Shanghai, in the middle of the night, Yidingpan Road in the International Settlement.

Zhao Yihai cautiously looked through the window to the "Peace Rescue Police" Fourth Route Headquarters at No. 37 on the opposite side. After a while, after making sure that there was no movement, he tiptoed back to the bedroom in the dark, and then gently Gently, he took out a record bag from under the bed.

"You really don't want your life..."

Xu Wenxia, ​​Zhao Yihai's wife, kept looking at him, seeing that he slowly pulled the record out of the bag after a little hesitation, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Just want to listen, just for a while, you sleep first."

"Listen, can I not listen?" After casting a blank look at Zhao Yihai, Xu Wenxia hugged the quilt and sat up: "Just for a while?"

"Just a moment."


The gramophone was brought out and placed on the table top cabinet. Then, Zhao Yihai carefully put down the record, and then gently put down the stylus...

"The virtuous lady cried out of the execution ground, lamenting that she abandoned her next October to conceive..."

A classic Beijing opera, "Exchanging the Fachangzi", rang out leisurely.This is the story of Xue Jiajiang in the Tang Dynasty.It is said that Xue Gang, the son of Xue Dingshan, the "King of the Two Liao Dynasty", was drunk and escaped from the capital after beating the son of the traitor Zhang Tai to death. Zhang Tai then used this to kill Xue Dingshan's family.Xue Gang's brother and sister-in-law Xue Meng and his wife brought Xue Jiao, who was only three months old at the time, to the capital to plead guilty, and the treacherous officials wanted to behead them together.In order to preserve his loyal descendants, veteran Xu Ce resolutely exchanged his son for Xue Jiao.This paragraph is the joke that Xu Ce sang when he pitied Xue Meng and his wife.It uses anti-erhuang, which is a very low-pitched singing style in Peking Opera.

Zhao Yihai got up in the middle of the night just to listen to the play?

Obviously not.

After singing a section of "Fachang Changzi", the voice from the gramophone suddenly changed, and became a kind of low-pitched music that was completely different from the Beijing opera soundtrack.A low, but very gentle male voice also sounded:

"A great river with wide waves..."


The singing is confined within a radius of several meters, and it cannot be heard clearly any further away, even in the silence of the night.

This is "My Motherland"!

However, the songs on this record are completely different from the high-pitched, passionate songs that are sung by female voices outside, especially in the Kuomintang-controlled areas. It is low-pitched, and it is still mixed in many operas and contemporary pop songs.Such as "Evening Fragrance" and "Night Shanghai".If you only listened to the beginning or the end, you would never have known that this record contained "My Motherland", a song that was strictly prohibited in the enemy-occupied areas.

You know, for this song, the Japanese killed many people some time ago.

However, there are always people who can't help it.

Just like Zhao Yihai.

He worked for an American firm in the International Settlement.After the fall of Shanghai, for the current relatively good life.He did not flee elsewhere.And these days in Shanghai.Seeing the tyranny of the Japanese and hearing the news that the Japanese kept massacring the Chinese, although he was occasionally angry, most of them were only sad and sighed.Originally, he thought that he would live in such a numb manner until Japan occupied all of China.Or the day China counterattacks back to Shanghai. .

But he didn't expect that after he suddenly heard "My Motherland" on the radio that day, he would never forget it.The already numb heart seemed to be activated.For several days, he couldn't help humming this simple song when no one was around.But incredibly inspiring lyrics.It seems that this song is always ringing in my ears.It's a pity that with the quick actions of the Japanese and those traitors, he couldn't hear it once, and he couldn't hear it again.For this reason, he suffered for many days.But what he didn't expect was that a record that his wife bought by chance suddenly became "My Motherland" after listening to less than half of it!

Although the voice is different, this song "My Motherland" is a male voice, and the voice is very low, as if a thief is stealing something, but this is more to his liking.The lower the better, as long as he can hear it, he is happy.The most important thing is that the voice is lower, it is less likely to be detected, and it is easier to eavesdrop... Moreover, this low-pitched "Motherland" is more in line with his mood.The Chinese like them did not flee to the Kuomintang-controlled areas, but stayed in the enemy-occupied areas. Aren’t they just like the male voice in this song, depressed, but can’t help but want to work hard?


"Okay, just this once."

A piece of music is not long, and soon, the anti-erhuang singing of "Fachangchangzi" sounded again.The song was sung by famous contemporary actors, but Zhao Yihai and his wife were in no mood to listen to it.Xu Wenxia swiftly put away the record, stuffed it back into the bag, and handed it to Zhao Yihai again.

"keep it."

"I can't finish it..." Zhao Yihai pursed his lips and didn't answer for a long time.

"You, don't you just say it once you've made it?" Xu Wenxia said angrily.

"I said it for a while, but it's only a while..." Zhao Yihai showed a flattering smile to his wife, "A little longer?"

"You..." Xu Wenxia bit her lip and wanted to refuse, but looking at Zhao Yihai's eager eyes, she finally couldn't bear it: "Just do it again! If you listen again, I will move to my mother's house tomorrow, so as not to sleep badly." , and still frightened."

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you..." Zhao Yihai seemed to be smiling, and he was about to take the record with his hand.

"I'll come. You go and look outside..."

"Okay, wait until I come back to play..."

Zhao Yihai is very obedient.After giving a few instructions, he hurried out of the bedroom, walked to the side of the living room facing the street, and looked towards the opposite side through the curtains...

There was no movement.

Zhao Yihai nodded, and was about to put down the curtains, but at this moment, he saw the door of the so-called "Peaceful Rescue" headquarters open, and then, a car drove out of it...


"Where are you taking me?"

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Zheng Pingru looked at Lin Zhijiang next to him indifferently... This traitor, Ding Mocun's confidant, suddenly lifted himself out of the cell in the middle of the night, what did he want to do?

"Mr. Ding knew you were here, so he asked me to take you back."

Lin Zhijiang blew out a smoke ring, and replied casually.He is from Wenling, Zhejiang.Whampoa Phase VI.In the early years, he joined the military reunification, like a fish in water.When Shanghai fell, he served as the leader of the second group of operations in the Shanghai area of ​​​​the military. On March 1938, 3, Zhou Fengqi, a reactionary warlord who advocated that "the War of Resistance Against Japan must be defeated and China must perish", was assassinated.It's a pity that he was caught by Li Shiqun, who also defected and surrendered, and later defected to the enemy and joined Wang Puppet No. 7.After entering No. 76, he followed Li Shiqun first, and then became Ding Mo's subordinate.


Zheng Pingru stared at him, as if she wanted to see something in his eyes.

"Don't look at me. Without Mr. Ding's order, I wouldn't dare to take you out. Don't forget who brought you here." Seeing Zheng Pingru's suspicious eyes, Lin Zhijiang smiled again.Originally, after Zheng Pingru's identity was exposed, she had been locked in the dungeon at No. 76.It's just because Ding Mocun was greedy for her beauty, so he never used torture.Even Ding Mo Village planned to release this beautiful woman after a while to continue their relationship.after all.This Miss Zheng is indeed unbelievably beautiful.Otherwise, she would not be the cover girl of the most important pictorial in China, "Liangyou".Even the son of Japanese Prime Minister Fumma Konoe fell in love with this woman at first sight.It's a pity that a beauty is a disaster... Ding Mocun's wife, Zhao Huimin, was worried that her husband would be fascinated by this woman, so she found him quietly and gave him tips to transfer Zheng Pingru secretly to No. 37 Yidingpan Road. In the Fourth Road Command, even Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, the leaders of No. 76, did not know about this matter.And after that.Wang's wife, Chen Bijun, personally came to persuade him to surrender, but unfortunately, Zheng Pingru remained unmoved.

"Mr. Ding won't just ask you to take me back to No. 76?" Zheng Pingru asked again.

"Go to Nanjing first and stay in Nanjing for a while. Then you should be released." Lin Zhijiang replied.

"Really?" Zheng Pingru turned her face away, staring at him with her big beautiful eyes.

"Of course it's true." Lin Zhijiang answered with a frown, feeling a little uncomfortable being stared at.

"You lied to me."


"I said you were lying to me." Zheng Pingru smiled and sighed softly, "Bringing me out tonight is actually trying to kill me, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense..."

"Although I have been imprisoned all the time, I also know that Mr. Wang's life is not easy recently. Not only was he punched hard at the inauguration ceremony, but the Nationalist government received a lot of arms and funds from France. ... These few things may affect your morale a lot?"

"The incident at the inauguration ceremony was just a trick of the military command. As for the French arms and funds... no matter how much money there is, the old man may not be able to win the Japanese. What's more, the French spent money to buy oil fields. Yes, it is not equivalent to expressing support for Chongqing internationally." Lin Zhijiang defended.

"But these things are still not good for you. Therefore, you need to kill people to build your prestige." Zheng Pingru smiled lightly again, "I guessed right?"

"... In the few days after Mr. Ding was assassinated, it would be great if you were so smart." Lin Zhijiang fell silent.This woman is not only beautiful, but also smart.It's a pity that he is still going to die after all.

"I was too greedy back then."



The car soon arrived at Zhongshan Road, and there was a wilderness on both sides of the road.

"Is this the place you chose for me?" Zheng Pingru pushed open the car door and walked down, ignoring the agent who was greedily staring at her with salivating and regretful eyes, and looked up at the moon in the sky, "It's okay." ,nice weather."

"Do you have any last words?" Lin Zhijiang also got out of the car and asked in a deep voice.

"There's nothing to say. But you and I are acquaintances. I just hope that you can think about it. When you shoot later, don't hit me in the face!"


"Go. You won't do it on the side of the road?"

Zheng Pingru looked up at the sky again, and then, with a calm smile, she walked towards the woods beside the road.Lin Zhijiang looked at her back, after all, he still didn't follow her, but just winked at the two spies next to her:

"Do as she says."



"boom"! "boom"! "boom"!

Not long after the group entered the woods, Lin Zhijiang heard three gunshots in succession.He knew that these two spies were executing Zheng Pingru.


A generation of confidante died just like that.He gently threw the cigarette in his hand to the ground and sighed:

"Don't blame me. If it wasn't for your refusal to surrender, if it wasn't for your father, who would rather die than help Mr. Wang, and become the Minister of Justice of the new government, you wouldn't have this result. It's a pity..."

"Yeah, it's really a pity."

A faint voice suddenly sounded from one side, making Lin Zhijiang, who was talking to himself, break out in a cold sweat.However, before he could react, he felt as if his neck was clamped by iron tongs, tightening it tighter and tighter, and then he heard a "click"...


Lin Zhijiang's neck was twisted alive.Less than 2 minutes after his death, three people walked out of the woods.The one walking in the middle was Zheng Pingru who was supposed to be executed.It's just that Zheng Pingru's face at this time no longer had the calmness just now, and was more surprised and astonished.Especially after seeing Lin Zhijiang's strange death, this emotion directly reached its peak.This made her stare curiously at the guy in the windbreaker in front of her:

"Who are you?"

"I am intoxicated," the man smiled lightly, showing a mouthful of neat white teeth: "Miss Zheng, I am ordered to take you home." (To be continued...)

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