But this is still not the most important.

The most important thing is the reason why the French are willing to provide weapons...Libya has oil!

When he first received the news, Lao Jiang's eyes were red, and he almost shed tears in front of He Yingqin and his gang... Can you not be sad?How could he not be sad after being poor for so many years, and now he was finally able to get rich again, and it was at such an urgent time?And not only him, He Yingqin, Bai Chongxi, Chen Cheng... A group of top military officers of the Nationalist Government were all excited.If it weren't for being a big shot.They might just run out onto the road and laugh their heads up for eight hours.

You know, Libya's oil is not just oil, not just's big money!A lot of money!

The oil field they just explored, according to a rough survey, the reserves should be around [-] to [-] million barrels.And there is only more, no less...according to the prior plan.Just mined it.The exploration team told the French through the French embassy.As a result, the French responded in less than half a day and quickly dispatched their own exploration team.Then, based on the results of nearly half a month of exploration, as well as the fact that the Chinese exploration team drilled nearly ten oil wells with huge oil production in more than ten days as evidence, the French could no longer sit still.Now the oil pattern in the world is dominated by the British and Americans.Add a Dutchman at most, and France is one of the great powers, but it can't even be ranked.Now there is a large oil field in front of you, and the other party has put on a posture of wanting to cooperate with you.How could they not be excited?According to the news from the embassy in France, the Frenchman was so happy that he almost put on a rooster's head and jumped onto the wall to crow.

Of course, great powers are great powers.The French government originally wanted to make a decision, but the embassy in France followed the prior instructions and put on a posture that if you don't cooperate, we will contact Italy and Germany.As a result, the attitude of the French immediately disappeared without a trace.That's all for Germany, with the Maginot Line, the French are not too afraid; Italy is not good either, although Mussolini promoted fascism after he came to power, and launched an attack on Albania at the beginning of the month, and successfully annexed the country. country, appearing aggressive.But from the country's consistent performance, France did not take it seriously.But the problem is that these two countries seem to have signs of an alliance recently. In addition, what France is most worried about is that the Chinese government will contact the United Kingdom and the United States in addition to contacting Italy and Germany... and even if it does not contact the United Kingdom and the United States, if it does not Using war means, the Germans and Italians will definitely be a huge obstacle for them to compete for Libya's oil fields.Especially Germany, under the leadership of the mustache Hitler, is becoming more and more difficult to control. If they hadn't held on to the hope of directing their spearhead to Soviet Russia, they would not have allowed Germany to become stronger again.And what does Germany lack the most?It's oil!It can be said with certainty that if Xiao Huzi knew that the Chinese had oil resources in their hands, and that this oil field was so close to Europe, he would definitely take it at any cost.

Therefore, the French quickly agreed to the conditions of the Chinese government.The conventional weapons and ammunition of fifteen divisions and two heavy artillery regiments are only additional conditions, and the transfer fee of 400 million francs is also added.Of course, the French will not let the Chinese government take away the money so easily, and most of the money will stay in France for purchases.Among them, all kinds of production machinery, medicine and other materials that are in short supply by the Chinese government are the most important.In addition, the French colonies in Asia will also sell 30 tons of grain to China at a price lower than half the market price every year. This period lasts for five years. Thank you for supplying China with rationed oil.


"The French are still going wild. They don't know that Libya's oil reserves are surprisingly large... This is only one, as Lao Jiang said, and there are nine more that have not been mined yet." Bai Chongxi just returned from Lao Jiang's When I got home from the office, I heard my subordinates report that Li Zongren had arrived.Hurrying to the study, he saw Li Zongren sitting in his chair reading a book. He was not polite, and directly told the old man the news he had just received from Lao Jiang: "I heard that the exploration team has just developed The oil field was handed over to the French, and now it is divided into three, and they are heading for the second, third, and fourth oil fields at the same time... Jiang Zhongzheng is really going to make a fortune this time!"

"He is a blessed general!" How could Li Zongren not hear the jealousy in Bai Chongxi's words?He is also jealous.But it's useless to be jealous.They now have the right to have no soldiers!And even the current power in his hands was given by Lao Jiang.

"This 'hacker' is really powerful." Bai Chongxi sat down and wiped his face, "I thought it was amazing when I first heard it, but now that I really saw it, I realized that it is really amazing... Ten One oil field, ten big oil fields. This is only one, and it is still sold at a low price, so the French took out the weapons of fifteen divisions and two heavy artillery regiments, plus nearly [-] million francs, which is almost nearly [-] million U.S. dollars? There are nine, nine... Even if the War of Resistance continues for another ten years, it will be enough for him to torment. Why don't we have such a lucky general? If we met earlier, what would happen to him? "

"That's right, although I've never seen this Qin Wei, it's really powerful." Li Zongren leaned on the armrest of the chair, "I heard that this song "My Motherland" was composed by him, and then borrowed from the military commander and the Seven Star Company. Hands were scattered on the Japanese territory?"

"Lao Jiang even praised Dai Li in public today. He almost praised that boy as a flower. But after all, isn't he greedy for other people's credit?" Bai Chongxi was angry again, "This song is really good , secondly, the timing was right, and again, the plan was clever. Wang Zhaoming and the Japanese are as smart as ghosts, and it is impossible to think that someone would engage in such a "little" trick at the inauguration ceremony they organized. This is not an assassination, It's hard to defend against. As a result, they hit it right away, which is equivalent to slapping them hard, directly to the flesh. That's not counting, the following scene almost instantly spread the song throughout the enemy-occupied area... This is called What? This is called exposing the old bottom! No matter how violent and violent the Japanese are, can they calmly move forward against the countless ordinary people in the enemy-occupied areas?"

"It makes sense." Li Zongren nodded lightly, "Nishio Hisao suspended his attack on Hunan and Jiangxi, and Okamura Neiji's No. 11 Army also retracted its tentacles extending to Suixian and Zaoyang... who Can you imagine that this is all because of a song?"

"Actually, it's not all." Bai Chongxi sighed again, "After today's meeting, He Jingzhi and I were called by Lao Jiang, saying that Dai Li got the news from the Japanese plum agency, and that Sakhalin Island was oily. "

"No wonder..." Li Zongren was startled, "I said no matter how powerful a song is, it can't be so powerful that the Japanese shrank back. Are the Japanese planning to attack the Soviet Union?"

"I guess it should be about the same." Bai Chongxi looked serious, "This is the real scene. The Japanese are afraid that if the attack goes wrong, they will lose manpower. After all, if they really attack the Soviet Union, the Kwantung Army alone may not be enough to see it." There must be enough reserve troops. This is only second, they need the Soviet military intelligence we provide... probably they dare not provoke us too much at this time."

"After all, it's that Qin Wei again." Li Zongren tapped on the armrest lightly, thoughtfully.

"This kid has a dark heart." Bai Chongxi sighed, "However, if we can cooperate with him, there will definitely be a lot of benefits."

"Lao Jiang wouldn't give up such a blessed general," Li Zongren smiled and shook his head lightly, "I dare say, if you and I dare to reach out to Qin Wei, he will dare to use the 'knife'!"

"Who said that they just got married? I heard that the kid surnamed Qin got together with the Kong family recently. It seems that he is doing some business. Do you have any spare money? How about we get together and mix it up?" stock?" Bai Chongxi asked. (To be continued..)

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