mixed in the war

Chapter 144 You have to find someone else

"Are you the acting secretary-general again?"

"It's all thanks to Boss Dai's love, and thanks to Chief Qin's kind words."

Mao Renfeng sat on the sofa and bowed slightly towards Qin Wei, the smile on his face still made people feel like a spring breeze.However, if he was polite to Qin Wei in the past only because he was rich and valued by the chairman, and he could occasionally provide some help to the military commander, then now he really "respects" Qin Wei.Thinking about the recent events in Shanghai, Mao Renfeng still felt a chill in his heart.This is due to the fact that it is directed at the Japanese and traitors. If it is directed at the military command or the national government, who can support it?Therefore, even though Qin Wei does not have any military rank at present, and is still under him in the name of the military commander, he still calls him "Chief Qin" very honestly.

"I didn't give you good words. I won't interfere in the internal affairs of the military command, or you, Boss Dai, will trouble me." Qin Wei would not take Mao Renfeng's words seriously.Hearing this, he just smiled, and said again: "However, it is a happy event since I have resumed my duties. Do you want to hold a banquet or something to celebrate?"

"Don't dare, what kind of happy event is this?" Mao Renfeng shook his head hastily, "Renfeng didn't come here for this, but following Boss Dai's order."

"Let me wipe his butt?" Qin Wei asked with a smile.

"I didn't hear that." Mao Renfeng smiled wryly, "but the meaning is the same. Chief Qin must have heard the news. Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun are going crazy now, and they have been trying to reach out to the concession these days The day before yesterday, they sent Wu Sibao's wife, She Aizhen, to make a fuss, even going so far as to have a shootout with dozens of patrolmen in the concession... Our people are nothing. But many banks in the concession are working for the party-state, secretly helping We handle a lot of finances, and many industries related to strategy. The chairman is also very concerned about this matter, and ordered that these banks must be kept so that they can operate normally. But we don’t tell lies in front of real people, even though we are in Shanghai now The prestige has increased, but it also angered the Japanese, Wang Jingwei and others. Now they are like a group of mad dogs, biting people everywhere. But Shanghai is an occupied area after all, and it is still in the hands of the Japanese. After all, we can’t compare with them..."

"I just heard about this too." Qin Wei picked his teeth.What Mao Renfeng said is not a secret, it was even reported in Chongqing newspapers today.

Wu Sibao's wife, She Aizhen, is the goddaughter of Ji Yunqing, a gangster from the Qing Gang.Not to mention that Ji Yunqing once saved Li Shiqun's life, but was later persuaded by Li Shiqun to become a traitor.As a result, Yin Maoxuan, the top killer of the military command at the time, found an opportunity to shoot him dead.But Yin Maoying was too crazy, she didn't know what to say, and told her concubine Lu Wenying in Shanghai about it.And this Lu Wenying is not a good woman, a well-known female hooligan in Shanghai, known as "Lu Laoqi".But although Lu Laoqi is not a good person.But he didn't become a traitor, and even felt quite proud because Yin Maoxuan killed Ji Yunqing.After all, Ji Yunqing's initials in the Shanghai Youth Gang are very famous.It can almost be said that it is only under the "Three Tycoons".Such a big man died at the hands of his own man, Lu Laoqi still felt quite proud.In the end, she was happy for a while, and she told Zhang Deqin, who had a good reputation in the Youth Gang at that time, about it.But she didn't know that Zhang Deqin had already secretly joined Li Shiqun at this time, and immediately notified No. 76 after hearing the news.As a result, Yin Maoxuan was killed.Of course, this matter has nothing to do with She Aizhen.

She Aizhen comes from a wealthy family, is shrewd and powerful, and has a very good appearance.He is also good at communication and good at shooting.After worshiping Ji Yunqing as her godfather, she chose Wu Sibao, who was just a driver at the time, and made Wu Sibao the captain of the guard at the Secret Service Headquarters at No. 76 Jisfeier Road.

And what Mao Renfeng said happened the day before yesterday.She Aizhen wanted to go beyond the dividing line between the Shanghai Public Settlement and the official concession, and go to the Paramount Barber Salon next to the Paramount Ballroom at the intersection of Yuyuan Road and Jisfell Road.As a result, during the inspection at the checkpoint in the concession, because She Aizhen's bodyguard refused to hand over the pistol, the two sides clashed.Dozens of Concession patrols directly beat She Aizhen's driver and bodyguard to death on the spot.But She Aizhen herself was miraculously unscathed, but was arrested.Afterwards, Secret Service Headquarters No. 76 dispatched two trucks to confront the police in the International Settlement.In the end, the matter ended with She Aizhen being released after being briefly detained in the patrol room.However, that night, Secret Service Headquarters No. 76 began to carry out assassinations against the public rented border police.The British police officer concerned was terrified and immediately resigned and returned to China to avoid disaster. The Ministry of Industry and Bureau in charge of the public concession had no choice but to agree to the condition proposed on the 76th that he could bring guns into the concession.

But everyone understands that this is just a harbinger of No. 76 reaching out to the public concession and taking action against many banks under the National Government.Originally, according to Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun's plan, No. 76 began to retaliate on the second night of the assassination, but because of prior arrangements, the people they sent into the public concession were prepared in advance to control Shanghai Station and the public concession. The patrol room was completely blocked, not to mention the heavy casualties, and there was no benefit at all.I thought that after being hit hard by this, No. 76 would die for a while, but Ding and Li obviously understood the importance of maintaining morale. No. 76 was originally a group of hooligans, able to fight against the wind, but was beaten up frequently but unable to fight back, and would soon fall apart.Therefore, the two simply turned from the dark to the bright, no longer caring about the face of the British and French powers, and used tough methods.Now, the Bureau of the Ministry of Industry has allowed No. 76 people to bring guns into the concession, and the banks left by the National Government in the Shanghai concession are already in jeopardy.

"Actually, I didn't expect that kid Shen Zui to be so ruthless... I guess he's held back for a long time, man, it's understandable." Qin Wei smacked his lips, "But it's not a big deal for you to say these things, you You shouldn't be looking for me either."

"Then who should I call?" Mao Renfeng asked back.The Mei Agency and No. 76 were hit hard, and they were already insane. If they didn't pay them back a few times, their days would not be over.But Shanghai is in the hands of others after all, and even Dai Li finds it difficult to deal with the enemy's crazy counterattack. If Qin Wei does not take action, who else in the intelligence system of the national government has this ability?The Chen Brothers?Please, even Zheng Pingru can't save those two guys.

"Chairman Chiang, of course."

"Chairman Chiang?"



After being intoxicated for a "bloodbath", the whole city seems to be filled with a depressive atmosphere.As one of the "rulers" of the city, Kenji Doihara is naturally more sensitive.For several days in a row, he kept himself in the office and didn't go out, not because he didn't want to.But dare not.

Saying that may seem a little bold.After all, the name "Kenji Doihara" is also very prestigious in China. He is behind events such as September [-]th, Manchukuo, North China Autonomy, and even the establishment of the Wang Jingwei government. He is even the protagonist. It can be said that the current Chinese Half of the situation was caused by him.With such abilities and achievements, who dares to say that he is timid?

But Doihara himself is very clear that every time he succeeds, he actually relies on Japan, relying on Japan's "powerful" strength to lure or intimidate those weak-willed, cowardly and selfish people in China.Even if someone else came, he might not be worse than him in this respect.The reason why he can succeed is that he can always find the right "casting" object.

However, after so many years of "scrambling" in China, he has never discovered that death is so close to him.

that morning.The engineers found ten landmines at the entrance of the headquarters.Ten, exactly ten!Once exploded.The gate of the entire headquarters had to be blown to pieces.If he is there.Surely not even a whole piece of meat could be found now.

After getting the news, he started to practice calligraphy, but his hands were always trembling... But he is not so timid.Thinking back to the beginning, during the battle of Lanfeng, he was never afraid of the 20 Kuomintang army's siege and interception. Why is he afraid today?To know.That time he faced all the elite of Chiang Kai-shek's subordinates, their fighting power was quite good, and the leader was the famous general Xue Yue known as "Xue Tiger".But he still forced Chiang Kai-shek to blow up the Yellow River embankment at Huayuankou, and forced hundreds of thousands of Kuomintang troops to retreat in a hurry... How could he be afraid this time?

It's not that I'm afraid.What is it?

Thinking about my years in China, it seems that no matter who I face, the other party has never killed me... Even during the war, I have never encountered real danger to my life.In a division, there are vanguards in front and rears in the back. I am just in the middle commanding, listening to the sound of guns and cannons.

It is the soldiers who are brave, not themselves.

So, I am still afraid.Fear of sudden death.The reason why I can have my current status and reputation is not only because of my own efforts, but also because I have a "powerful" country behind me.Otherwise, how much better can I be than those Chinese who have been recruited by me?

After reaching the conclusion, Doihara broke out in a cold sweat, but his thoughts became clearer.

He burned all the words he wrote when his hands were shaking, and then hid in the office all the time.He didn't think about any way to deal with it, because he judged and came to a conclusion: this kind of assassination cannot last.If the opponent really had this strength and belonged to the Chinese side, then Japan would not be able to achieve the current results.

Now he only needs to wait, wait for the matter to pass, wait for the enemy's follow-up methods to be exposed one by one, and wait for Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun on the 76th to successfully counterattack, forcing the Chinese to take the initiative to make peace.

Chiang Kai-shek has made a fortune recently, but the banks in Shanghai are still extremely important to him.Based on his research on Jiang over the years, the other party will definitely not make trouble with his wallet just to vent his anger.


"Two good dogs!"

Kenji Doihara began to write again, and this time his hands were much more stable.Ding Mocun and Li Shiqun accurately selected a weak point of the national government. Although the initial battle was unfavorable, as long as Shanghai is still in their hands, they are not afraid of those banks running away.From this point of view, it is best to use the Chinese to deal with the Chinese.

"Tuk Tuk!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"


The door was pushed open, and Nanzao Yunzi rushed in hastily.

"It's more polite this time. But it's still not steady enough." Kenji Doihara stopped writing, "Yunzi, do you know? Since you came back from Chongqing, your personality has become a little impatient."

"Teacher, Jingqi was seriously injured and died!"

"..." (to be continued...)

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