In the early morning, when Soong Meiling walked from her Songting Hall to Chiang Kai-shek's Yunxiu Building, she saw Lao Jiang sitting in a daze on a chair on the lawn in front of the building.

"What happened?"

Song Meiling was a little curious.Looking back on the recent events a little bit, nothing major happened.Although she was still trapped in the southwest, the current situation was much better than when she and Lao Jiang had just retreated to Chongqing.With the money and sufficient weapons, the most important thing is that the Japanese repeatedly attempted to attack the Kuomintang-controlled area but failed.In this case, there shouldn't be anything that can embarrass Lao Jiang.

"It's nothing." Chiang Kai-shek had already seen his wife, he just didn't want to stop thinking, but since Song Meiling asked, he could only answer: "Yang Jie wants to resign!"

"Yang Jie?" Song Meiling was stunned for a moment, "Aren't you always dissatisfied with him? Since he wants to resign, let him resign. At worst, give him a idle job and hang up first." [

"If he simply wanted to resign, it would be fine. At worst, he would be a member of the Military Commission. But now he wants to go to Yunnan to be the commander of the Production and Construction Corps." Chiang Kai-shek said.

"Yunnan?" Soong Meiling was taken aback again, "Isn't it already arranged for him to stay in Chongqing?"

"But he suddenly changed his mind, and not only did he change his mind, but he didn't even want the post of Deputy Chief of the Military Command." Chiang Kai-shek touched his bald head, "But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that Qin Wei What I want is Yunnan."


Although Song Meiling was surprised that Yang Jie resigned and wanted to go to Yunnan to serve as the commander of the Production and Construction Corps, she actually didn't take it seriously.Although Yang Jie has a good reputation, he is only a fringe figure, but if Qin Wei is added to this, it will be different... No one knows what cards that kid has.Besides, the most important thing is that Qin Wei is "rich".One is talented and the other is rich.Adding two by two is not as simple as one plus one equals two.

"I thought Qin Wei would also stay in Chongqing. Why did he suddenly want to go to Yunnan?"

"Maybe it's because we feel that Yunnan is not in our hands, so we can move more freely." Chiang Kai-shek touched his shiny scalp again, "After all, it is impossible for a person like him to be lonely."

"Even if Yunnan is not in our hands, there is still a 'King of Yunnan' Long Yun." Soong Meiling pulled a chair and sat down, "He has always regarded Yunnan as his own territory, if it was not for the great cause of the War of Resistance, he would never The central government is allowed to reach in there. But even so, the central government’s influence in Yunnan is very weak compared to other provinces. Qin Wei is an outsider, even if he has money, how many steps can he move? Long Yun is not like us, he can tolerate He's messing around."

"Speaking of misbehavior. He has never done such a thing." Chiang Kai-shek glanced at Song Meiling, "The way he does things is different from many people, and everyone is not used to it. But I just don't understand. , why would he choose to go to can't be because it's the rear area, right?"

"In my opinion, Qin Wei can leave him alone for the time being. The problem now is Yang Jie." Song Meiling said thoughtfully: "If you are a dignified general of the party and state, if you are in Chongqing, you can concurrently serve as the commander of the production and construction corps while serving as the deputy chief of the military command department. It’s okay to say. But he resigned from the military command and went to Yunnan to manage a so-called corps that is not even a backup. What would outsiders think? After all, he is the hero who brought us a lot of aid from the Soviet Union!”

"Outsiders are not afraid of anything. Now we only have so many troops. It is impossible to let all the soldiers who have been soldiers go out to fight, right?" Chiang Kai-shek said: "I am worried that Yang Jie and Qin Wei will get mixed up... After all, when Now, we still don’t know who this guy is and what his purpose is when he came to Chongqing.”

"Dai Li seems to have a good relationship with Qin Wei. Do you want to send him to ask?" Song Meiling asked.

"I can't ask anything." Chiang Kai-shek shook his head, "Didn't you tell me last time? Qin Wei also dragged Chen Lifu's people into the White Mansion where he is currently... This means that he and Dai Li’s relationship is no better than before. Even he was dissatisfied with Dai Li and Juntong before, but because he was not influential enough at that time, he showed a little affection. Now, his military rank is higher than Dai Li, and we are sure again The accuracy of his news in Libya, plus the fact that he sent Shen Zui to Shanghai Liwei some time ago... These things are enough for him to stop caring about Dai Li."

"Then let him go to Yunnan!" Soong Meiling thought about it, "It's a big province anyway, and it's also an important town in the southwestern border of my country. Now it's our only international transportation line. There's no reason to let Long Yun control it all the time. Let Qin Wei go make a fuss, make a fuss, maybe we can find a chance to intervene, and bring this province that has been deviated from the central government back to the right path."

"I think so too, but the key to the problem is Yang Jie." Chiang Kai-shek said: "Although this guy doesn't understand human affairs, his military talent is still very powerful, enough to compete with Jiang Baili and Bai Jiansheng (Bai Chongxi) , the only thing missing is an opportunity. If he really cooperates with Qin Wei, then our corps in Yunnan may really only have the surname Qin or Yang."

"Just send a few more people to watch it. If it doesn't work, let's take Long Yun to suppress it... After all, the war is the main thing now, so I forgive them for not daring to do anything." Soong Meiling thought for a while, He suddenly smiled again, "Darling, although the production and construction corps is mainly engaged in production and construction, it is not a regular combat force, but it is still under the leadership of the military committee... You forgot how to cut down those arrogant soldiers in Pingchuan Is it done?"


Chiang Kai-shek's eyes lit up, and then he nodded with a smile.The authorities are obsessed, he actually forgot his own best and best method.That's right, he can use the righteousness of the Anti-Japanese War and the identity of the central government to continuously transfer troops from Yunnan.There were so many warlords in Sichuan at the beginning, but in the end, he used this trick to "peace" them?At the beginning, there were dozens of warlords in Sichuan Province, and there were more than ten warlords such as Xiong Kewu, Liu Xiang, Liu Hui, Yang Sen, Deng Xihou, Wang Lingji, Tian Songyao, Luo Zezhou, and Lai Xinhui.These people hid in Sichuan all day long, fighting and killing. From the beginning of the Republic of China to Liu Xiangji's command of the whole Sichuan, over 20 years, there were more than 470 battles, large and small.It's outrageous to harm the land of abundance.But it was such a complicated situation. With so many warlords, under his righteousness of the War of Resistance, there was no means of resistance at all. Liu Xiang even led troops out of Sichuan in person to show his determination to fight the War of Resistance.Of course, the performance of the Sichuan army on the anti-Japanese battlefield is also obvious to all, from the "beggars" who were ridiculed when they first came out of Sichuan, to the death of several soldiers on the battlefield.His reputation spread far and wide, and when Liu Xiang died of illness in Hankou, he never returned to Sichuan. These things are embarrassing to think about.

"Alright. Since they want to go, let them go!" Shaking his head lightly, driving those inexplicable emotions out of his mind, Chiang Kai-shek made a decision. [

"Have a pack of cigarettes."


Zhong Xigong drove the car by himself, and stopped when he passed a small cigarette stall on the street.Looking back through the rearview mirror while buying cigarettes...

"Sure enough, there are people."

Two guys who looked like ordinary passers-by passed behind the car at a distance of about tens of meters. Although the other party concealed it well, Zhong Xigong still concluded at a glance that it was a stalker.

"Since I left the headquarters. Until here, it seems that a lot of people have been dispatched."

After paying the money, he threw the cigarette butt in his mouth out of the car, and Gong Zhongxi continued to drive.Not far away.From the rearview mirror, he saw someone rushing to the place where he just bought cigarettes, although he didn't see what the other party did because he turned a corner.But he can be sure that those guys will only do two things: one, pick up the cigarette butts he threw away and check; two.Monitor or arrest the cigarette peddler directly.

"Is it exposed so soon?" While watching the pedestrians in front of him, Nakanishi Gong recalled his actions these days.Since the other party did not directly attack.That means there is no conclusive evidence yet.That also means that the other party only exists in doubt about himself.And the object of this suspicion may not be just one person, and I should be just one of them.

"Should be more careful these days."

A real spy would never have such a terrible idea of ​​"playing with the other party".Nakanishi Gong decisively decided to stop his recent actions... Of course, at his level, it is normal for him to move only once in the year of the monkey.It's just that there are too many recent things, and they are all too big. If he doesn't move, it is very likely that there will be huge and terrible consequences.He had to move.But the problem is, if he continues to move like this, he may really be completely exposed.


While thinking, a car suddenly rushed out of the fork in front of the car.Nakanishi subconsciously stepped on the brakes.Before he could ask, the rear car of the opposite car had been put down, and the people in the car were even smiling and waving to him.


Gong Nakanishi knows this person, this person is the guest of Major General Murakasa of the Gendarmerie Command, it is said that Mao Sen, who has a very high status in the military command Shanghai station... Ever since this guy was arrested, the military command Shanghai station has almost stopped Hara was extremely crazy about various assassination and sabotage activities. From this, Murakami Sakae concluded that this person played an important role in Shanghai, and launched activities to persuade him to surrender.And Mao Sen was quickly "persuaded" and began to "cooperate" with the Gendarmerie Command. As a result, the various actions of the Military Command Shanghai Station became less and less... Murashita Sakae was very happy about this.This kind of "peace" is what the Japanese need most, and it is far more important than catching a few military spies.Therefore, Mao Sen has received more and more attention, and besides being imprisoned, he enjoys various high-end services.And this situation has changed after the "massacre operation" not long ago... Chinese intelligence agencies launched a massacre in Shanghai, killing people in a panic overnight. According to strict orders, the murderer must be found in a short time.Not to mention him, even the director of the Mei agency was killed, and he didn't know what to do; the situation in Murakasa Sakae City was similar.After all, the Japanese are all outsiders.Therefore, Murakami Sakae thought of this "very energetic" Mao Sen. After some discussions, Murakami Sakae gave this person a certain amount of freedom, and Mao Sen was responsible for finding the murderer.The development of the matter did not disappoint Murakami Sakae after that. In less than two days, Mao Sen found the cause of the death of Shanghai Mayor Fu Xiaoan...It turned out that he was hacked to death with a kitchen knife by Zhu Shengyuan, a cook who had served the Fu family for two generations. of.This cook was previously a close friend of Fu Xiaoan's father.But why did Zhu Shengyuan, a loyal servant of two generations, kill his master's family?It turned out that this person had long been dissatisfied with Fu Xiaoan's surrender to the Japanese as a traitor, and persuaded him many times, but Fu Xiaoan refused to listen, and the military commander did not know where he got the news. After some persuasion and assurances, Zhu Shengyuan became murderous.

After finding out the cause of Fu Xiaoan's death, Murakami Sakae was more satisfied with Mao Sen.Allow him to move about "unsupervised".As the director of the special affairs department of the China Expeditionary Army Command, Nakanishi knew about this, and he even met Mao Sen.But I didn't expect this guy to suddenly block my way... People like them don't believe in chance encounters.

"This guy is the Kuomintang, did he find something?"

Unconsciously, Nakanishi touched the handle of the gun.

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