mixed in the war

Chapter 139 My Boss

()Shanghai, No. 76 Jisi Feier Road.

In 1938, the all-out war of resistance had lasted for nearly a year, and everywhere was gloomy. Only the public concession in Shanghai, relying on the forces of the British and French, was still detached from the disaster of war.The two major secret service agencies of the Kuomintang, Zhongtong and Juntong, have hidden a large number of spies here, assassinating Han Jian and Japanese, causing great trauma to the Japanese.However, the RI special high school is useless in Shanghai, so Kenji Doihara thought of creating a spy organization like the Central Command and the Military Command—and at this time, Ding Mocun, Li Shiqun and others rebelled and took the initiative to send a spy organization. The "Shanghai Secret Service Project" immediately gained the attention of the Japanese.Afterwards, the Ri camp issued the "Instructions to Assist a Group of Secret Agents in Dingmo Village".Soon, under the instigation of the Japanese, Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun established a secret service organization, which was located at No. 1 Daxi Road, Shanghai.Later, because of the inconvenient activities here, Yingzuo Zhenzhao's deputy Qingqi Qingyin personally selected No. 76 Jisifeier Road, the former Anhui Provincial Chairman Chen Tiaoyuan's mansion as the place for spy activities.

After the birth of No. 76, due to lack of manpower, Li Shiqun tried to establish a relationship with Du Yuesheng, the leader of the Green Gang, but failed. Later, Li Shiqun recruited another leader of the Green Gang—Ji Yunqing.Therefore, Ji Yunqing's disciple also took refuge in No. 76.With just such a bungalow, a sum of money, and a few guns, the most feared spy agency in Shanghai was opened.

Directly commanded by Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, 76 sets of inhuman tortures were set up inside No. 38, such as hanging and beating, sitting on a tiger bench, pouring pepper water, electrocution, finger pricking with steel needles, etc. , dungeons and water dungeons.At the same time, in order to create an atmosphere of terror in the society, "76" hung bloody heads under street lamps, threw severed hands and feet into people's houses, planted daggers, sent bullets, and threatening letters on people's doors.They even tracked and kidnapped hostages... All of a sudden, No. 76 became the "magic cave" that everyone in Shanghai talked about.

However, at this moment, the once arrogant No. 76 was suddenly beaten with a sap. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun, the lackeys in the hands of the Japanese, also changed their style of the Japanese, hiding in the heavily guarded headquarters and not daring to go out. .

And the reason... the opponent is too fast.


"I have already sent someone to Wu Sibao's house, but it may be difficult for his wife to just explain it to him."

Ding Mocun, who looks like a gentleman, is also extremely handsome.Paired with a decent suit, that is called a chic.But it was such a person who first participated, then defected to the Kuomintang faction, and then later.More direct treason, in turn, used cruel means to treat his compatriots.As a result of doing so, even if he won the favor of his master and gained great power, he would never dare to stay in a strange place for more than half an hour.When Zheng Pingru assassinated him, there were rumors outside that Zheng Pingru was acting out of emotion and fell in love with his "se".He was reminded at the last moment, but the real reason was that Ding Mocun had discovered the problem himself... A person who kept tensing up whenever he went out, and he was also an agent, was really very sensitive.

"If you can't confess, then you won't. She Aizhen (Wu Sibao's wife) is nothing. The biggest problem now is how to find this troublemaker." Li Shiqun doesn't have the appearance of Ding Mocun.He didn't have the demeanor he showed, but he was more ruthless, more decisive, and more arrogant.Ding Mocun is nominally the big boss of No. 76.But the real person in charge here is Li Shiqun.

"The people below are almost running and breaking their legs, but there is no one to be found at all. I can't even figure out the origin, what do you think?" Ding Mocun touched the bright stick that he almost never let go of, and kept walking. The face is heavy.Jingqi Qingyin just got angry in front of them and walked away. The Japanese are already in a hurry.But what can he do in the face of a sudden and unknown enemy?Only investigate slowly.But will the other party give them this time?Thinking about what happened yesterday, if Zheng Pingru's rescue could still give him a little bit of joy, the killing of Zhang Deqin and Wu Sibao would make him terrified.Because the difficulty of assassinating these two people is actually not much more difficult than killing him.And what made him feel the most unacceptable was the news of Zhang Xiaolin's death that was uploaded in the morning... that was the chairman of Zhejiang Province appointed by the Japanese, and one of the three most famous tycoons in Shanghai Bund, the most formidable local snake in Shanghai Bund. The power in Shanghai Beach is actually larger than their No. 76, more precise, and more deeply involved in all aspects of Shanghai Beach.But it's just such a character, so it's so easy? <Qing's person had the surgery. Li Shiqun gritted his teeth, "They can kill, so can we."They look for our senior officials, and we will kill their subordinates... If they don't feel bad about killing one or two, they will kill ten, eight, or a hundred.I don't believe it, they have killed a lot, yet they dare to be so crazy. "

"Who are you going to kill?" Ding Mocun glanced over.He knew that Li Shiqun would definitely do this.The person in front of him had almost the same experience as him, joined, rebelled; joined the Kuomintang Central Committee, rebelled... But compared to him, Li Shiqun's murderous nature is more serious.Because this guy always thought that if he wanted others to listen to him, he had to be ruthless, and he had to dare to kill, and the killing was frightening, so naturally no one would dare to be disobedient.

"Old Jiang has quite a few people staying in Shanghai. But most of them are members of the Central Committee and the Military Command. If you kill them, it will make the Chen brothers and Dai Li feel bad for two days at most, and it won't hinder the old man. So, I want to let Lao Jiang feels distressed, and has to start with the banks he left in the concession. I have found out the details of Chong Qing's industries in Shanghai these days, and we..."


Li Shiqun was about to tell Ding Mocun his plan, when a shrill cry suddenly came in from outside the door, and immediately after that, a No. 76 agent in a black silk shirt rushed in directly.

"What's going on?" Li Shiqun was very annoyed at the other party's unruly behavior, but what happened yesterday has frightened the entire No. 76, and even many people have the intention of quitting... After all, his subordinates Most of these people are just a bunch of hooligans.These guys are good at fighting with the wind, murdering and arson, and harming the common people are experts, but when they meet those guys who kill without batting an eyelid, they are also afraid.Even more fearful than ordinary people.Therefore, he could only press his anger back into his chest.

"Fu, Fu..."


Li Shiqun rolled his eyes.He hates people calling him deputy director the most... Yes, Ding Mocun is the director of No. 76, his superior, and he personally invited him back, but Li Shiqun is still in charge here, and Ding Mocun is just a sign he invited.However, before he could get angry, a Japanese officer in military uniform rushed in.Li Shiqun naturally recognized this person.It was the monitor stationed at No. 76 by Mei Agency, Warrant Officer Shibuya.

"Mr. Li Shiqun," Shibuya said with an ugly expression, "I just received the news that at noon today, Shanghai Mayor Fu Xiaoan was found assassinated in his bedroom!"


The two traitors stood up in shock.


Zhang Xiaolin, Chairman of Zhejiang Province, and now another Shanghai Mayor, Fu Xiaoan... Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun could only feel a deep chill in their hearts.

"The head of the Eye-Air Agency orders you to act immediately and find the perpetrator at all costs, otherwise...you will know the consequences yourself."

"Where are we going?"

Zheng Pingru has always been a little bit unbelievable that she just walked out of Shanghai... yes, she walked out easily.There is no obstacle, if it is not at night, then it is a stroll.But what about at night?Isn't she still leisurely staying on the passenger ship to Hong Kong?Sitting on the deck with dad in the sun and enjoying every possible perk?

"I've been planning for more than a month, and I chose to launch it together last night. Xiaori and those Hanjian sons must be in a hurry now, but it's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

Zheng Pingru's beautiful big eyes stared at the lazy guy in front of her.It was hard for her to believe it.It was this seemingly careless military agent named Shen Zui who rescued him.So easy, after the two agents escorted her into the woods, three shots were fired.He himself was saved.When he came out again, Lin Zhijiang's neck had already been twisted.Can't die anymore.And according to what this guy revealed along the way, it seems that if it wasn't for the urgent urging from above, he would not have left Shanghai with him.

"It's a pity that I can't stay in Shanghai for a while... Tsk, I've never been so happy."

Shen Zui squinted his eyes, facing the rising sun on the sea, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

"Shanghai is rich and rich, and people go in, so it's really not easy to get out."

Zheng Yingbo looked at Shen Zui and smiled.As a veteran of the Kuomintang who directly followed Sun Yat-sen, worked as a professor at Fudan University, and was also the chief prosecutor of the Jiangsu High Court, he has experienced many things, and he understands what Shen Zui needs to do to save his daughter. The price... It seems easy, but I don't know how many fierce battles I have to go through.Didn't the Chen brothers of Zhongtong have tried their best and failed to do it?I thought father and daughter would die forever this time, but I didn't expect... After Qing, please wait for me to make an appointment with Director Dai.Just say that I, Zheng, thanked him and wanted to invite him to a meal to express my affection. "

"Hehe," seeing the old man speak, smiled drunkenly, and sat upright, "Senior, there is no need to be like this. In fact, it is Mr. Ling who you should be most grateful to for coming to Shanghai to save lives this time."

"Hai Cheng?"

Zheng Ping was startled like a father and daughter at the same time.

"Why is my brother..."

"Major Zheng heard that Ms. Zheng was arrested, and he was so anxious that he searched and searched so many people to find my immediate boss... Seriously, if it wasn't for him, I'm afraid I'm still in Chongqing Mountain now?" Zheng Pingru was puzzled.Shen Zui is clearly an agent of the military command, what is he doing in the mountains?

"Brother Shen, your immediate boss doesn't seem to be..." Zheng Yingbo's experience is much richer than his daughter's, so he naturally understood the meaning hidden in Shen Zui's words.And this surprised him even more.It's not Dai Li, but he can command the military agents... The most important thing is that he can easily accomplish things that the Central Command could not do. Who would this be?Could it be that Jiang Zhongzheng personally gave the order? < Qing will naturally know later.But you don't have to thank him too much.The reason why he sent me out is actually because he saw that I had offended someone for him, so he sent me out to avoid disaster..." Shen Zui explained in a very unreasonable way. < & qing, besides betrayal, what else is possible?

"Hehe, it's really nothing. Now that I think about it, I'm too worried. With the protection of the officer, I don't have to worry about anything at all."

"What trouble did you get into?" Zheng Pingru asked with a grin.She was only 22 years old at this time, and she was very curious.In addition, he had just walked back and forth from the death line, and he was in a good mood. Seeing Shen Zui's embarrassed look, he couldn't help feeling a little narrow-minded.

"Actually, it's nothing, I just accidentally knocked Miss Kong Er unconscious..."

"Kong, Miss Kong Er?"

Shanghai Bund is close to Nanjing, who hasn't heard of Miss Kong Er's name?But, but this guy in front of him actually dared to knock out that witch?

"Who is that boss of yours?" Zheng Yingbo couldn't help it either.Could it be those old acquaintances who can protect the subordinates in the hands of Kong Er girl?If it is true, this favor will be great.But as far as he knows, these old acquaintances are not so enthusiastic, and their friendship is not very good

"My boss..." Shen Zui paused for a moment, and put his hands behind his head: "A very unscrupulous guy. When I stayed with him, I didn't think he was very powerful. But when I came out, I listened to him Only then did I realize that he was really amazing."

"It's terrible?"

"Yeah.... I used to be close to him. When he had nothing to do, he always liked to make fun of everyone. He didn't look serious, so I didn't think he was so great. But when I think about it now, I realize that I It was really negligence. How can a person who dares to kill the Kong family be an ordinary person?"

"What did you say? Hang Kong's family?"

Zheng's father and daughter's heartbeat accelerated again.the Kongs!Miss Kong Er!It seems that there is nothing wrong, it should be the Kong family, but...

"That's right. It's the Kong family. Before I came, the officer was trying to find a way to trap them to death. I don't know how far they have been trapped now. Has the Kong family been ruined?"


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