mixed in the war

Chapter 153 Information from the British

() "Why do you have to fight recklessly? Why do you have to fight recklessly? The Chinese have studied the art of war for thousands of years. Isn't it enough to make up a circle around the Japanese people?"

After Zhou Zhirou came out of Chiang Kai-shek's office, her legs were shaking.

Two hundred enemy planes were killed in the first battle.

The Air Force has achieved such a record?This is real?

As if it was real.

And it's not just as simple as two hundred enemy planes, they bombed Wangjiadun Airport, they also killed Qing's sky is safe.

Zhou Zhirou sighed, he blamed himself immensely.

Why?Why didn't I think of creating a circle for the Japanese to drill?That's right, he, Wang Shuming, Huang Bingheng, and Chennault came up with this plan, but how could they have thought of this without Qin Wei's reminder?Since the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, they have been just taking the lives of those precious pilots to head-to-head with the Japanese?


"Mr. Zhou, what about the Chairman?"

Back at the headquarters, a group of people waiting in the conference room immediately surrounded Zhou Zhirou, all looking at him eagerly.But it is undeniable that compared with the gloomyness after every air battle with the Japanese army before, everyone at this time is very excited. Immediately there will be a sea of ​​cheers.It can even be compared with the return of the pilots after the battle yesterday.

"The chairman praised our actions this time, thinking that we have demonstrated the prestige of the Chinese Air Force. However, the chairman also warned us to be on guard against the Japanese army's counterattack at any time. After all, the two hundred or so planes are against the Japanese. It’s nothing, although it hurts the tendons, but it’s far from breaking the bones.”

Zhou Zhirou decided to hide more compliments. First, he didn't want everyone to get too excited and forget about the imminent threat. Second, the a6m1 model was like a nightmare, popping up from the bottom of his heart from time to time.If Qin Wei's information was accurate, it would be a plane that could make them defenseless.Although Soong Meiling has informed Hu Shi to immediately apply for cooperation with North American Airlines in the United States to design and formulate a new type of fighter, but who knows when an aircraft that can compete with the A6M1 will be designed? The data of the new aircraft of the Ri people sounds scary.

What's more. How could the Japanese not retaliate? There were more than 200 planes, and the entire Hankou Airport was empty, so it is no wonder that the devil is not in a hurry.

"Mr. Zhou, over 200 enemy planes have been wiped out, and the chairman just praised us. There is no real benefit?" Behind Huang Bingheng, Liu Zhesheng showed half of his head in dissatisfaction.

"I know you have merit. But if you want to benefit, you have to continue to work with the Japanese." Zhou Zhirou glared at the trump card known as "Desolate Vulture", and said.

"It's natural to continue. But now the Japanese are afraid..."

"I'm afraid the Japanese will not have time to trouble us for a while, is it?" Wang Shuming took over Liu Zhesheng's words and asked in a deep voice.

"Hey, that's right. But it's all about Chief Zhou and Chief of Staff Wang. Ah, and Commander Huang is well-led." Liu Zhesheng smiled at the senior generals present one by one.He is the ace of the air force, and after flying into the sky, he is a vulture in the wilderness, fierce and brutal.He is also recognized as the core figure among many pilots with eyes above the top.But just because you're good in a plane doesn't mean you're good on the ground.Especially when he saw that Wang Shuming's face was not good, he quickly put away his thoughts of asking for credit.

"It's not that I won't give you rewards, but I plan to wait for you to make new achievements. Let's reward together." Zhou Zhirou walked in front of Liu Zhesheng, "Today is a day off. Tomorrow you will have a new task... The Japanese are in Hubei, Hunan There is nothing to do in this part of the sky for the time being. Then, we have to take advantage of this gap to let them have a taste of ours... The military command and the central command are stepping up to collect the military deployment of the Japanese in the Huguang area, and will report tomorrow Send it here. And starting tomorrow, you will act together with the bomber brigade to return the parts that the Japanese have used for us one by one!"

"That's right. The Japanese like to bomb us so much, so let's bomb them now. He bombed our people, so we bombed their army, bombed their supplies, bombed their arsenal! After doing these things, then we will It's a great contribution. Now these are just appetizers!" Huang Bingheng also said.

"Blood for blood, tooth for tooth. The next action is called 'Blood Tooth'! It's nothing to blow up a Wangjiadun, but it's nothing to blow up the Japanese people to cry their fathers and mothers. Such a long breath of anger!" Wang Shuming also said viciously.

"Yes, sir, don't worry, my air force officers and soldiers swear to complete the task!"

Liu Zhesheng and others issued a military order in front of Zhou Zhirou and his gang.With the order of the Air Force Command, taking advantage of the huge loss of the Japanese Air Force, the Chinese Air Force began to dispatch frequently to bombard the Japanese frontier troops.


"As of yesterday afternoon, in the past two weeks, the Chinese Air Force has made a total of 43 attacks. Although our remaining air force fought hard to block the attack, it has had little effect. In Hubei, they bombed Huixin, Gao'an and other places successively, resulting in the loss of the 101st and 106th divisions. Huge; Hunan, the 6th Division, the 33rd Division, Nara Detachment, and Uemura Detachment have all been bombed. Among them, the two field artillery units of the 33rd Division and Uemura Detachment have lost their combat effectiveness after being bombed. In addition... ..."


Hisao Nishio swung his arm violently, sweeping everything in front of him to the ground.


"The Chinese are indeed unexpected." Kenji Doihara sat on the sofa and gently turned the lid of the teacup, "But this is also too negligent on the part of Hankou. We bomb the enemy, and the enemy can naturally bomb We. But they didn't prepare for the possible counterattack of the Chinese at all... Tsukahara [-], the commander of the air force, is not competent at all, maybe he thought he was at sea."

"But no matter what, we still have no way to fight back against the Chinese in a short period of time. Especially the Chinese now send planes to Hankou Airport to make trouble almost every day...the progress of the project there is very slow." Gong Xi closed his eyes. The battle report continued.

"Then it's not in Hankou." Kenji Doihara sneered, "China's area is so vast, there are places in Hubei and Hunan where airports can be built."

"But an airport like Wangjiadun in Hankou will definitely not be built." Zhongxigong sighed.Wangjiadun Airport was originally an important base of the Chinese Air Force, and it is very convenient to fall into the "Qing".

"The navy is extremely angry now. It has decided to send two more bomber brigades and one fighter brigade to reinforce the inland, but our army is always pushing back." Hisao Nishio said angrily again.

"Of course they will shirk. The Soviets have assembled hundreds of thousands of troops and thousands of aircraft on the border of the Far East. With a sufficient number of planes to deal with, Yoshijiro Umezu and the others will definitely not be able to sleep." Doihara said.

"But we can't just let the Chinese planes show off their power above our heads? The performance of the Chinese this time has already had a great impact on the frontline troops. Our morale is very low." Hisao Nishio complained.

"Actually, we should be able to deal with the Chinese air force even with only the aviation supported by the navy. It is not necessary for the army to send out their few aircraft." Nakanishi Gong suddenly said: "After all, as a member of the army Members, we are very aware of how many places our troops have to take care of. In addition to dealing with the Soviet Far East Air Force, we also have to take care of the huge North China, Northwest and other places... There are only more than 1000 aircraft in total, and it is only It's barely enough."

"If you just want to fight against the Chinese, then of course it's nothing. But the problem is that we just lost an entire air force, and the commander of the navy's air force was blown into a disability. We want revenge! We must revenge! We must take The arrogance of the Chinese is coming down." Hisao Nishio kept patting the table loudly. < Qing has completed a new round of bombing, and these planes can be returned immediately. " Doihara said.

"It seems that this is the only way..."


"Come in!"

Hisao Nishio straightened his military uniform which was slightly messed up due to his anger, and sat back on the chair.Then, he saw Nan Zao Yunzi walking in.

"Is there a problem?"

With a sideways glance at Doihara, he asked again.

"The top-secret information I just got." Nanzo Yunzi didn't show any expression on his face, and didn't even glance at Doihara. He walked to Nishio Hisao's desk and handed over the document: "Commander , please look!"

"what is this?"

Hisao Nishio opened the file, but only saw two photos.The photo seems to be taken from a high altitude, surrounded by mountains, a building in the middle of the valley, and the most striking ones are several tall chimneys. < Qing secretly built a steel factory that mainly produces special steel, including gun steel! "Nanzao Yunzi said again. < Qing?" Doihara couldn't help leaning over, "Why didn't we get the information? Looking at this photo, it should have been under construction for a long time..."

"The construction has been basically completed, and trial operation will start in a few months. It was built secretly by the Chinese side, and the entire project used European technology. During the construction process, the entire construction site was completely closed by the army, and the place is remote, so ..." Nanzao Yunzi said.

"Where did you get this information from?" Doihara asked.


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