mixed in the war

Chapter 147 Magic

"On August 26th, [-]th year of the Republic of China, the Fourth Flying Battalion of our Air Force encountered the Japanese Air Force for the first time in the sky over Wuhu. Gao Zhihang, the captain of the Fourth Battalion at the time, led a fierce battle with the most famous Japanese Navy Kanoya Air Force. After the First World War, Gao Zhi's aviation department shot down six enemy planes without any loss; on the [-]th, more than sixty planes from the Deer House Air Wing came to take revenge. Seventeen, the captain of Kanoya Air Wing, Navy Chief Yoshi Ishii, committed suicide after the war by caesarean section!"

"April 27, the 29th year of the Republic of China, we should all remember that day. It was the birthday of Emperor Hirohito of Japan. The Japanese air force planned to launch a large-scale air strike on Wuhan on this day to celebrate the emperor's birthday. And the enemy's conspiracy It has already been mastered by our side, and the air force quickly assembled around Wuhan and was on standby to fight. At 29:21 pm on April 11, dozens of Japanese fighter planes took off from Anhui in multi-layer formations and secretly attacked Wuhan. Our air force is on standby and dispatches dozens of fighter planes to intercept it. During this battle, Chen Huaimin, a second lieutenant pilot of the Air Force's Fourth Battalion, was seriously injured and his fuel tank was on fire. The incoming enemy planes died together with the enemy... And Chen Huaimin's sacrificing life for righteousness made our soldiers more courageous, and also made the enemy's heart terrified, and they were defeated in just half an hour. In this battle, our army shot down There were 10 Japanese aircraft, including 12 fighters and 5 bombers. The Chinese Air Force lost 4.29 fighters and [-] casualties. The '[-]' air battle was also the most glorious air battle victory since the War of Resistance..."

"...Counting it carefully, our air force fought fiercely with the Japanese army many times. Although we retreated again and again for various reasons, we did not lose. But I don't understand why the Japanese can be so rampant in our country now. Dumping bombs over the capital? Is it because those brave pilots such as Gao Zhihang and Chen Huaimin all died in battle. Or is it because I am incompetent as the commander-in-chief?"


Air Force meeting.

Air Force Commander Song Meiling spoke first.She first reviewed the excellent record of the air force, and then looked at the air force generals present with a gloomy face.

"Commander," Zhou Zhirou lowered his head. He could understand Soong Meiling's anger. In fact, he was under far more pressure than Soong Meiling alone... Most of the urban areas in Chongqing were bombed by enemy planes. The first thing people thought of was their air force. .If it wasn't for the weak air force, how could the Japanese planes dare to be so arrogant on the heads of the Chinese?Last night, the residences of many senior government officials were bombed, among other things, the residences of the Chen brothers were bombed.Fortunately, it was not serious, but a big hole was blasted in the wall.But the problem is, although the Chen brothers are powerful, they are relatively clean.The life of the two of them among the many members of the Kuomintang is quite frugal, and the two of them never occupy public funds...so.This wall is not easy to repair.In addition, the liaison office of the Eighth Route Army Machine Room Street was also bombed... Zhou Enlai knew that his position in Chongqing was embarrassing.It's still easy to talk about.They also called and complained a lot... In addition to these, many party-state officials called to ask what happened to the air force and why they didn't block the enemy plane.

But does he not want to stop?The Japanese made a big circle without making a sound, avoided their observation posts, and came fast and in large numbers, waiting to be discovered.When the Air Force rushed into the air to meet them, they had already arrived in Chongqing... After all, this should be a problem with the intelligence department.But Zhou Zhirou knew very well that she was in full view now, if she shirked responsibility.It will only make Song Meiling even more angry, so no matter how big the responsibility is, it must be shouldered first.When Soong Meiling's anger dissipated, he would naturally think of his good son... It turned out that Mao Bangchu relied on being the chairman's nephew and made great contributions. He secretly manipulated power and wanted to turn the Air Force into his private property. He was kicked out of the house all at once, and now he is only a colonel.Of course, he must understand this kind of lessons learned.

"Commander-in-Chief, as the Air Force Commander, I am willing to take full responsibility for the failure of this air battle!"

"I came here this time not to find someone to take responsibility, but to find the reason! I just want to ask, why did I lose so much this time? Chongqing is the companion capital, so is the sky here still the sky of our party country?" Song Meiling was very excited. Angry, she could see Zhou Zhirou's thoughts at a glance.But although she wanted to get angry, she couldn't.After all, after dealing with Zhou Zhirou, where can she find such a useful and obedient commander in chief of the air force?Mao Bangchu?Come on, how hard did she go to persuade Chiang Kai-shek to drive that bastard away?How can we let the tiger go back to the mountain again?

"Ma'am, the most fundamental reason why Chongqing has been bombed repeatedly by the enemy is that we have too few planes and too few pilots... Although Japan does not have a complete air force, their army aviation and naval aviation combined are more than enough. Thousands of planes. Although we have the help of the Soviet Air Force Volunteer Team, we can hardly keep up with the Japanese by a fraction. Under such circumstances, no matter how brave our pilots are, they cannot cope with the Japanese. A wave of bombing and attacks. In fact, our pilots are already very tired. They have been flying desperately. Just like the second lieutenant Chen Huaimin who pretended to die in Wuhan said, every time they fly, Tsukuru is flying for the last time..."

Zhou Zhirou bowed his head, a white man with sharp eyes and two deep nasolabial folds on his face suddenly stood up excitedly, dancing with hands and feet,

"You can't blame these brave soldiers. They did their best. This time Chongqing was bombed, and it was we who were there who were most responsible. Not the soldiers."

"Colonel, I didn't blame those soldiers." Soong Meiling said with a serious face, "Never. I'm just not upset. We have the best and bravest pilots, but we can't deal with those hateful Japanese invaders... You know the kind of helplessness?" Do you feel the pain of watching your soldiers fight against the enemy's number several times that of your own? But I have been suffering from this pain for two full years. I once regarded this air force as a treasure, and I was not willing to let them go into battle. However, they used their achievements to tell me that they don't need my protection, they want to protect their own people, to fulfill the duties of a soldier... But now, this is beyond their ability. The people are complaining about them ..even though they know they are doing their best, they are still complaining. That's why I called you a meeting. What should we do to change this situation. It's for our people and for the soldiers!"

"Ahem..." A dry cough sounded abruptly.

"General Qin, do you have anything to say?" The white colonel quickly put his face in front of Qin Wei, "Do you know? I have been waiting for your speech!"

"Colonel Chennault, I'm really flattered by your words." Qin Wei laughed twice, "I just joined. I don't know anything about the situation, why are you waiting for me to speak?"

"I know the people here very well. Seriously, I don't like the way you Chinese speak, so I'll just say it..." Chennault stared at Qin Wei: "The reason why I wait for you to speak is because I know that no one here has a solution to the problems we face right now, including myself. And from what I've learned over the years of working with Mrs. Chiang, if you don't have a solution to the situation, she can't Invited you to the meeting, and appointed you as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Air Force... She expects a lot from you.

"Then what does this have to do with you?" Qin Wei asked again with a smile.When he learned that the person in front of him was Chennault.He paid special attention to this Yankee.Speaking of it, based on his understanding of the history of World War II.Among the generals of the United States.He only had two eyes, one was Marshall and the other was Eisenhower; the rest, such as MacArthur, he didn't think there was anything special at all.Because in his view, with the strong industrial strength of the United States, replace these people with someone else.It is possible to achieve the same result.MacArthur was almost captured by the Japanese at first, and finally lost [-] U.S. troops and his deputy commander and ran away. Later, he was beaten by Lao Peng in North Korea. He was defeated again and again.Obviously the kind of guy who cares about eating but not fighting; and the well-known General Patton, because his temper is too violent, he is easy to create confrontation and does not please him.After all, modern warfare is no longer a matter of two generals, what is needed is overall coordination.

Apart from these great figures, "Flying Tiger General" Chennault's help to China during the War of Resistance has always been in his heart.You know, this old man stayed in China for eight years until the end of the Anti-Japanese War.If it weren't for the "Flying Tigers" he led, China would have suffered even more during the most difficult period of the War of Resistance.

"General Qin, it doesn't matter whether you have anything to do with me or not. I just want to know what you want to say, or is it just a tickle in your throat?" Chennault ignored Qin Wei's question, and still stared at him. he asked.

"My throat doesn't itch!" Qin Wei smiled wryly.

"Then you have something to say! Then say it. I believe that besides me, many people here would also like to hear your advice." Chennault said again.

"Actually, I don't know anything about the Air Force," Qin Wei smiled wryly again, he understood what a straight tube is, and this Chennault obviously is.No wonder this guy dared to challenge the general when he was just a captain, and was forced to retire in the end.But having said that, Chennault would not have been picked up by China if the U.S. military hadn't been blind.This is a great bargain.

"I believe others don't know about the Air Force, but you, Chief Qin, don't know about the Air Force. I don't believe that!" Soong Meiling took over the conversation and directly denied what Qin Wei said just now, "Don't use such words to say Prevaricate me. I called you this time because I want you to help me find a way."

"Let me help you find a solution, then I will ask you to send Colonel Chennault to the United States, why haven't you given an order until now?" Qin Wei asked suddenly.

"What?" Chennault exclaimed before everyone else, "Send me back to America? Why? Did I do something wrong? General Qin, you must give me a reasonable explanation."

"Colonel Chennault, I don't need to explain to you." Qin Wei shrugged: "In the United States, there are many top pilots, and they are idle right now. I heard that many of them don't even have enough living expenses! And we What? I just made a small fortune, and I can hire them if I have the money... What is the explanation for you, an American, to hire them? Of course, it would be even better if you could bring some planes over by the way gone."

"You mean... you want me to go back to the United States to recruit volunteers?" Chennault was not slow, and immediately thought of Qin Wei's meaning.

"You should be a general, Colonel!" Qin Wei smiled, but then changed his serious expression: "But the American pilots are only far away! Far away can't quench their thirst. Therefore, in order to deal with the Japanese bombing, we You have to figure out something else.”

"any solution?"

Not only Song Meiling, but everyone else was also disturbed by Qin Wei's suddenly serious expression.This guy actually has a way?

"Magic!" (to be continued...)

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